# Omniauth::DoximityOauth2 OmniAuth strategy for Doximity. Sign up for Doximity's API to get your OAuth credentials at: https://www.doximity.com/developers/api_signup For more details on what tools we have available, read our developer docs: https://www.doximity.com/developers/documentation ## Installation Add to your `Gemfile`: ```ruby gem 'omniauth-doximity-oauth2' ``` Then `bundle install`. ## Usage Here's an example for adding the middleware to a Rails app in `config/initializers/omniauth.rb`: ```ruby DOXIMITY_OMNIAUTH_SETUP = lambda do |env| env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_id] = ENV["DOXIMITY_CLIENT_ID"] env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_secret] = ENV["DOXIMITY_CLIENT_SECRET"] env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:scope] = "openid profile:read:basic profile:read:email" end Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do configure do |config| config.path_prefix = '/auth' end provider :doximity_oauth2, setup: DOXIMITY_OMNIAUTH_SETUP end ``` Talk with the Doximity API team about what scopes you need for your application, and make sure to edit your OmniAuth initializer to request them. Update your `config/routes.rb` to support Doximity OmniAuth callbacks on your session controller: ```ruby Rails.application.routes.draw do get "/auth/:provider/callback" => "sessions#create" post "/signout" => "sessions#destroy" get "/auth/failure" => "sessions#failure" end ``` Then, create a sign-in button that posts to `/auth/doximity`. Use one of the Sign in with Doximity logos, available here: https://www.doximity.com/developers/documentation#logos-for-use-by-third-party-developers ```ruby <%= link_to "Sign in with Doximity", "/auth/doximity", method: :post do %> <%= image_tag "https://assets.doxcdn.com/image/upload/v1/apps/doximity/api/api-button-sign-in-with-doximity.png", alt: "Sign in with Doximity button"%> <% end %> ``` Note that in OmniAuth versions 2 and above, links to sign in should use the POST method. Read more [here](https://github.com/omniauth/omniauth/wiki/Resolving-CVE-2015-9284) In your callback controller, you will have a few resources available to you after the user approves your application and logs in. ```ruby class SessionsController < ApplicationController def create session[:user_uuid] = request.env["omniauth.auth"]["uid"] redirect_to request.env["omniauth.origin"] || "/", :notice => "Signed in!" end def destroy session.delete(:user_uuid) redirect_to "/" end def failure redirect_to request.env["omniauth.origin"] || "/", :alert => "Authentication error: #{params[:message].humanize}" end end ``` You can also add an `origin` param to your `/auth/doximity` post, which will be provided in the `request.env["omniauth.origin"]` variable after the success or failure callback. ## Configuration You can configure several options, inside the configuration lambda: * `[:scope]`: A comma-separated list of permissions you want to request from the user.Caveats: * The `openid` scope is suggested. Alternatively, if the `openid` scope is not requested `omniauth-doximity` will make an additional request to retrieve information about the signed in user using your other scopes. Your app may be subject to rate limiting depending on your usage. * Without any scopes, you will still be able to log in the user and retrieve a unique UUIDv4 to distinguish them from other users. * `[:name]`: The name of the strategy. The default name is `doximity` but it can be changed to any string. The `:provider` part of OmniAuth URLs will also change to `/auth/{{ name }}`. * `[:client_options][:site]`: Override the Doximity OAuth provider website. You may be provided with a development site to use while setting up your integration, which you would set here. * `[:pkce]`: A boolean denoting whether to follow the PKCE OAuth spec. Default `true`. Note that if set to false, your OmniAuth credentials hash will not include a `refresh` token. Your OAuth application also may require PKCE to use OmniAuth. ## Auth Hash Here's an example of an authentication hash available in the callback by accessing `request.env['omniauth.auth']`: ```ruby { "provider" => "doximity", "uid" => "cc485bd2-b25a-4677-b05c-e98febf7789d", "info" => { "name" => "Test User", "given_name" => "Test", "family_name" => "User", "primary_email" => "md@doximity.com", "emails" => ["md@doximity.com"], "profile_photo_url" => "http://res.cloudinary.com/doximity-development/image/upload/l_text:Helvetica_130_bold:AT,co_rgb:FFFFFF,t_profile_photo_320x320/profile-placeholder-registered-5.jpg", "credentials" => "Other", "specialty" => "Optometrist" }, "credentials" => { "token" => "gMej-ecC9Wzy4KkUCypYQ1J_8mQ1Yo9RXJYwU2kCyPKciuuOIxHflFlLP0PLlJmwnjPwlNa7nkQeeOcz-zyC6w==", "refresh_token" => "go-40T6xPOzSOd09NTElQ0tGi-BU5hluljET8wa3syzxBqsG5BP0PJW_CsbDhmm49T081jhsIMnP-OQG8McYYPdOENc027K87gGSurOquANzx8qlo4hTJ903LNGpTZ6VcV1Ci0jomvJdH1NsCq5nLxeCy4dBctTZEMA-c3pOVZ0=", "expires_at" => 1650335410, "expires" => true, "access_token" => "gMej-ecC9Wzy4KkUCypYQ1J_8mQ1Yo9RXJYwU2kCyPKciuuOIxHflFlLP0PLlJmwnjPwlNa7nkQeeOcz-zyC6w==", "scope" => "profile:read:email profile:read:basic openid", "token_type" => "bearer" }, "extra" => { "raw_subject_info" => { "acr" => 2, "at_hash" => "uVfpy56HzI3J_dZR2kyxrQ", "aud" => ["https://auth.doximity.com", "6bd7e37e80fd06819ca13b268adea5fbe57446a9f9e1982f9483813d7272acf1"], "auth_time" => 1650333376, "azp" => "6bd7e37e80fd06819ca13b268adea5fbe57446a9f9e1982f9483813d7272acf1", "credentials" => "Other", "emails" => ["md@doximity.com"], "exp" => 1650335384, "family_name" => "User", "given_name" => "Test", "iat" => 1650333610, "iss" => "https://auth.doximity.com", "name" => "Test User", "primary_email" => "md@doximity.com", "profile_photo_url" => "http://res.cloudinary.com/doximity-development/image/upload/l_text:Helvetica_130_bold:AT,co_rgb:FFFFFF,t_profile_photo_320x320/profile-placeholder-registered-5.jpg", "sid" => "9", "specialty" => "Optometrist", "sub" => "cc485bd2-b25a-4677-b05c-e98febf7789d" }, "raw_credential_info" => { "token_type" => "bearer", "scope" => "profile:read:email profile:read:basic openid", "id_token" => "{{JWT omitted for brevity}}", "access_token" => "gMej-ecC9Wzy4KkUCypYQ1J_8mQ1Yo9RXJYwU2kCyPKciuuOIxHflFlLP0PLlJmwnjPwlNa7nkQeeOcz-zyC6w==", "refresh_token" => "go-40T6xPOzSOd09NTElQ0tGi-BU5hluljET8wa3syzxBqsG5BP0PJW_CsbDhmm49T081jhsIMnP-OQG8McYYPdOENc027K87gGSurOquANzx8qlo4hTJ903LNGpTZ6VcV1Ci0jomvJdH1NsCq5nLxeCy4dBctTZEMA-c3pOVZ0=", "expires_at" => 1650335410 } } } ``` ## Contributing 1. See [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) 2. Fork it 3. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 4. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 5. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 6. Create a new Pull Request ## License The gem is licensed under an Apache 2 license. Contributors are required to sign a contributor license agreement. See [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt) and [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information.