VARIABLE cfdp_microservice_name CFDP VARIABLE cfdp_route_prefix /cfdp VARIABLE cfdp_port 2905 VARIABLE cfdp_cmd_target_name CFDP2 VARIABLE cfdp_cmd_packet_name CFDP_PDU VARIABLE cfdp_cmd_item_name PDU VARIABLE cfdp_tlm_target_name CFDP2 VARIABLE cfdp_tlm_packet_name CFDP_PDU VARIABLE cfdp_tlm_item_name PDU VARIABLE source_entity_id 1 VARIABLE destination_entity_id 2 VARIABLE root_path /DEFAULT/targets_modified/CFDP/tmp VARIABLE bucket config # Set to true to enable a test configuration VARIABLE plugin_test_mode "false" MICROSERVICE CFDP <%= cfdp_microservice_name %> WORK_DIR . ROUTE_PREFIX <%= cfdp_route_prefix %> ENV OPENC3_ROUTE_PREFIX <%= cfdp_route_prefix %> ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE 324973597349867207430793759437697498769349867349674 PORT <%= cfdp_port %> CMD rails s -b -p <%= cfdp_port %> -e production # MIB Options Follow - # You will need to modify these for your mission OPTION source_entity_id <%= source_entity_id %> OPTION tlm_info <%= cfdp_tlm_target_name %> <%= cfdp_tlm_packet_name %> <%= cfdp_tlm_item_name %> OPTION destination_entity_id <%= destination_entity_id %> OPTION cmd_info <%= cfdp_cmd_target_name %> <%= cfdp_cmd_packet_name %> <%= cfdp_cmd_item_name %> OPTION root_path <%= root_path %> <% if bucket.to_s.strip != '' %> OPTION bucket <%= bucket %> <% end %> <% include_test = (plugin_test_mode.to_s.strip.downcase == "true") %> <% if include_test %> TARGET CFDPTEST CFDP TARGET CFDPTEST CFDP2 MICROSERVICE CFDP CFDP2 WORK_DIR . ROUTE_PREFIX /cfdp2 ENV OPENC3_ROUTE_PREFIX /cfdp2 ENV SECRET_KEY_BASE 324973597349867207430793759437697498769349867349674 PORT 2906 CMD rails s -b -p 2906 -e production OPTION source_entity_id <%= destination_entity_id %> OPTION tlm_info CFDP CFDP_PDU PDU OPTION destination_entity_id <%= source_entity_id %> OPTION cmd_info CFDP CFDP_PDU PDU OPTION root_path <%= root_path %> <% if bucket.to_s.strip != '' %> OPTION bucket <%= bucket %> <% end %> <% test_host = ENV['KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST'] ? (scope.to_s.downcase + "-interface-cfdp2-int-service") : "openc3-operator" %> INTERFACE CFDP_INT tcpip_client_interface.rb <%= test_host %> 2907 2907 10.0 nil LENGTH 0 32 4 1 BIG_ENDIAN 0 nil nil true MAP_TARGET CFDP INTERFACE CFDP2_INT tcpip_server_interface.rb 2907 2907 10.0 nil LENGTH 0 32 4 1 BIG_ENDIAN 0 nil nil true PORT 2907 MAP_TARGET CFDP2 <% end %>