//! \file Input.hpp //! Interface of the Input class. #ifndef GOSU_INPUT_HPP #define GOSU_INPUT_HPP #include #include #include #include #ifdef GOSU_IS_WIN #ifndef NOMINMAX #define NOMINMAX #endif #include #endif #ifdef GOSU_IS_X #include #include #endif #include namespace Gosu { //! Very lightweight class that identifies a button (keyboard, mouse or other device). class Button { unsigned id_; public: //! For internal use. explicit Button(unsigned id) : id_(id) {} //! For internal use. unsigned id() const { return id_; } //! Default constructor; == noButton. Button() : id_(noButton) {} //! Conversion from ButtonName constants. Button(ButtonName name) : id_(name) {} }; //! Tests whether two Buttons identify the same physical button. inline bool operator==(Button lhs, Button rhs) { return lhs.id() == rhs.id(); } inline bool operator!=(Button lhs, Button rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } inline bool operator<(Button lhs, Button rhs) { return lhs.id() < rhs.id(); } //! Struct that saves information about a touch on the surface of a multi- //! touch device. //! Available even on non-iPhone platforms to make it easier to compile the //! same source for multiple platforms. struct Touch { //! Allows for identification of a touch across calls. void* id; //! Position of a touch on the touch screen. float x, y; }; typedef std::vector Touches; //! Manages initialization and shutdown of the input system. Only one Input //! instance can exist per application. class Input { struct Impl; const GOSU_UNIQUE_PTR pimpl; #if defined(GOSU_CPP11_ENABLED) // explicitly forbid copying and moving Input(Input&&) = delete; Input& operator=(Input&&) = delete; Input(const Input&) = delete; Input& operator=(const Input&) = delete; #endif public: #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE Input(void* view, float updateInterval); void feedTouchEvent(int type, void* touches); #else Input(); bool feedSDLEvent(void* event); #endif ~Input(); //! Returns the character a button usually produces, or 0. static wchar_t idToChar(Button btn); //! Returns the button that has to be pressed to produce the //! given character, or noButton. static Button charToId(wchar_t ch); //! Returns true if a button is currently pressed. //! Updated every tick. static bool down(Button btn); //! Returns the horizontal position of the mouse relative to the top //! left corner of the window given to Input's constructor. double mouseX() const; //! See mouseX. double mouseY() const; //! Immediately moves the mouse as far towards the desired position //! as possible. x and y are relative to the window, just as in mouseX() //! and mouseY(), so (0, 0) is the top left corner of the window.. void setMousePosition(double x, double y); // Undocumented for the moment. Also applies to currentTouches(). void setMouseFactors(double factorX, double factorY, double offsetX = 0, double offsetY = 0); //! Currently known touches. const Touches& currentTouches() const; //! Accelerometer positions in all three dimensions (smoothened). double accelerometerX() const; double accelerometerY() const; double accelerometerZ() const; //! Collects new information about which buttons are pressed, where the //! mouse is and calls onButtonUp/onButtonDown, if assigned. void update(); //! Assignable events that are called by update. You can bind these to your own functions. //! If you use the Window class, it will assign these to its own methods. std::tr1::function onButtonDown, onButtonUp; //! Assignable events that are called by update. You can bind these to your own functions. //! If you use the Window class, it will assign these to its own methods. std::tr1::function onTouchBegan, onTouchMoved, onTouchEnded; //! Returns the currently active TextInput instance, or 0. TextInput* textInput() const; //! Sets the currently active TextInput, or clears it (input = 0). void setTextInput(TextInput* input); }; } #endif