== 1.1.2 / 2011-06-08 * Added configuration option 'enable_rules' to disable the _all relationships and custom rules [#176] * Added a #node method on the Neo4j::Node and Neo4j::NodeMixin. Works like the #rel method but returns the node instead. [#174] * Simplify creating relationship between two existing nodes [#175] == 1.1.1 / 2011-05-26 * Made neo4j compatible with rails 3.1.0.rc1 [#170] * Fix for neo4j-devise [#171] * BUG: Neo4j::GraphAlgo shortest path does raise exception if two nodes are not connected [#172] == 1.1.0 / 2011-05-13 * Support for embedding neo4j.rb by providing an already running db instance (#168) * Neo4j::Rails::Relationships should be ActiveModel compliant (#156) * Support for incoming relationships in Neo4j::Rails::Model (#157) * to_json method for models no tags √ resolved (#154) * Implement hash so that it will work with Sets (#160) * Modified the traverser to allow iterating over paths not just over end_nodes (#161) * Create method should take a block to initialize itself (#162) * Upgrade to 1.3 neo4j java library (#164) * Default `nodes' invocation for Algo path finders (#165) * Property and index class methods modified to take arbitrary number of symbols optionally followed by options hash (#166) * BUG: Setting property :system on Neo4j::Rails::Model should work (#163) * BUG: update_attributes should convert values according to Type (#155) * BUG: Neo4j::RelationshipMixin#relationship_type broken #(169) * BUG: Relationship.load(nil) == Relationship.load(0) (#167) * BUG: Full text search returns nil in rails model (#153) == 1.0.0 / 2011-03-02 * Complete rewrite of everything. * Replaced the lucene module with using the java neo4j-lucene integration instead * Lots of improvements of the API * Better ActiveModel/Rails integration == 0.4.4 / 2010-08-01 * Fixed bug on traversing when using the RelationshipMixin (#121) * BatchInserter and JRuby 1.6 - Fix iteration error with trying to modify in-place hash == 0.4.3 / 2010-04-10 * Fixed .gitignore - make sure that we do not include unnecessarily files like neo4j databases. Release 0.4.2 contained test data. * Added synchronize around Index.new so that two thread can't modify the same index at the same time. == 0.4.2 / 2010-04-08 * No index on properties for the initialize method bug (#116) * Tidy up Thread Synchronization in Lucene wrapper - lucene indexing performance improvement (#117) * Permission bug loading neo4j jar file (#118) * Spike: Make NodeMixin ActiveModel complient - experimental (#115) == 0.4.1 / 2010-03-11 * Migrations (#108) * BatchInserter (#111) * Neo4j::Relationship.new should take a hash of properties (#110) * Upgrade to neo4j-1.0 (#114) * Bigfix: has_one should replace old relationship (#106) * Bugfix: custom accessors for NodeMixin#update (#113) * Bugfix: Indexed properties problem on extented ruby classes critical "properties indexer" (#112) == 0.4.0 / 2010-02-06 * Performance improvements and Refactoring: Use and Extend Neo4j Java Classes (#97) * Support for Index and Declaration of Properties on Relationships (#91) * Upgrade to neo4j-1.0 rc (#100) * All internal properties should be prefix with a '_',0.4.0 (#105) * Generate relationship accessor methods for declared has_n and has_one relationships (#104) * New way of creating relationship - Neo4j::Relationship.new (#103) * Neo4j#init_node method should take one or more args (#98) * Namespaced relationships: has_one...from using the wrong has_n...to(#92) * Neo4j::NodeMixin and Neo4j::Node should allow a hash for initialization (#99) == 0.3.3 / 2009-11-25 * Support for a counter property on has_lists (#75) * Support for Cascade delete. On has_n, had_one and has_list (#81) * NodeMixin#all should work with inheritance - Child classes should have a relationship of their own. (#64) * Support for other lucene analyzer then StandardAnalyzer (#87) * NodeMixin initialize should accept block like docs (#82) * Add incoming relationship should work as expected: n1.relationships.incoming(:foo) << n2 (#80) * Delete node from a has_list relationship should work as expected (#79) * Improve stacktraces (#94) * Removed sideeffect of rspecs (#90) * Add debug method on NodeMixin to print it self (#88) * Removed to_a method (#73) * Upgrade to neo4j-1.0b10 (#95) * Upgrade to lucene 2.9.0 (#83) * Refactoring: RSpecs (#74) * Refactoring: aggregate each, renamed to property aggregator (#72) * BugFix: neo4j gem cannot be built from the source (#86) * BugFix: Neo4j::relationship should not raise Exception if there are no relationships (#78) == 0.3.2 / 2009-09-17 * Added support for aggregating nodes (#65) * Wrapped Neo4j GraphAlgo AllSimplePath (#70) * Added traversal with traversal position (#71) * Removed DynamicAccessors mixin, replaced by [] operator (#67) * Impl Neo4j.all_nodes (#69) * Upgrated Neo4j jar file to 1.0-b9 * The Neo4j#relationship method now allows a filter parameter (#66) * Neo4j.rb now can read database not created by Neo4j.rb - does not require classname property (#63) * REST - added an "all" value for the depth traversal query parameter (#62) * REST - Performance improvments using the Rest Mixin (#60) == 0.3.1 / 2009-07-25 * Feature, extension - find path between given pair of nodes (#58) * Fix a messy exception on GET /nodes/UnknownClassName (#57) * Bug - exception on GET /nodes/classname/rel if rel is a has_one relationship (#56) * Bug: GET /nodes/classname missing out nodes with no properties (#55) * Bug: Lucene sorting caused exception if there were no documents (#54) * Bug: reindexer fails to connect nodes to the IndexNode (#53) == 0.3.0 / 2009-06-25 * Neo4j should track node changes * RESTful support for lucene queries, sorting and paging * RESTful support for Relationships * RESTful support for Node and properties * Experimental support for Master-Slave Replication via REST * RESTful Node representation should contain hyperlinks to relationships * Added some handy method like first and empty? on relationships * Use new neo4j: neo-1.0-b8 * Add an event handler for create/delete nodes start/stop neo, update property/relationship * The NodeMixin should behave like a hash, added [] and []= methods * Support list topology - has_list and belongs_to_list Neo4j::NodeMixin Classmethods * Should be possible to add relationships without declaring them (Neo4j#relationships.outgoing(:friends) << node) * Neo4j extensions file structure, should be easy to create your own extensions * Rename relation to relationship (Neo4j::Relations => Neo4j::Relationships, DynamicRelation => Relationship) [data incompatible change] * Auto Transaction is now optional * Setting Float properties fails under JRuby1.2.0 * Bug: Indexing relationships does not work * Make the ReferenceNode include Neo4j::NodeMixin * Added handy Neo4j class that simply includes the Neo4j::NodeMixin * Neo4j::IndexNode now holds references to all nodes (Neo4j.ref_node -> Neo4j::IndexNode -> ...) == 0.2.1 / 2009-03-15 * Refactoring of lucene indexing of the node space (28) * Fixed bug on Neo4j::Nodemixin#property? (#22) == 0.2.0 / 2009-01-20 * Impl. Neo4j::Node#traverse - enables traversal and filtering using TraversalPosition info (#17,#19) * Impl. traversal to any depth (#15) * Impl. traversal several relationships type at the same time (#16) * Fixed a Lucene timezone bug (#20) * Lots of refactoring of the neo4j.rb traversal code and RSpecs == 0.1.0 / 2008-12-18 * Property can now be of any type (and not only String, Fixnum, Float) * Indexing and Query with Date and DateTime * YARD documentation * Properties can be removed * A property can be set to nil (it will then be removed). == 0.0.7 / 2008-12-10 * Added method to_param and methods on the value object needed for Ruby on Rails * Impl. update from a value object/hash for a node * Impl. generation of value object classes/instances from a node. * Refactoring the Transaction handling (reuse PlaceboTransaction instances if possible) * Removed the need to start and stop neo. It will be done automatically when needed. == 0.0.6 / 2008-12-03 * Removed the configuration from the Neo4j.start method. Now exist in Neo4j::Config and Lucene::Config. * Implemented sort_by method. * Lazy loading of search result. Execute the query and load the nodes only if needed. * Added support to use lucene query language, example: Person.find("name:foo AND age:42") * All test now uses RAM based lucene indexes. == 0.0.5 / 2008-11-17 * Supports keeping lucene index in memory instead of on disk * Added support for lucene full text search * Fixed so neo4j runs on JRuby 1.1.5 * Implemented support for reindex all instances of a node class. This is needed if the lucene index is kept in memory or if the index is changed. * Added ReferenceNode. All nodes now have a relationship from this reference node. * Lots of refactoring * Added the IMDB example. It shows how to create a neo database, lucene queries and node traversals. == 0.0.4 / 2008-10-23 * First release to rubyforge