require 'itamae' require 'shellwords' require 'hashie' module Itamae module Resource class Base class EvalContext attr_reader :attributes attr_reader :notifications attr_reader :subscriptions attr_reader :verify_commands attr_reader :only_if_command attr_reader :not_if_command def initialize(resource) @resource = resource @attributes = @notifications = [] @subscriptions = [] @verify_commands = [] end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) @resource.class.defined_attributes.has_key?(method) || super end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if @resource.class.defined_attributes[method] if args.size == 1 return @attributes[method] = args.first elsif args.size == 0 && block_given? return @attributes[method] = block elsif args.size == 0 return @attributes[method] end end super end def notifies(action, resource_desc, timing = :delay) @notifications << Notification.create(@resource, action, resource_desc, timing) end def subscribes(action, resource_desc, timing = :delay) @subscriptions << Subscription.create(@resource, action, resource_desc, timing) end def only_if(command) @only_if_command = command end def not_if(command) @not_if_command = command end def node @resource.recipe.runner.node end def run_command(*args) @resource.recipe.runner.backend.run_command(*args) end # Experimental def verify(command) @verify_commands << command end end @defined_attributes ||= {} class << self attr_reader :defined_attributes attr_reader :supported_oses def inherited(subclass) subclass.instance_variable_set( :@defined_attributes, self.defined_attributes.dup ) end def define_attribute(name, options) current = @defined_attributes[name.to_sym] || {} @defined_attributes[name.to_sym] = current.merge(options) end end define_attribute :action, type: [Symbol, Array], required: true define_attribute :user, type: String define_attribute :cwd, type: String attr_reader :recipe attr_reader :resource_name attr_reader :attributes attr_reader :current_attributes attr_reader :subscriptions attr_reader :notifications attr_reader :updated def initialize(recipe, resource_name, &block) clear_current_attributes @recipe = recipe @resource_name = resource_name @updated = false do |context| context.instance_eval(&block) if block @attributes = context.attributes @notifications = context.notifications @subscriptions = context.subscriptions @only_if_command = context.only_if_command @not_if_command = context.not_if_command @verify_commands = context.verify_commands end process_attributes end def run(specific_action = nil) runner.handler.event(:resource, resource_type: resource_type, resource_name: resource_name) do Itamae.logger.debug "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}]" Itamae.logger.with_indent_if(Itamae.logger.debug?) do if do_not_run_because_of_only_if? Itamae.logger.debug "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] Execution skipped because of only_if attribute" return elsif do_not_run_because_of_not_if? Itamae.logger.debug "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] Execution skipped because of not_if attribute" return end [specific_action || attributes.action].flatten.each do |action| run_action(action) end verify unless runner.dry_run? if updated? runner.diff_found! notify runner.handler.event(:resource_updated) end end @updated = false end rescue Backend::CommandExecutionError Itamae.logger.error "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] Failed." exit 2 end def action_nothing # do nothing end def resource_type"::").last.scan(/[A-Z][^A-Z]+/).map(&:downcase).join('_') end private alias_method :current, :current_attributes def run_action(action) runner.handler.event(:action, action: action) do original_attributes = @attributes # preserve and restore later @current_action = action clear_current_attributes Itamae.logger.debug "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] action: #{action}" return if action == :nothing Itamae.logger.with_indent_if(Itamae.logger.debug?) do Itamae.logger.debug "(in pre_action)" pre_action Itamae.logger.debug "(in set_current_attributes)" set_current_attributes Itamae.logger.debug "(in show_differences)" show_differences method_name = "action_#{action}" if runner.dry_run? unless respond_to?(method_name) Itamae.logger.error "action #{action.inspect} is unavailable" end else args = [method_name] if method(method_name).arity == 1 # for plugin compatibility args << runner.options end public_send(*args) end if different? updated! runner.handler.event(:attribute_changed, from: @current_attributes, to: @attributes) end end @current_action = nil @attributes = original_attributes end end def clear_current_attributes @current_attributes = end def pre_action # do nothing end def set_current_attributes # do nothing end def different? @current_attributes.each_pair.any? do |key, current_value| !current_value.nil? && !@attributes[key].nil? && current_value != @attributes[key] end end def show_differences @current_attributes.each_pair do |key, current_value| value = @attributes[key] if current_value.nil? && value.nil? # ignore elsif current_value.nil? && !value.nil? Itamae.logger.color :green do "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] #{key} will be '#{value}'" end elsif current_value == value || value.nil? Itamae.logger.debug "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] #{key} will not change (current value is '#{current_value}')" else Itamae.logger.color :green do "#{resource_type}[#{resource_name}] #{key} will change from '#{current_value}' to '#{value}'" end end end end def process_attributes self.class.defined_attributes.each_pair do |key, details| @attributes[key] ||= @resource_name if details[:default_name] @attributes[key] = details[:default] if details.has_key?(:default) && !@attributes.has_key?(key) if details[:required] && !@attributes[key] raise Resource::AttributeMissingError, "'#{key}' attribute is required but it is not set." end if @attributes[key] && details[:type] valid_type = [details[:type]].flatten.any? do |type| @attributes[key].is_a?(type) end unless valid_type raise Resource::InvalidTypeError, "#{key} attribute should be #{details[:type]}." end end end end def do_not_run_because_of_only_if? @only_if_command && run_command(@only_if_command, error: false).exit_status != 0 end def do_not_run_because_of_not_if? @not_if_command && run_command(@not_if_command, error: false).exit_status == 0 end def backend runner.backend end def runner recipe.runner end def node runner.node end def run_command(*args) unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) args << {} end args.last[:user] ||= attributes.user args.last[:cwd] ||= attributes.cwd backend.run_command(*args) end def check_command(*args) unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) args << {} end args.last[:error] = false run_command(*args).exit_status == 0 end def run_specinfra(type, *args) command = backend.get_command(type, *args) if type.to_s.start_with?("check_") check_command(command) else run_command(command) end end def shell_escape(str) str.shellescape end def updated! Itamae.logger.debug "This resource is updated." @updated = true end def updated? @updated end def notify (notifications + recipe.children.subscribing(self)).each do |notification| message = "Notifying #{notification.action} to #{notification.action_resource.resource_type} resource '#{notification.action_resource.resource_name}'" if notification.delayed? message << " (delayed)" elsif notification.immediately? message << " (immediately)" end message if notification.instance_of?(Subscription) "(because it subscribes this resource)" end if notification.delayed? @recipe.delayed_notifications << notification elsif notification.immediately? end end end def verify return if @verify_commands.empty? "Verifying..." Itamae.logger.with_indent do @verify_commands.each do |command| run_command(command) end end end end end end