module Virgo class Admin::PostsController < Admin::BaseController before_action :set_post, only: member_actions(:revisions, :editing, :publish_immediately, :delete_featured_image) handles_sortable_columns helper_method :filter_params, :model_name, :post_params def index if params[:sort].blank? flash.keep redirect_to admin_posts_path(filters: filter_params, sort: '-publish_at') and return end @posts = Post.with_relations .search(filter_params) .order(sort_order) .page(params[:page]) end # auto-complete endpoint def find @posts = Post.search_by_similarity(params[:term]) render json: { posts: @posts } end def new @post = current_user)) end def revision_detail @version = PaperTrail::Version.find(params[:version_id]) @post = @version.item end def revisions end def create @post = current_user)) authorize! :manage, @post if flash[:notice] = "#{model_name} successfully created. You can edit it below." redirect_to edit_admin_post_path(@post) else render 'new' end end def show end def edit @post.attempt_edit_lock(current_user) end def author_dropdown @post = Post.find_by(id: params[:post_id]) render json: { html: render_content(partial: "author_dropdown") } end def update @post.attributes = post_params authorize! :manage, @post if Rails.application.config.post_locking_enabled if @post.is_mid_edit? && @post.editing_user && @post.editing_user != current_user[:warning] = "Could not save changes because post is currently being edited by #{@post.editing_user.pretty_name}" render and return end end if flash[:notice] = "Post saved" redirect_to edit_admin_post_path(@post) else render 'new' end end def destroy authorize! :destroy, @post @post.destroy flash[:notice] = "Post successfully deleted" redirect_to admin_posts_path end def editing if result = @post.attempt_edit_lock(current_user) render json: { edit_lock_succeeded: result, post_is_mid_edit: @post.is_mid_edit?, editor_is_self: (@post.editing_user == current_user), editor_byline: @post.editing_user.pretty_name } end end def delete_featured_image @post.update!(featured_image_id: nil) head :ok end def delete_thumbnail_image @post.update!(thumbnail_image_id: nil) head :ok end # Use with care (and perhaps only expose to admins): # In certain circumstances, such as when chasing breaking # news, we need to make immediate changes. def publish_immediately @post.update!(publish_at:, live: true) Rails.cache.clear end private def set_post @post = Post.friendly.find(params[:id]) end def post_params _post_params = params.permit(post: [:headline, :subhead, :excerpt, :author_id, :status, :slug, :post_type, :publish_at, :body, :citation_name, :citation_url, :remove_featured_image, :column_id, :title_tag_text, :meta_description_tag_value, :featured_image_id, :thumbnail_image_id, :feature_on_front_page, :feature_on_category_page, :comments_enabled, :show_feature_image_on_post_page, :show_excerpt, :include_in_weekly_email, tag_ids: [], category_ids: [], ordered_tag_ids: []])[:post] _post_params[:publish_at] = Chronic.parse(_post_params[:publish_at]) if _post_params[:publish_at].present? _post_params end def filter_params params.permit(filters: [:term, :post_type, :category, :month, :status, category_ids: [], tag_ids: [], user_ids: []])[:filters] end def model_name @post.post_type.capitalize end end end