"********************************************************************************** * The License * * * * The user is free to produce commercial applications with the software, to * * distribute these applications in source or binary form, and to charge monies * * for them as he sees fit and in concordance with the laws of the land subject * * to the following license. * * * * 1. The license applies to all the software and all derived software and * * must appear on such. * * * * 2. It is illegal to distribute the software without this license attached * * to it and use of the software implies agreement with the license as such. * * It is illegal for anyone who is not the copyright holder to tamper with * * or change the license. * * * * 3. Neither the names of Lambda Associates or the copyright holder may be used * * to endorse or promote products built using the software without specific * * prior written permission from the copyright holder. * * * * 4. That possession of this license does not confer on the copyright holder * * any special contractual obligation towards the user. That in no event * * shall the copyright holder be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, * * special, exemplary or consequential damages (including but not limited * * to procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, * * interruption), however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in * * contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence) arising in any * * way out of the use of the software, even if advised of the possibility of * * such damage. * * * * 5. It is permitted for the user to change the software, for the purpose of * * improving performance, correcting an error, or porting to a new platform, * * and distribute the derived version of Shen provided the resulting program * * conforms in all respects to the Shen standard and is issued under that * * title. The user must make it clear with his distribution that he/she is * * the author of the changes and what these changes are and why. * * * * 6. Derived versions of this software in whatever form are subject to the same * * restrictions. In particular it is not permitted to make derived copies of * * this software which do not conform to the Shen standard or appear under a * * different title. * * * * It is permitted to distribute versions of Shen which incorporate libraries, * * graphics or other facilities which are not part of the Shen standard. * * * * For an explication of this license see www.shenlanguage.org/license.htm which * * explains this license in full. * * * ***************************************************************************************** "(defun shen.shen () (do (shen.credits) (shen.loop))) (defun shen.loop () (do (shen.initialise_environment) (do (shen.prompt) (do (trap-error (shen.read-evaluate-print) (lambda E (pr (error-to-string E) (stoutput)))) (shen.loop))))) (defun shen.credits () (do (shen.prhush " Shen 2010, copyright (C) 2010 Mark Tarver " (stoutput)) (do (shen.prhush "released under the Shen license " (stoutput)) (do (shen.prhush (cn "www.shenlanguage.org, " (shen.app (value *version*) " " shen.a)) (stoutput)) (do (shen.prhush (cn "running under " (shen.app (value *language*) (cn ", implementation: " (shen.app (value *implementation*) "" shen.a)) shen.a)) (stoutput)) (shen.prhush (cn " port " (shen.app (value *port*) (cn " ported by " (shen.app (value *porters*) " " shen.a)) shen.a)) (stoutput))))))) (defun shen.initialise_environment () (shen.multiple-set (cons shen.*call* (cons 0 (cons shen.*infs* (cons 0 (cons shen.*process-counter* (cons 0 (cons shen.*catch* (cons 0 ())))))))))) (defun shen.multiple-set (V2374) (cond ((= () V2374) ()) ((and (cons? V2374) (cons? (tl V2374))) (do (set (hd V2374) (hd (tl V2374))) (shen.multiple-set (tl (tl V2374))))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.multiple-set)))) (defun destroy (V2375) (declare V2375 symbol)) (set shen.*history* ()) (defun shen.read-evaluate-print () (let Lineread (shen.toplineread) (let History (value shen.*history*) (let NewLineread (shen.retrieve-from-history-if-needed Lineread History) (let NewHistory (shen.update_history NewLineread History) (let Parsed (fst NewLineread) (shen.toplevel Parsed))))))) (defun shen.retrieve-from-history-if-needed (V2385 V2386) (cond ((and (tuple? V2385) (and (cons? (snd V2385)) (element? (hd (snd V2385)) (cons (shen.space) (cons (shen.newline) ()))))) (shen.retrieve-from-history-if-needed (@p (fst V2385) (tl (snd V2385))) V2386)) ((and (tuple? V2385) (and (cons? (snd V2385)) (and (cons? (tl (snd V2385))) (and (= () (tl (tl (snd V2385)))) (and (cons? V2386) (and (= (hd (snd V2385)) (shen.exclamation)) (= (hd (tl (snd V2385))) (shen.exclamation)))))))) (let PastPrint (shen.prbytes (snd (hd V2386))) (hd V2386))) ((and (tuple? V2385) (and (cons? (snd V2385)) (= (hd (snd V2385)) (shen.exclamation)))) (let Key? (shen.make-key (tl (snd V2385)) V2386) (let Find (head (shen.find-past-inputs Key? V2386)) (let PastPrint (shen.prbytes (snd Find)) Find)))) ((and (tuple? V2385) (and (cons? (snd V2385)) (and (= () (tl (snd V2385))) (= (hd (snd V2385)) (shen.percent))))) (do (shen.print-past-inputs (lambda X true) (reverse V2386) 0) (abort))) ((and (tuple? V2385) (and (cons? (snd V2385)) (= (hd (snd V2385)) (shen.percent)))) (let Key? (shen.make-key (tl (snd V2385)) V2386) (let Pastprint (shen.print-past-inputs Key? (reverse V2386) 0) (abort)))) (true V2385))) (defun shen.percent () 37) (defun shen.exclamation () 33) (defun shen.prbytes (V2387) (do (map (lambda Byte (pr (n->string Byte) (stoutput))) V2387) (nl 1))) (defun shen.update_history (V2388 V2389) (set shen.*history* (cons V2388 V2389))) (defun shen.toplineread () (shen.toplineread_loop (read-byte (stinput)) ())) (defun shen.toplineread_loop (V2391 V2392) (cond ((= V2391 (shen.hat)) (simple-error "line read aborted")) ((element? V2391 (cons (shen.newline) (cons (shen.carriage-return) ()))) (let Line (compile (lambda X2372 (shen. X2372)) V2392 (lambda E shen.nextline)) (let It (shen.record-it V2392) (if (or (= Line shen.nextline) (empty? Line)) (shen.toplineread_loop (read-byte (stinput)) (append V2392 (cons V2391 ()))) (@p Line V2392))))) (true (shen.toplineread_loop (read-byte (stinput)) (append V2392 (cons V2391 ())))))) (defun shen.hat () 94) (defun shen.newline () 10) (defun shen.carriage-return () 13) (defun tc (V2397) (cond ((= + V2397) (set shen.*tc* true)) ((= - V2397) (set shen.*tc* false)) (true (simple-error "tc expects a + or -")))) (defun shen.prompt () (if (value shen.*tc*) (shen.prhush (cn " (" (shen.app (length (value shen.*history*)) "+) " shen.a)) (stoutput)) (shen.prhush (cn " (" (shen.app (length (value shen.*history*)) "-) " shen.a)) (stoutput)))) (defun shen.toplevel (V2398) (shen.toplevel_evaluate V2398 (value shen.*tc*))) (defun shen.find-past-inputs (V2399 V2400) (let F (shen.find V2399 V2400) (if (empty? F) (simple-error "input not found ") F))) (defun shen.make-key (V2401 V2402) (let Atom (hd (compile (lambda X2373 (shen. X2373)) V2401 (lambda E (if (cons? E) (simple-error (cn "parse error here: " (shen.app E " " shen.s))) (simple-error "parse error "))))) (if (integer? Atom) (lambda X (= X (nth (+ Atom 1) (reverse V2402)))) (lambda X (shen.prefix? V2401 (shen.trim-gubbins (snd X))))))) (defun shen.trim-gubbins (V2403) (cond ((and (cons? V2403) (= (hd V2403) (shen.space))) (shen.trim-gubbins (tl V2403))) ((and (cons? V2403) (= (hd V2403) (shen.newline))) (shen.trim-gubbins (tl V2403))) ((and (cons? V2403) (= (hd V2403) (shen.carriage-return))) (shen.trim-gubbins (tl V2403))) ((and (cons? V2403) (= (hd V2403) (shen.tab))) (shen.trim-gubbins (tl V2403))) ((and (cons? V2403) (= (hd V2403) (shen.left-round))) (shen.trim-gubbins (tl V2403))) (true V2403))) (defun shen.space () 32) (defun shen.tab () 9) (defun shen.left-round () 40) (defun shen.find (V2410 V2411) (cond ((= () V2411) ()) ((and (cons? V2411) (V2410 (hd V2411))) (cons (hd V2411) (shen.find V2410 (tl V2411)))) ((cons? V2411) (shen.find V2410 (tl V2411))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.find)))) (defun shen.prefix? (V2422 V2423) (cond ((= () V2422) true) ((and (cons? V2422) (and (cons? V2423) (= (hd V2423) (hd V2422)))) (shen.prefix? (tl V2422) (tl V2423))) (true false))) (defun shen.print-past-inputs (V2433 V2434 V2435) (cond ((= () V2434) _) ((and (cons? V2434) (not (V2433 (hd V2434)))) (shen.print-past-inputs V2433 (tl V2434) (+ V2435 1))) ((and (cons? V2434) (tuple? (hd V2434))) (do (shen.prhush (shen.app V2435 ". " shen.a) (stoutput)) (do (shen.prbytes (snd (hd V2434))) (shen.print-past-inputs V2433 (tl V2434) (+ V2435 1))))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.print-past-inputs)))) (defun shen.toplevel_evaluate (V2436 V2437) (cond ((and (cons? V2436) (and (cons? (tl V2436)) (and (= : (hd (tl V2436))) (and (cons? (tl (tl V2436))) (and (= () (tl (tl (tl V2436)))) (= true V2437)))))) (shen.typecheck-and-evaluate (hd V2436) (hd (tl (tl V2436))))) ((and (cons? V2436) (cons? (tl V2436))) (do (shen.toplevel_evaluate (cons (hd V2436) ()) V2437) (do (nl 1) (shen.toplevel_evaluate (tl V2436) V2437)))) ((and (cons? V2436) (and (= () (tl V2436)) (= true V2437))) (shen.typecheck-and-evaluate (hd V2436) (gensym A))) ((and (cons? V2436) (and (= () (tl V2436)) (= false V2437))) (let Eval (shen.eval-without-macros (hd V2436)) (print Eval))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.toplevel_evaluate)))) (defun shen.typecheck-and-evaluate (V2438 V2439) (let Typecheck (shen.typecheck V2438 V2439) (if (= Typecheck false) (simple-error "type error ") (let Eval (shen.eval-without-macros V2438) (let Type (shen.pretty-type Typecheck) (shen.prhush (shen.app Eval (cn " : " (shen.app Type "" shen.r)) shen.s) (stoutput))))))) (defun shen.pretty-type (V2440) (shen.mult_subst (value shen.*alphabet*) (shen.extract-pvars V2440) V2440)) (defun shen.extract-pvars (V2445) (cond ((shen.pvar? V2445) (cons V2445 ())) ((cons? V2445) (union (shen.extract-pvars (hd V2445)) (shen.extract-pvars (tl V2445)))) (true ()))) (defun shen.mult_subst (V2450 V2451 V2452) (cond ((= () V2450) V2452) ((= () V2451) V2452) ((and (cons? V2450) (cons? V2451)) (shen.mult_subst (tl V2450) (tl V2451) (subst (hd V2450) (hd V2451) V2452))) (true (shen.sys-error shen.mult_subst))))