module Braintree class CreditCard include BaseModule include Braintree::Util::TokenEquality module CardType AmEx = "American Express" CarteBlanche = "Carte Blanche" ChinaUnionPay = "China UnionPay" DinersClubInternational = "Diners Club" Discover = "Discover" Elo = "Elo" JCB = "JCB" Laser = "Laser" UK_Maestro = "UK Maestro" Maestro = "Maestro" MasterCard = "MasterCard" Solo = "Solo" Switch = "Switch" Visa = "Visa" Unknown = "Unknown" All = { |c| const_get(c) } end module DebitNetwork Accel = "ACCEL" Maestro = "MAESTRO" Nyce = "NYCE" Pulse = "PULSE" Star = "STAR" Star_Access = "STAR_ACCESS" All = { |c| const_get(c) } end module CustomerLocation International = "international" US = "us" end module CardTypeIndicator Yes = "Yes" No = "No" Unknown = "Unknown" end Commercial = Debit = DurbinRegulated = Healthcare = Payroll = Prepaid = ProductId = IssuingBank = CountryOfIssuance = CardTypeIndicator attr_reader :billing_address attr_reader :bin attr_reader :card_type attr_reader :cardholder_name attr_reader :commercial attr_reader :country_of_issuance attr_reader :created_at attr_reader :customer_id attr_reader :debit attr_reader :durbin_regulated attr_reader :expiration_month attr_reader :expiration_year attr_reader :healthcare attr_reader :image_url attr_reader :issuing_bank attr_reader :last_4 attr_reader :payroll attr_reader :prepaid attr_reader :product_id attr_reader :subscriptions attr_reader :token attr_reader :unique_number_identifier attr_reader :updated_at attr_reader :verification def self.create(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.create(*args) end def self.create!(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.create!(*args) end def, transaction_attributes) => token)) end def!(token, transaction_attributes) return_object_or_raise(:transaction) { credit(token, transaction_attributes) } end def self.delete(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.delete(*args) end def self.expired(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.expired(*args) end def self.expiring_between(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.expiring_between(*args) end def self.find(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.find(*args) end def self.from_nonce(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.from_nonce(*args) end def, transaction_attributes) => token)) end def!(token, transaction_attributes) return_object_or_raise(:transaction) { sale(token, transaction_attributes) } end def self.update(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.update(*args) end def self.update!(*args) Configuration.gateway.credit_card.update!(*args) end def initialize(gateway, attributes) @gateway = gateway set_instance_variables_from_hash(attributes) @billing_address = attributes[:billing_address] ? Address._new(@gateway, attributes[:billing_address]) : nil @subscriptions = (@subscriptions || []).map { |subscription_hash| Subscription._new(@gateway, subscription_hash) } @verification = _most_recent_verification(attributes) end def _most_recent_verification(attributes) sorted_verifications = (attributes[:verifications] || []).sort_by { |verification| verification[:created_at] }.reverse.first CreditCardVerification._new(sorted_verifications) if sorted_verifications end def default? @default end # Expiration date formatted as MM/YYYY def expiration_date "#{expiration_month}/#{expiration_year}" end def expired? @expired end def inspect first = [:token] order = first + (self.class._attributes - first) nice_attributes = do |attr| "#{attr}: #{send(attr).inspect}" end "#<#{self.class} #{nice_attributes.join(', ')}>" end def masked_number "#{bin}******#{last_4}" end def nonce @nonce ||= PaymentMethodNonce.create(token) end # NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION can this be removed? Venmo SDK integration is no more # Returns true if the card is associated with Venmo SDK # NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION Remove this method # The old venmo SDK class has been deprecated def venmo_sdk? warn "[DEPRECATED] The Venmo SDK integration is Unsupported. Please update your integration to use Pay with Venmo instead." @venmo_sdk end def is_network_tokenized? @is_network_tokenized end class << self protected :new end def self._attributes [ :billing_address, :bin, :card_type, :cardholder_name, :created_at, :customer_id, :expiration_month, :expiration_year, :last_4, :token, :updated_at, :prepaid, :payroll, :product_id, :commercial, :debit, :durbin_regulated, :healthcare, :country_of_issuance, :issuing_bank, :image_url, :is_network_tokenized? ] end def self._new(*args)*args) end end end