/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ #ifndef REQ_COMPACTOR_IMPL_HPP_ #define REQ_COMPACTOR_IMPL_HPP_ #include #include #include #include "count_zeros.hpp" #include "conditional_forward.hpp" #include "common_defs.hpp" #include namespace datasketches { template req_compactor::req_compactor(bool hra, uint8_t lg_weight, uint32_t section_size, const C& comparator, const A& allocator, bool sorted): comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator), lg_weight_(lg_weight), hra_(hra), coin_(false), sorted_(sorted), section_size_raw_(static_cast(section_size)), section_size_(section_size), num_sections_(req_constants::INIT_NUM_SECTIONS), state_(0), num_items_(0), capacity_(2 * get_nom_capacity()), items_(allocator_.allocate(capacity_)) {} template req_compactor::~req_compactor() { if (items_ != nullptr) { for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) (*it).~T(); allocator_.deallocate(items_, capacity_); } } template req_compactor::req_compactor(const req_compactor& other): comparator_(other.comparator_), allocator_(other.allocator_), lg_weight_(other.lg_weight_), hra_(other.hra_), coin_(other.coin_), sorted_(other.sorted_), section_size_raw_(other.section_size_raw_), section_size_(other.section_size_), num_sections_(other.num_sections_), state_(other.state_), num_items_(other.num_items_), capacity_(other.capacity_), items_(nullptr) { if (other.items_ != nullptr) { items_ = allocator_.allocate(capacity_); const uint32_t from = hra_ ? capacity_ - num_items_ : 0; const uint32_t to = hra_ ? capacity_ : num_items_; for (uint32_t i = from; i < to; ++i) new (items_ + i) T(other.items_[i]); } } template req_compactor::req_compactor(req_compactor&& other) noexcept : comparator_(std::move(other.comparator_)), allocator_(std::move(other.allocator_)), lg_weight_(other.lg_weight_), hra_(other.hra_), coin_(other.coin_), sorted_(other.sorted_), section_size_raw_(other.section_size_raw_), section_size_(other.section_size_), num_sections_(other.num_sections_), state_(other.state_), num_items_(other.num_items_), capacity_(other.capacity_), items_(other.items_) { other.items_ = nullptr; } template req_compactor& req_compactor::operator=(const req_compactor& other) { req_compactor copy(other); std::swap(comparator_, copy.comparator_); std::swap(allocator_, copy.allocator_); std::swap(lg_weight_, copy.lg_weight_); std::swap(hra_, copy.hra_); std::swap(coin_, copy.coin_); std::swap(sorted_, copy.sorted_); std::swap(section_size_raw_, copy.section_size_raw_); std::swap(section_size_, copy.section_size_); std::swap(num_sections_, copy.num_sections_); std::swap(state_, copy.state_); std::swap(num_items_, copy.num_items_); std::swap(capacity_, copy.capacity_); std::swap(items_, copy.items_); return *this; } template req_compactor& req_compactor::operator=(req_compactor&& other) { std::swap(comparator_, other.comparator_); std::swap(allocator_, other.allocator_); std::swap(lg_weight_, other.lg_weight_); std::swap(hra_, other.hra_); std::swap(coin_, other.coin_); std::swap(sorted_, other.sorted_); std::swap(section_size_raw_, other.section_size_raw_); std::swap(section_size_, other.section_size_); std::swap(num_sections_, other.num_sections_); std::swap(state_, other.state_); std::swap(num_items_, other.num_items_); std::swap(capacity_, other.capacity_); std::swap(items_, other.items_); return *this; } template template req_compactor::req_compactor(const req_compactor& other, const C& comparator, const A& allocator): comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator), lg_weight_(other.lg_weight_), hra_(other.hra_), coin_(other.coin_), sorted_(other.sorted_), section_size_raw_(other.section_size_raw_), section_size_(other.section_size_), num_sections_(other.num_sections_), state_(other.state_), num_items_(other.num_items_), capacity_(other.capacity_), items_(nullptr) { if (other.items_ != nullptr) { items_ = allocator_.allocate(capacity_); const uint32_t from = hra_ ? capacity_ - num_items_ : 0; const uint32_t to = hra_ ? capacity_ : num_items_; for (uint32_t i = from; i < to; ++i) new (items_ + i) T(other.items_[i]); if (sorted_ && !std::is_sorted(items_ + from, items_ + to, comparator_)) { throw std::logic_error("items must be sorted"); } } } template bool req_compactor::is_sorted() const { return sorted_; } template uint32_t req_compactor::get_num_items() const { return num_items_; } template uint32_t req_compactor::get_nom_capacity() const { return req_constants::MULTIPLIER * num_sections_ * section_size_; } template uint8_t req_compactor::get_lg_weight() const { return lg_weight_; } template uint64_t req_compactor::compute_weight(const T& item, bool inclusive) const { if (!sorted_) const_cast(this)->sort(); // allow sorting as a side effect auto it = inclusive ? std::upper_bound(begin(), end(), item, comparator_) : std::lower_bound(begin(), end(), item, comparator_); return std::distance(begin(), it) << lg_weight_; } template template void req_compactor::append(FwdT&& item) { if (num_items_ == capacity_) grow(capacity_ + get_nom_capacity()); const uint32_t i = hra_ ? capacity_ - num_items_ - 1 : num_items_; new (items_ + i) T(std::forward(item)); ++num_items_; if (num_items_ > 1) sorted_ = false; } template void req_compactor::grow(uint32_t new_capacity) { T* new_items = allocator_.allocate(new_capacity); uint32_t new_i = hra_ ? new_capacity - num_items_ : 0; for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it, ++new_i) { new (new_items + new_i) T(std::move(*it)); (*it).~T(); } allocator_.deallocate(items_, capacity_); items_ = new_items; capacity_ = new_capacity; } template void req_compactor::ensure_space(uint32_t num) { if (num_items_ + num > capacity_) grow(num_items_ + num + get_nom_capacity()); } template const T* req_compactor::begin() const { return items_ + (hra_ ? capacity_ - num_items_ : 0); } template const T* req_compactor::end() const { return items_ + (hra_ ? capacity_ : num_items_); } template T* req_compactor::begin() { return items_ + (hra_ ? capacity_ - num_items_ : 0); } template T* req_compactor::end() { return items_ + (hra_ ? capacity_ : num_items_); } template template void req_compactor::merge(FwdC&& other) { // TODO: swap if other is larger? if (lg_weight_ != other.lg_weight_) throw std::logic_error("weight mismatch"); state_ |= other.state_; while (ensure_enough_sections()) {} ensure_space(other.get_num_items()); sort(); auto offset = hra_ ? capacity_ - num_items_ : num_items_; auto from = hra_ ? begin() - other.get_num_items() : end(); auto to = from + other.get_num_items(); auto other_it = other.begin(); for (auto it = from; it != to; ++it, ++other_it) new (it) T(conditional_forward(*other_it)); if (!other.sorted_) std::sort(from, to, comparator_); if (num_items_ > 0) std::inplace_merge(hra_ ? from : begin(), items_ + offset, hra_ ? end() : to, C()); num_items_ += other.get_num_items(); } template void req_compactor::sort() { if (!sorted_) { std::sort(begin(), end(), comparator_); sorted_ = true; } } template std::pair req_compactor::compact(req_compactor& next) { const uint32_t starting_nom_capacity = get_nom_capacity(); // choose a part of the buffer to compact const uint32_t secs_to_compact = std::min(count_trailing_zeros_in_u64(~state_) + 1, num_sections_); auto compaction_range = compute_compaction_range(secs_to_compact); if (compaction_range.second - compaction_range.first < 2) throw std::logic_error("compaction range error"); if ((state_ & 1) == 1) { coin_ = !coin_; } // for odd flip coin; else { coin_ = random_bit(); } // random coin flip const auto num = (compaction_range.second - compaction_range.first) / 2; next.ensure_space(num); auto next_middle = hra_ ? next.begin() : next.end(); auto next_empty = hra_ ? next.begin() - num : next.end(); promote_evens_or_odds(begin() + compaction_range.first, begin() + compaction_range.second, coin_, next_empty); next.num_items_ += num; std::inplace_merge(next.begin(), next_middle, next.end(), comparator_); for (size_t i = compaction_range.first; i < compaction_range.second; ++i) (*(begin() + i)).~T(); num_items_ -= compaction_range.second - compaction_range.first; ++state_; ensure_enough_sections(); return std::pair( num, get_nom_capacity() - starting_nom_capacity ); } template bool req_compactor::ensure_enough_sections() { const float ssr = section_size_raw_ / sqrtf(2); const uint32_t ne = nearest_even(ssr); if (state_ >= static_cast(1ULL << (num_sections_ - 1)) && ne >= req_constants::MIN_K) { section_size_raw_ = ssr; section_size_ = ne; num_sections_ <<= 1; if (capacity_ < 2 * get_nom_capacity()) grow(2 * get_nom_capacity()); return true; } return false; } template std::pair req_compactor::compute_compaction_range(uint32_t secs_to_compact) const { uint32_t non_compact = get_nom_capacity() / 2 + (num_sections_ - secs_to_compact) * section_size_; // make compacted region even if (((num_items_ - non_compact) & 1) == 1) ++non_compact; const uint32_t low = hra_ ? 0 : non_compact; const uint32_t high = hra_ ? num_items_ - non_compact : num_items_; return std::pair(low, high); } template uint32_t req_compactor::nearest_even(float value) { return static_cast(round(value / 2)) << 1; } template template void req_compactor::promote_evens_or_odds(InIter from, InIter to, bool odds, OutIter dst) { if (from == to) return; InIter i = from; if (odds) ++i; while (i != to) { new (dst) T(std::move(*i)); ++dst; ++i; if (i == to) break; ++i; } } // implementation for fixed-size arithmetic types (integral and floating point) template template::value, int>::type> size_t req_compactor::get_serialized_size_bytes(const S&) const { return sizeof(state_) + sizeof(section_size_raw_) + sizeof(lg_weight_) + sizeof(num_sections_) + sizeof(uint16_t) + // padding sizeof(uint32_t) + // num_items sizeof(TT) * num_items_; } // implementation for all other types template template::value, int>::type> size_t req_compactor::get_serialized_size_bytes(const S& serde) const { size_t size = sizeof(state_) + sizeof(section_size_raw_) + sizeof(lg_weight_) + sizeof(num_sections_) + sizeof(uint16_t) + // padding sizeof(uint32_t); // num_items for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) size += serde.size_of_item(*it); return size; } template template void req_compactor::serialize(std::ostream& os, const S& serde) const { write(os, state_); write(os, section_size_raw_); write(os, lg_weight_); write(os, num_sections_); const uint16_t padding = 0; write(os, padding); write(os, num_items_); serde.serialize(os, begin(), num_items_); } template template size_t req_compactor::serialize(void* dst, size_t capacity, const S& serde) const { uint8_t* ptr = static_cast(dst); const uint8_t* end_ptr = ptr + capacity; ptr += copy_to_mem(state_, ptr); ptr += copy_to_mem(section_size_raw_, ptr); ptr += copy_to_mem(lg_weight_, ptr); ptr += copy_to_mem(num_sections_, ptr); const uint16_t padding = 0; ptr += copy_to_mem(padding, ptr); ptr += copy_to_mem(num_items_, ptr); ptr += serde.serialize(ptr, end_ptr - ptr, begin(), num_items_); return ptr - static_cast(dst); } template template req_compactor req_compactor::deserialize(std::istream& is, const S& serde, const C& comparator, const A& allocator, bool sorted, bool hra) { auto state = read(is); auto section_size_raw = read(is); auto lg_weight = read(is); auto num_sections = read(is); read(is); // padding auto num_items = read(is); auto items = deserialize_items(is, serde, allocator, num_items); return req_compactor(hra, lg_weight, sorted, section_size_raw, num_sections, state, std::move(items), num_items, comparator, allocator); } template template req_compactor req_compactor::deserialize(std::istream& is, const S& serde, const C& comparator, const A& allocator, bool sorted, uint16_t k, uint8_t num_items, bool hra) { auto items = deserialize_items(is, serde, allocator, num_items); return req_compactor(hra, 0, sorted, k, req_constants::INIT_NUM_SECTIONS, 0, std::move(items), num_items, comparator, allocator); } template template auto req_compactor::deserialize_items(std::istream& is, const S& serde, const A& allocator, uint32_t num) -> std::unique_ptr { A alloc(allocator); std::unique_ptr items(alloc.allocate(num), items_deleter(allocator, false, num)); serde.deserialize(is, items.get(), num); // serde did not throw, enable destructors items.get_deleter().set_destroy(true); if (!is.good()) throw std::runtime_error("error reading from std::istream"); return items; } template template std::pair, size_t> req_compactor::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, const S& serde, const C& comparator, const A& allocator, bool sorted, bool hra) { ensure_minimum_memory(size, 8); const char* ptr = static_cast(bytes); const char* end_ptr = static_cast(bytes) + size; uint64_t state; ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, state); float section_size_raw; ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, section_size_raw); uint8_t lg_weight; ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, lg_weight); uint8_t num_sections; ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, num_sections); ptr += 2; // padding uint32_t num_items; ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, num_items); auto pair = deserialize_items(ptr, end_ptr - ptr, serde, allocator, num_items); ptr += pair.second; return std::pair( req_compactor(hra, lg_weight, sorted, section_size_raw, num_sections, state, std::move(pair.first), num_items, comparator, allocator), ptr - static_cast(bytes) ); } template template std::pair, size_t> req_compactor::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, const S& serde, const C& comparator, const A& allocator, bool sorted, uint16_t k, uint8_t num_items, bool hra) { auto pair = deserialize_items(bytes, size, serde, allocator, num_items); return std::pair( req_compactor(hra, 0, sorted, k, req_constants::INIT_NUM_SECTIONS, 0, std::move(pair.first), num_items, comparator, allocator), pair.second ); } template template auto req_compactor::deserialize_items(const void* bytes, size_t size, const S& serde, const A& allocator, uint32_t num) -> std::pair, size_t> { const char* ptr = static_cast(bytes); const char* end_ptr = static_cast(bytes) + size; A alloc(allocator); std::unique_ptr items(alloc.allocate(num), items_deleter(allocator, false, num)); ptr += serde.deserialize(ptr, end_ptr - ptr, items.get(), num); // serde did not throw, enable destructors items.get_deleter().set_destroy(true); return std::pair, size_t>( std::move(items), ptr - static_cast(bytes) ); } template req_compactor::req_compactor(bool hra, uint8_t lg_weight, bool sorted, float section_size_raw, uint8_t num_sections, uint64_t state, std::unique_ptr items, uint32_t num_items, const C& comparator, const A& allocator): comparator_(comparator), allocator_(allocator), lg_weight_(lg_weight), hra_(hra), coin_(random_bit()), sorted_(sorted), section_size_raw_(section_size_raw), section_size_(nearest_even(section_size_raw)), num_sections_(num_sections), state_(state), num_items_(num_items), capacity_(num_items), items_(items.release()) {} template class req_compactor::items_deleter { public: items_deleter(const A& allocator, bool destroy, size_t num): allocator_(allocator), destroy_(destroy), num_(num) {} void operator() (T* ptr) { if (ptr != nullptr) { if (destroy_) { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_; ++i) { ptr[i].~T(); } } allocator_.deallocate(ptr, num_); } } void set_destroy(bool destroy) { destroy_ = destroy; } private: A allocator_; bool destroy_; size_t num_; }; } /* namespace datasketches */ #endif