require 'rake/testtask' desc "Run tests" :test do |t| t.pattern = 'test/*.rb' t.warning = true end task default: :test # # METRICS # metrics_tasks = [] begin require 'flog_task' # we want: flog --all --methods-only lib # but: FlogTask doesn't support the equivalent of --all; oh well methods_only = true, 200, ['lib'], nil, methods_only) do |t| t.verbose = true end metrics_tasks << :flog rescue LoadError warn 'flog_task unavailable' end begin require 'flay_task' # we want: flay --liberal lib # but: FlayTask doesn't support the equivalent of --liberal; oh well do |t| t.dirs = ['lib'] t.verbose = true end metrics_tasks << :flay rescue LoadError warn 'flay_task unavailable' end begin require 'roodi_task' patterns: ['lib/**/*.rb'] metrics_tasks << :roodi rescue LoadError warn 'roodi_task unavailable' end desc "Generate code metrics reports" task :code_metrics => metrics_tasks # # PROFILING # desc "Show current system load" task "loadavg" do puts "/proc/loadavg" end # make sure command is run against lib/ on the filesystem, not an installed gem def lib_sh(cmd) sh "RUBYLIB=lib #{cmd}" end # set up script, args, and rprof_args the way ruby-prof wants them def rprof_sh(script, args, rprof_args = '') lib_sh ['ruby-prof', rprof_args, script, '--', args].join(' ') end rprof_options = { min_percent: 2, printer: :graph, mode: :process, sort: :self, }.inject('') { |memo, (flag,val)| memo + "--#{flag}=#{val} " } evdump_options = { count: 9999, print: 'off', }.inject('') { |memo, (flag,val)| memo + "--#{flag} #{val} " } + '/dev/zero' desc "Run ruby-prof on bin/evdump (9999 events)" task "ruby-prof" => "loadavg" do puts rprof_sh 'bin/evdump', evdump_options, rprof_options end desc "Run ruby-prof with --exclude-common-cycles" task "ruby-prof-exclude" => "ruby-prof" do puts rprof_sh 'bin/evdump', evdump_options, "#{rprof_options} --exclude-common-cycles" end task "no-prof" do lib_sh "bin/evdump #{evdump_options}" end # # GEM BUILD / PUBLISH # begin require 'buildar' do |b| b.gemspec_file = 'device_input.gemspec' b.version_file = 'VERSION' b.use_git = true end rescue LoadError # ok end