module Gnomika ## # Prompt the user to select a category # @param categories Array of Category objects # @return The Category object the user selected def self.select_category(categories) # Index starting from 1 categories.each_with_index { |category, index| puts "#{index+1}. #{}" } ok = false num = -1 until ok print "Select a category: " STDOUT.flush input = STDIN.gets begin # Remove 1 because display indexes starting from 1. num = Integer(input) - 1 break unless num < 0 || num > categories.length-1 # Input was number but out of bounds puts "Invalid selection!" rescue ArgumentError # Input could not be converted to integer puts "Invalid selection!" end end # Return Category object chosen by the user categories[num] end ## # Prompt user to select subcategories. Selection can be a range e.g. 1-2, single categories e.g. 1,2,3 or both # e.g 1,2-4 # @param category The Category that will be shown # @return Array of selected Subcategory objects def self.select_subcategories(category) subcategories = category.subcategories # Index starting from 1 subcategories.each_with_index { |subcategory, index| puts "#{index+1}. #{}" } puts "You can select multiple categories separated by ',' or a range of categories with '-'." # Contains indexes of all subcategories specified by the user selected_indexes = [] ok = false until ok print "Select subcategories: " # On each loop we assume input is ok until an error is encountered ok = true # Empty the indexes array, in case of leftovers from previous loop selected_indexes = [] input = STDIN.gets # Split the input input = input.split(",") # Check each selection input.each do |selection| begin # We need to remove 1 from each because during selection category numbers started from 1 selected_indexes += selection_to_array(selection, subcategories.length).map{|it| it - 1} rescue => error ok = false puts error.message break end end end # Remove any duplicate indexes selected_indexes.uniq! # Create an array with the corresponding Subcategory objects and return it { |index| subcategories[index]} end private ## # Converts given selection into an array of indexes. # Throws an ArgumentError if the selection is invalid. An error message is included in the exception. # This function must be used with a single selection (e.g 3 or 3-5), not with a list of many selections (e.g 1,2,3...) # @param selection String of the selection # @param max_available_index Used w # @return Array of indexes included in the selection def self.selection_to_array(selection, max_available_index) # Check if selection is a range if selection.include?("-") # Try to process it as a range range_start, range_end = selection.split("-") begin range_start = Integer(range_start) range_end = Integer(range_end) # Check if range is correct. Start must be smaller or equal than end and end must be smaller or equal # to max_available index if range_start > range_end || range_end > max_available_index || range_start < 1 raise ArgumentError end return (range_start..range_end).to_a rescue ArgumentError raise "Invalid range! (#{selection.strip})" end else # Assume selection is an integer begin number = Integer(selection) # Check limits if number < 1 || number > max_available_index raise ArgumentError end return [number] rescue raise "Invalid selection! (#{selection.strip})" end end end end