## 0.4.0.dev (unreleased) * ??? ## 0.3.0 (2012-05-22) This is mostly just a long overdue maintenance release. Many pull requests were merged. A few non-pull-request branches were merged too. This version supports ruby 1.9.3, 1.8.7, and even ancient 1.8.6, and all are checked by [travis-ci](http://travis-ci.org/nevans/resque-pool). It also explicitly supports resque ~> 1.20. And (if you have `gem-man` installed), it now has man pages for bin and yml config. Many thanks to the contributers! * [@agnellvj](https://github.com/agnellvj): ruby 1.9 compatibility * [@geoffgarside](https://github.com/geoffgarside): man pages! * [@imajes](https://github.com/imajes) - bugfix: Handle when a pid no longer exists by the time you try and kill it. * [@jeremy](https://github.com/jeremy) & [@jamis](https://github.com/jamis) - tasks require `resque/pool` lazily * [@jhsu](https://github.com/jhsu) - bugfix: undefined variable 'e' for errors * [@gaffneyc](https://github.com/gaffneyc) - compatibility fix: Resque::Pool::PooledWorker as a module rather than class * [@kcrayon](https://github.com/kcrayon) - bugfix: fix worker shutdown * [@alexkwolfe](https://github.com/alexkwolfe) - added `app_name` for logging (and maybe more in the future?) ## 0.2.0 (2011-03-15) * new feature: sending `HUP` to pool manager will reload the logfiles and gracefully restart all workers. * enhancement: logging now includes timestamp, process "name" (worker or manager), and PID. * enhancement: can be used with no config file or empty config file (not all *that* useful, but it's better than unceromoniously dieing!) * bugfix: pidfile will be cleaned up on startup, e.g. if old process was kill-9'd (Jason Haruska) * bugfix: TERM/INT are no longer ignored when HUP is waiting on children * bugfix: `resque-pool -c config.yml` command line option was broken * development: simple cucumber features for core functionality. * upstream: depends on resque ~> 1.13 ## 0.1.0 (2011-01-18) * new feature: `resque-pool` command line interface * this replaces need for a special startup script. * manages PID file, logfiles, daemonizing, etc. * `resque-pool --help` for more info and options * updated example config, init.d script, including a chef recipe that should work at EngineYard. ## 0.0.10 (2010-08-31) * remove rubygems 1.3.6 dependency ## 0.0.9 (2010-08-26) * new feature: `RESQUE_POOL_CONFIG` environment variable to set alt config file * upgraded to resque 1.10, removing `Resque::Worker` monkeypatch ## 0.0.8 (2010-08-20) * bugfix: using (or not using) environments in config file ## 0.0.7 (2010-08-16) * new feature: split by environments in config file * added example startup script, Rakefile, and monit config ## 0.0.5 (2010-06-29) * bugfix: worker processes not shutting down after orphaned ## 0.0.4 (2010-06-29) * first release used in production