import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'; import { run, later, backburner, hasScheduledTimers, getCurrentRunLoop } from '..'; const originalSetTimeout = window.setTimeout; const originalDateValueOf = Date.prototype.valueOf; const originalPlatform = backburner._platform; function wait(callback, maxWaitCount = 100) { originalSetTimeout(() => { if (maxWaitCount > 0 && (hasScheduledTimers() || getCurrentRunLoop())) { wait(callback, maxWaitCount - 1); return; } callback(); }, 10); } // Synchronous "sleep". This simulates work being done // after later was called but before the run loop // has flushed. In previous versions, this would have // caused the later callback to have run from // within the run loop flush, since by the time the // run loop has to flush, it would have considered // the timer already expired. function pauseUntil(time) { while (+new Date() < time) { /* do nothing - sleeping */ } } moduleFor( 'run.later', class extends AbstractTestCase { teardown() { backburner._platform = originalPlatform; window.setTimeout = originalSetTimeout; Date.prototype.valueOf = originalDateValueOf; } ['@test should invoke after specified period of time - function only'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); let invoked = false; run(() => { later(() => (invoked = true), 100); }); wait(() => { assert.equal(invoked, true, 'should have invoked later item'); done(); }); } ['@test should invoke after specified period of time - target/method'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); let obj = { invoked: false }; run(() => { later( obj, function() { this.invoked = true; }, 100 ); }); wait(() => { assert.equal(obj.invoked, true, 'should have invoked later item'); done(); }); } ['@test should invoke after specified period of time - target/method/args'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); let obj = { invoked: 0 }; run(() => { later( obj, function(amt) { this.invoked += amt; }, 10, 100 ); }); wait(() => { assert.equal(obj.invoked, 10, 'should have invoked later item'); done(); }); } ['@test should always invoke within a separate runloop'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); let obj = { invoked: 0 }; let firstRunLoop, secondRunLoop; run(() => { firstRunLoop = getCurrentRunLoop(); later( obj, function(amt) { this.invoked += amt; secondRunLoop = getCurrentRunLoop(); }, 10, 1 ); pauseUntil(+new Date() + 100); }); assert.ok(firstRunLoop, 'first run loop captured'); assert.ok(!getCurrentRunLoop(), "shouldn't be in a run loop after flush"); assert.equal(obj.invoked, 0, "shouldn't have invoked later item yet"); wait(() => { assert.equal(obj.invoked, 10, 'should have invoked later item'); assert.ok(secondRunLoop, 'second run loop took place'); assert.ok(secondRunLoop !== firstRunLoop, 'two different run loops took place'); done(); }); } // Our current implementation doesn't allow us to correctly enforce this ordering. // We should probably implement a queue to provide this guarantee. // See for more information. // asyncTest('callback order', function() { // let array = []; // function fn(val) { array.push(val); } // run(function() { // later(this, fn, 4, 5); // later(this, fn, 1, 1); // later(this, fn, 5, 10); // later(this, fn, 2, 3); // later(this, fn, 3, 3); // }); // deepEqual(array, []); // wait(function() { // QUnit.start(); // deepEqual(array, [1,2,3,4,5], 'callbacks were called in expected order'); // }); // }); // Out current implementation doesn't allow us to properly enforce what is tested here. // We should probably fix it, but it's not technically a bug right now. // See for more information. // asyncTest('callbacks coalesce into same run loop if expiring at the same time', function() { // let array = []; // function fn(val) { array.push(getCurrentRunLoop()); } // run(function() { // // Force +new Date to return the same result while scheduling // // later timers. Otherwise: non-determinism! // let now = +new Date(); // Date.prototype.valueOf = function() { return now; }; // later(this, fn, 10); // later(this, fn, 200); // later(this, fn, 200); // Date.prototype.valueOf = originalDateValueOf; // }); // deepEqual(array, []); // wait(function() { // QUnit.start(); // equal(array.length, 3, 'all callbacks called'); // ok(array[0] !== array[1], 'first two callbacks have different run loops'); // ok(array[0], 'first runloop present'); // ok(array[1], 'second runloop present'); // equal(array[1], array[2], 'last two callbacks got the same run loop'); // }); // }); ['@test inception calls to later should run callbacks in separate run loops'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); let runLoop, finished; run(() => { runLoop = getCurrentRunLoop(); assert.ok(runLoop); later(() => { assert.ok( getCurrentRunLoop() && getCurrentRunLoop() !== runLoop, 'first later callback has own run loop' ); runLoop = getCurrentRunLoop(); later(() => { assert.ok( getCurrentRunLoop() && getCurrentRunLoop() !== runLoop, 'second later callback has own run loop' ); finished = true; }, 40); }, 40); }); wait(() => { assert.ok(finished, 'all .later callbacks run'); done(); }); } ['@test setTimeout should never run with a negative wait'](assert) { let done = assert.async(); // Rationale: The old run loop code was susceptible to an occasional // bug where invokeLaterTimers would be scheduled with a setTimeout // with a negative wait. Modern browsers normalize this to 0, but // older browsers (IE <= 8) break with a negative wait, which // happens when an expired timer callback takes a while to run, // which is what we simulate here. let newSetTimeoutUsed; backburner._platform = assign({}, originalPlatform, { setTimeout() { let wait = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; newSetTimeoutUsed = true; assert.ok(!isNaN(wait) && wait >= 0, 'wait is a non-negative number'); return originalPlatform.setTimeout.apply(originalPlatform, arguments); }, }); let count = 0; run(() => { later(() => { count++; // This will get run first. Waste some time. // This is intended to break invokeLaterTimers code by taking a // long enough time that other timers should technically expire. It's // fine that they're not called in this run loop; just need to // make sure that invokeLaterTimers doesn't end up scheduling // a negative setTimeout. pauseUntil(+new Date() + 60); }, 1); later(() => { assert.equal(count, 1, 'callbacks called in order'); }, 50); }); wait(() => { assert.ok(newSetTimeoutUsed, 'stub setTimeout was used'); done(); }); } } );