# frozen_string_literal: true require "forwardable" require "base64" require "time" require "http/errors" require "http/headers" require "http/request/body" require "http/request/writer" require "http/version" require "http/uri" module HTTP class Request extend Forwardable include HTTP::Headers::Mixin # The method given was not understood class UnsupportedMethodError < RequestError; end # The scheme of given URI was not understood class UnsupportedSchemeError < RequestError; end # Default User-Agent header value USER_AGENT = "http.rb/#{HTTP::VERSION}" METHODS = [ # RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 :options, :get, :head, :post, :put, :delete, :trace, :connect, # RFC 2518: HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV :propfind, :proppatch, :mkcol, :copy, :move, :lock, :unlock, # RFC 3648: WebDAV Ordered Collections Protocol :orderpatch, # RFC 3744: WebDAV Access Control Protocol :acl, # RFC 6352: vCard Extensions to WebDAV -- CardDAV :report, # RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP :patch, # draft-reschke-webdav-search: WebDAV Search :search, # RFC 4791: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV -- CalDAV :mkcalendar ].freeze # Allowed schemes SCHEMES = %i[http https ws wss].freeze # Default ports of supported schemes PORTS = { :http => 80, :https => 443, :ws => 80, :wss => 443 }.freeze # Method is given as a lowercase symbol e.g. :get, :post attr_reader :verb # Scheme is normalized to be a lowercase symbol e.g. :http, :https attr_reader :scheme attr_reader :uri_normalizer # "Request URI" as per RFC 2616 # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec5.html attr_reader :uri attr_reader :proxy, :body, :version # @option opts [String] :version # @option opts [#to_s] :verb HTTP request method # @option opts [#call] :uri_normalizer (HTTP::URI::NORMALIZER) # @option opts [HTTP::URI, #to_s] :uri # @option opts [Hash] :headers # @option opts [Hash] :proxy # @option opts [String, Enumerable, IO, nil] :body def initialize(opts) @verb = opts.fetch(:verb).to_s.downcase.to_sym @uri_normalizer = opts[:uri_normalizer] || HTTP::URI::NORMALIZER @uri = @uri_normalizer.call(opts.fetch(:uri)) @scheme = @uri.scheme.to_s.downcase.to_sym if @uri.scheme raise(UnsupportedMethodError, "unknown method: #{verb}") unless METHODS.include?(@verb) raise(UnsupportedSchemeError, "unknown scheme: #{scheme}") unless SCHEMES.include?(@scheme) @proxy = opts[:proxy] || {} @version = opts[:version] || "1.1" @headers = prepare_headers(opts[:headers]) @body = prepare_body(opts[:body]) end # Returns new Request with updated uri def redirect(uri, verb = @verb) headers = self.headers.dup headers.delete(Headers::HOST) new_body = body.source if verb == :get # request bodies should not always be resubmitted when following a redirect # some servers will close the connection after receiving the request headers # which may cause Errno::ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer # see https://github.com/httprb/http/issues/649 # new_body = Request::Body.new(nil) new_body = nil # the CONTENT_TYPE header causes problems if set on a get request w/ an empty body # the server might assume that there should be content if it is set to multipart # rack raises EmptyContentError if this happens headers.delete(Headers::CONTENT_TYPE) end self.class.new( :verb => verb, :uri => @uri.join(uri), :headers => headers, :proxy => proxy, :body => new_body, :version => version, :uri_normalizer => uri_normalizer ) end # Stream the request to a socket def stream(socket) include_proxy_headers if using_proxy? && !@uri.https? Request::Writer.new(socket, body, headers, headline).stream end # Is this request using a proxy? def using_proxy? proxy && proxy.keys.size >= 2 end # Is this request using an authenticated proxy? def using_authenticated_proxy? proxy && proxy.keys.size >= 4 end def include_proxy_headers headers.merge!(proxy[:proxy_headers]) if proxy.key?(:proxy_headers) include_proxy_authorization_header if using_authenticated_proxy? end # Compute and add the Proxy-Authorization header def include_proxy_authorization_header headers[Headers::PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = proxy_authorization_header end def proxy_authorization_header digest = Base64.strict_encode64("#{proxy[:proxy_username]}:#{proxy[:proxy_password]}") "Basic #{digest}" end # Setup tunnel through proxy for SSL request def connect_using_proxy(socket) Request::Writer.new(socket, nil, proxy_connect_headers, proxy_connect_header).connect_through_proxy end # Compute HTTP request header for direct or proxy request def headline request_uri = if using_proxy? && !uri.https? uri.omit(:fragment) else uri.request_uri end "#{verb.to_s.upcase} #{request_uri} HTTP/#{version}" end # Compute HTTP request header SSL proxy connection def proxy_connect_header "CONNECT #{host}:#{port} HTTP/#{version}" end # Headers to send with proxy connect request def proxy_connect_headers connect_headers = HTTP::Headers.coerce( Headers::HOST => headers[Headers::HOST], Headers::USER_AGENT => headers[Headers::USER_AGENT] ) connect_headers[Headers::PROXY_AUTHORIZATION] = proxy_authorization_header if using_authenticated_proxy? connect_headers.merge!(proxy[:proxy_headers]) if proxy.key?(:proxy_headers) connect_headers end # Host for tcp socket def socket_host using_proxy? ? proxy[:proxy_address] : host end # Port for tcp socket def socket_port using_proxy? ? proxy[:proxy_port] : port end # Human-readable representation of base request info. # # @example # # req.inspect # # => # # # @return [String] def inspect "#<#{self.class}/#{@version} #{verb.to_s.upcase} #{uri}>" end private # @!attribute [r] host # @return [String] def_delegator :@uri, :host # @!attribute [r] port # @return [Fixnum] def port @uri.port || @uri.default_port end # @return [String] Default host (with port if needed) header value. def default_host_header_value PORTS[@scheme] == port ? host : "#{host}:#{port}" end def prepare_body(body) body.is_a?(Request::Body) ? body : Request::Body.new(body) end def prepare_headers(headers) headers = HTTP::Headers.coerce(headers || {}) headers[Headers::HOST] ||= default_host_header_value headers[Headers::USER_AGENT] ||= USER_AGENT headers end end end