require "sql_tree" require "active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting" module SQLTree class << self attr_accessor :identifier_quote_field_char end self.identifier_quote_field_char = "`" end class SQLTree::Token extended_keywords = %w(BINARY LIMIT OFFSET INDEX KEY USE FORCE IGNORE) KEYWORDS.concat(extended_keywords) extended_keywords.each do |kwd| const_set(kwd, end BINARY_ESCAPE ="x") def possible_index_hint? [SQLTree::Token::USE, SQLTree::Token::FORCE, SQLTree::Token::IGNORE].include?(self.class) end def index_keyword? [SQLTree::Token::INDEX, SQLTree::Token::KEY].include?(self.class) end end class SQLTree::Tokenizer def tokenize_quoted_string(&block) # :yields: SQLTree::Token::String string = "" until next_char.nil? || current_char == "'" string << (current_char == "\\" ? instance_eval("%@\\#{next_char.gsub('@', '\@')}@") : current_char) end handle_token(, &block) end # @note Override to handle x'..' binary string def each_token(&block) # :yields: SQLTree::Token while next_char case current_char when /^\s?$/ then # whitespace, go to next character when "(" then handle_token(SQLTree::Token::LPAREN, &block) when ")" then handle_token(SQLTree::Token::RPAREN, &block) when "." then handle_token(SQLTree::Token::DOT, &block) when "," then handle_token(SQLTree::Token::COMMA, &block) when /\d/ then tokenize_number(&block) when "'" then tokenize_quoted_string(&block) when "E", "x", 'X' then tokenize_possible_escaped_string(&block) when /\w/ then tokenize_keyword(&block) when OPERATOR_CHARS then tokenize_operator(&block) when SQLTree.identifier_quote_char then tokenize_quoted_identifier(&block) end end # Make sure to yield any tokens that are still stashed on the queue. empty_keyword_queue!(&block) end alias_method :each, :each_token def tokenize_possible_escaped_string(&block) if peek_char == "'" token = case current_char when "E" SQLTree::Token::STRING_ESCAPE when "x", "X" SQLTree::Token::BINARY_ESCAPE end handle_token(token, &block) else tokenize_keyword(&block) end end end module SQLTree::Node class Base def quote_field_name(field_name) "#{SQLTree.identifier_quote_field_char}#{field_name}#{SQLTree.identifier_quote_field_char}" end end class SelectQuery < Base child :offset def to_sql(options = {}) raise "At least one SELECT expression is required" if sql = self.distinct ? "SELECT DISTINCT " : "SELECT " sql << { |s| s.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") sql << " FROM " << { |f| f.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") if from sql << " WHERE " << where.to_sql(options) if where sql << " GROUP BY " << { |g| g.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") if group_by sql << " ORDER BY " << { |o| o.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") if order_by sql << " HAVING " << having.to_sql(options) if having sql << " LIMIT " << Array(limit).map { |f| f.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") if limit sql << " OFFSET " << offset.to_sql(options) if offset sql end def self.parse(tokens) select_node = tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::SELECT) if SQLTree::Token::DISTINCT === tokens.peek tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::DISTINCT) select_node.distinct = true end = parse_list(tokens, SQLTree::Node::SelectDeclaration) select_node.from = self.parse_from_clause(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::FROM === tokens.peek select_node.where = self.parse_where_clause(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::WHERE === tokens.peek if SQLTree::Token::GROUP === tokens.peek select_node.group_by = self.parse_group_clause(tokens) select_node.having = self.parse_having_clause(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::HAVING === tokens.peek end select_node.order_by = self.parse_order_clause(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::ORDER === tokens.peek if SQLTree::Token::LIMIT === tokens.peek && (list = self.parse_limit_clause(tokens)) select_node.offset = list.shift if list.size > 1 select_node.limit = list.shift end select_node.offset = self.parse_offset_clause(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::OFFSET === tokens.peek select_node end def self.parse_limit_clause(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::LIMIT) self.parse_list(tokens, SQLTree::Node::Expression) end def self.parse_offset_clause(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::OFFSET) Expression.parse(tokens) end end class SubQuery < SelectQuery def to_sql(options = {}) "(" + super(options) + ")" end def self.parse(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::LPAREN) select_node = super(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::RPAREN) select_node end end class TableReference < Base leaf :index_hint def initialize(table, table_alias = nil, index_hint = nil) @table = table @table_alias = table_alias @index_hint = index_hint end def to_sql(options = {}) sql = (SQLTree::Node::SubQuery === table) ? table.to_sql : quote_field_name(table) sql << " AS " << quote_field_name(table_alias) if table_alias sql << " " << index_hint.to_sql if index_hint sql end def self.parse(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::Identifier === tokens.peek table_reference = if tokens.peek && !tokens.peek.possible_index_hint? && (SQLTree::Token::AS === tokens.peek || SQLTree::Token::Identifier === tokens.peek) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::AS) if SQLTree::Token::AS === tokens.peek table_reference.table_alias = end if tokens.peek && tokens.peek.possible_index_hint? && tokens.peek(2).index_keyword? table_reference.index_hint = SQLTree::Node::IndexHint.parse(tokens) end return table_reference elsif SQLTree::Token::SELECT === tokens.peek(2) table_reference = if SQLTree::Token::AS === tokens.peek || SQLTree::Token::Identifier === tokens.peek tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::AS) if SQLTree::Token::AS === tokens.peek table_reference.table_alias = end table_reference else raise end end end class IndexHint < Base leaf :hint_method leaf :hint_key leaf :index_list def initialize(hint_method, hint_key, index_list) @hint_method = hint_method @hint_key = hint_key @index_list = index_list end def to_sql(options = {}) sql = "#{hint_method} #{hint_key} " sql << "(#{' ')})" sql end def self.parse(tokens) hint_method = if tokens.peek.index_keyword? hint_key = tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::LPAREN) index_list = parse_list(tokens, SQLTree::Node::Expression::Field) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::RPAREN), hint_key, index_list) else raise end end end class Expression < Base class BinaryOperator < SQLTree::Node::Expression TOKEN_PRECEDENCE[2] << SQLTree::Token::BETWEEN silence_warnings do TOKENS = TOKEN_PRECEDENCE.flatten end def self.parse_rhs(tokens, precedence, operator = nil) if ["IN", "NOT IN"].include?(operator) if SQLTree::Token::SELECT === tokens.peek(2) return SQLTree::Node::SubQuery.parse(tokens) else return List.parse(tokens) end elsif ["IS", "IS NOT"].include?(operator) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::NULL) return elsif ["BETWEEN"].include?(operator) expr = parse_atomic(tokens) operator = parse_operator(tokens) rhs = parse_rhs(tokens, precedence, operator) expr = operator, lhs: expr, rhs: rhs) return expr else return parse(tokens, precedence + 1) end end end class PrefixOperator < SQLTree::Node::Expression TOKENS << SQLTree::Token::BINARY end class Field < Variable def to_sql(options = {}) @table.nil? ? quote_field_name(@name) : quote_field_name(@table) + "." + quote_field_name(@name) end end class Value leaf :escape end class EscapedValue < Value def initialize(value, escape = nil) @value = value @escape = escape end def to_sql(options = {}) case value when nil then "NULL" when String then "#{escape_string}#{quote_str(@value)}" when Numeric then @value.to_s when Date then @value.strftime("'%Y-%m-%d'") when DateTime, Time then @value.strftime("'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'") else raise "Don't know how te represent this value in SQL!" end end def escape_string @escape.to_s end def self.parse(tokens) escape = case when SQLTree::Token::String, escape.literal) else raise, :literal) end end end def self.parse_atomic(tokens) if SQLTree::Token::LPAREN === tokens.peek tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::LPAREN) expr = self.parse(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::RPAREN) expr elsif tokens.peek.prefix_operator? PrefixOperator.parse(tokens) elsif tokens.peek.variable? if SQLTree::Token::LPAREN === tokens.peek(2) FunctionCall.parse(tokens) elsif SQLTree::Token::DOT === tokens.peek(2) Field.parse(tokens) else Variable.parse(tokens) end elsif SQLTree::Token::STRING_ESCAPE == tokens.peek EscapedValue.parse(tokens) elsif SQLTree::Token::BINARY_ESCAPE == tokens.peek EscapedValue.parse(tokens) elsif SQLTree::Token::INTERVAL === tokens.peek IntervalValue.parse(tokens) else Value.parse(tokens) end end end class InsertQuery < Base def to_sql(options = {}) sql = "INSERT INTO #{table.to_sql(options)} " sql << "(" + { |f| f.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") + ") " if fields sql << "VALUES" sql << do |value| " (" + { |v| v.to_sql(options) }.join(", ") + ")" end.join(",") sql end def self.parse_value_list(tokens) values = [] tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::VALUES) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::LPAREN) values << parse_list(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::RPAREN) while SQLTree::Token::COMMA === tokens.peek tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::COMMA) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::LPAREN) values << parse_list(tokens) tokens.consume(SQLTree::Token::RPAREN) end values end end end