module Locomotive module Concerns module ContentEntry module Localized extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do ## fields ## field :_translated, type: Boolean, localize: true ## callbacks ## before_create :localize_slug before_save :persist_translated_status end # Tell if the content entry has been translated or not. # It just checks if the field used for the label has been translated. # It assumes the entry is localized. # # @return [ Boolean ] True if translated, false otherwise # def translated? if self.respond_to?(:"#{_label_field_name}_translations") self.send(:"#{_label_field_name}_translations").key?(::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.locale.to_s) #rescue false else true end end # Return the locales the content entry has been translated to. # # @return [ Array ] The list of locales. Nil if not localized # def translated_in if self.localized? self.send(:"#{_label_field_name}_translations").keys else nil end end # Tell if the field of the content entry has been translated # in the current locale or not. # # @param [ String/Object ] field The field or the name of the field # # @return [ Boolean ] True if translated, false if not, nil if the field is not localized # def translated_field?(field_or_name) field = field_or_name.respond_to?(:name) ? field_or_name : self.fields[field_or_name.to_s] if field.try(:localized?) locale = ::Mongoid::Fields::I18n.locale.to_s (self.attributes[] || {}).key?(locale) else nil end end # Tell if the entry is localized or not, meaning if the label field # is localized or not. # # @return [ Boolean ] True if localized, false otherwise # def localized? self.respond_to?(:"#{_label_field_name}_translations") end protected def localize_slug return unless localized? current_slug = self._slug do |locale, _| self._slug = current_slug end end def persist_translated_status self._translated = self.translated? end end end end end