require 'spec_helper' feature 'Session management' do let(:survey) { create :survey, name: 'dummy' } let(:base_version) { survey.versions.create version: 0, active: true } let!(:first_question_group) { base_version.question_groups.create title: 'Question Group 1' } background do base_version.survey_detail = build :survey_detail, title: 'Dummy Survey', description: 'Leucadendron is a plants in the family Proteaceae.' end scenario 'edits a session' do short_text_question = build :short_text_question, code: 'a_name', question_text: "What's your name?" first_question_group.questions << short_text_question long_text_question = build :long_text_question, code: 'selfdescription', question_text: 'Give a brief description of yourself' first_question_group.questions << long_text_question second_question_group = base_version.question_groups.create title: 'Question Group 2', allow_to_go_back: true all_and_everything = build :radio_group_question, code: :all_and_everything, question_text: 'What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?', position: 1 all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, position: 1, text: 'Just Chuck Norris knows it', value: 'norris') all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, position: 2, text: 'God', value: 'god') all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, position: 3, text: '42', value: 42) all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, position: 4, text: 'Your mom', value: 'mom', preselected: :true) second_question_group.questions << all_and_everything food_allergy = build :checkbox_group_question, code: :food_allergy, question_text: 'What kind of food allergy do you have?', position: 2 food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Garlic', code: 'garlic', position: 1, preselected: true) food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Oats', code: 'oat', position: 2) food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Meat', code: 'meat', position: 3) second_question_group.questions << food_allergy third_question_group = base_version.question_groups.create title: 'Question Group 3', allow_to_go_back: true satisfaction_matrix = build :radio_matrix_question, code: :satisfaction, question_text: 'Below are five statements with which you may agree or disagree.', required: true, position: 1 satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 1, text: 'Strongly Disagree', value: 1) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 2, text: 'Disagree', value: 2) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 3, text: 'Slightly Disagree', value: 3) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 4, text: 'Neither Agree or Disagree', value: 4) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 5, text: 'Slightly Agree', value: 5) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 6, text: 'Agree', value: 6) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, position: 7, text: 'Strongly Agree', value: 7) satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'In most ways my life is close to my ideal.', code: 'life_is_ideal', position: 1) satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'The conditions of my life are excellent.', code: 'condition', position: 2) satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'I am satisfied with life.', code: 'satisfied_with_life', position: 3) satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.', code: 'important_things', position: 4) satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.', code: 'nothing_to_change', position: 5) third_question_group.questions << satisfaction_matrix base_version.update_attribute :settings, display_progressbar: '1' session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) within '#survey_progress' do expect(page).to have_content 'Page 1 of 3' expect(page).to have_content '33%' end expect(page).to have_content 'Dummy Survey' expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 1' expect(page).to have_content "What's your name?" expect(page).to have_content 'Give a brief description of yourself' expect(page).not_to have_link 'Back' fill_in 'session_answers_a_name', with: 'Hans' fill_in 'session_answers_selfdescription', with: 'I am a proud man living in middle earth. Everybody is laughing at me because I do not have hairy feets.' expect { click_button 'Next' }.to change { session.reload.answers.count }.from(0).to(2) expect(session.reload.last_question_group_id).to eq within '#survey_progress' do expect(page).to have_content 'Page 2 of 3' expect(page).to have_content '67%' end expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 2' expect(page).to have_content 'What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?' expect(page).to have_content 'Just Chuck Norris knows it' expect(page).to have_content 'God' expect(page).to have_content '42' expect(page).to have_content 'Your mom' choose('42') expect(page).to have_content 'What kind of food allergy do you have?' expect(page).to have_content 'Garlic' expect(page).to have_content 'Oats' expect(page).to have_content 'Meat' uncheck('Garlic') check('Oats') check('Meat') expect(page).to have_link 'Back', href: helena.edit_session_path(session.token, question_group: base_version.question_groups.find_by(position: 1)) expect { click_button 'Next' }.to change { session.reload.answers.count }.from(2).to(6) expect(session.reload.last_question_group_id).to eq within '#survey_progress' do expect(page).to have_content 'Page 3 of 3' expect(page).to have_content '100%' end expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 3' expect(page).to have_content 'Below are five statements with which you may agree or disagree.' expect(page).to have_content 'Strongly Disagree' expect(page).to have_content 'Disagree' expect(page).to have_content 'Slightly Disagree' expect(page).to have_content 'Neither Agree or Disagree' expect(page).to have_content 'Slightly Agree' expect(page).to have_content 'Agree' expect(page).to have_content 'Strongly Agree' expect(page).to have_content 'In most ways my life is close to my ideal.' expect(page).to have_content 'The conditions of my life are excellent.' expect(page).to have_content 'I am satisfied with life.' expect(page).to have_content 'So far I have gotten the important things I want in life.' expect(page).to have_content 'If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing.' choose('session_answers_life_is_ideal_1') choose('session_answers_important_things_2') choose('session_answers_condition_4') choose('session_answers_nothing_to_change_5') choose('session_answers_satisfied_with_life_7') expect(page).to have_link 'Back', href: helena.edit_session_path(session.token, question_group: base_version.question_groups.find_by(position: 2)) expect { click_button 'Save' }.to change { session.reload.answers.count }.from(6).to(11) end scenario 'a user resumes the questionary and starts with ne first unfinished question group' do second_question_group = base_version.question_groups.create title: 'Question Group 2' session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abcdefg' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 1' click_button 'Next' expect(session.reload.last_question_group_id).to eq visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 2' end scenario 'does not save an empty short text field when required' do short_text_question = build :short_text_question, code: 'a_name', question_text: "What's your name?", required: true first_question_group.questions << short_text_question session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content "What's your name? *" expect(page).to have_content '* indicates required fields' expect { click_button 'Save' }.not_to change { session.reload.answers.count } expect(page).to have_content("can't be blank") end scenario 'does not display "* indicates required fields" when no required fields are in question group' do short_text_question = build :short_text_question, code: 'a_name', question_text: "What's your name?", required: false first_question_group.questions << short_text_question session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content "What's your name?" expect(page).not_to have_content '* indicates required fields' end scenario 'does not save an empty long text field when required' do long_text_question = build :long_text_question, code: 'selfdescription', question_text: 'Give a brief description of yourself', required: true first_question_group.questions << long_text_question session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'Give a brief description of yourself *' expect { click_button 'Save' }.not_to change { session.reload.answers.count } expect(page).to have_content("can't be blank") end scenario 'does not save a non selected radio group when required' do all_and_everything = build :radio_group_question, code: :all_and_everything, question_text: 'What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?', required: true all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, value: 'norris') all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, value: 'god') all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, value: 42) all_and_everything.labels << build(:label, value: 'mom') first_question_group.questions << all_and_everything session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything? *' expect { click_button 'Save' }.not_to change { session.reload.answers.count } expect(page).to have_content("can't be blank") end scenario 'does not save when no subquestion of a checkbox group is selected if required' do food_allergy = build :checkbox_group_question, code: :food_allergy, question_text: 'What kind of food allergy do you have?', required: true food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Garlic', code: 'garlic') food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Oats', code: 'oat') food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Meat', code: 'meat') first_question_group.questions << food_allergy session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'What kind of food allergy do you have? *' expect { click_button 'Save' }.to change { }.from([]).to([0, 0, 0]) expect(page).to have_content("can't be blank") end scenario 'saves when subquestion of a checkbox group is selected if required' do food_allergy = build :checkbox_group_question, code: :food_allergy, question_text: 'What kind of food allergy do you have?', required: true food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Garlic', code: 'garlic') food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Oats', code: 'oat') food_allergy.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, text: 'Meat', code: 'meat') first_question_group.questions << food_allergy session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'What kind of food allergy do you have? *' check('Oats') expect { click_button 'Save' }.to change { session.reload.answers.count }.from(0).to(3) expect(page).not_to have_content("can't be blank") end scenario 'does not save when radio matrix is filled out completely if required' do satisfaction_matrix = build :radio_matrix_question, code: :satisfaction, question_text: 'Below are five statements with which you may agree or disagree.', required: true satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 1) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 2) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 3) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 4) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 5) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 6) satisfaction_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 7) satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'life_is_ideal') satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'condition') satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'satisfied_with_life') satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'important_things') satisfaction_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'nothing_to_change') first_question_group.questions << satisfaction_matrix session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'Below are five statements with which you may agree or disagree. *' choose('session_answers_satisfied_with_life_3') expect { click_button 'Save' }.to change { session.reload.answers.count }.from(0).to(1) expect(page).to have_content("can't be blank") end scenario 'Displaying a bipolar radio matrix question"' do radio_matrix = build :bipolar_radio_matrix_question, code: :satisfaction, question_text: 'What do you like more?' radio_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 1, text: 'Yo') radio_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 2, text: "can't decide") radio_matrix.labels << build(:label, value: 3, text: 'Yo') radio_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'food', text: 'Ice cream|Cookies') radio_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'drugs', text: 'Weed|Booze') radio_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'pets', text: 'Cats|Dogs') radio_matrix.sub_questions << build(:sub_question, code: 'not_splitted', text: 'I am not splitted') first_question_group.questions << radio_matrix session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abc' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page.all('table thead tr th').size).to eq 5 expect(page.find('table tbody tr:first td:first')).to have_content 'Ice cream' expect(page.find('table tbody tr:last td:first')).to have_content 'I am not splitted' expect(page.find('table tbody tr:last td:last').text).to be_empty end scenario 'Allows to define whether a user an jump back for each question group seperately' do second_question_group = base_version.question_groups.create title: 'Question Group 2', allow_to_go_back: true base_version.question_groups.create title: 'Question Group 3', allow_to_go_back: false session = survey.sessions.create version_id:, token: 'abcdefg' visit helena.edit_session_path(session.token) expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 1' expect(page).not_to have_link 'Back' click_button 'Next' expect(page).to have_link 'Back', href: helena.edit_session_path(session.token, question_group: second_question_group.previous_item) expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 2' click_button 'Next' expect(page).to have_content 'Question Group 3' expect(page).not_to have_link 'Back' end end