module Hydra module AccessControls module Permissions extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Hydra::AccessControls::Visibility included do has_many :permissions, predicate: ::ACL.accessTo, class_name: 'Hydra::AccessControls::Permission', inverse_of: :access_to, dependent: :destroy accepts_nested_attributes_for :permissions, allow_destroy: true alias_method :permissions_attributes_without_uniqueness=, :permissions_attributes= alias_method :permissions_attributes=, :permissions_attributes_with_uniqueness= end def to_solr(solr_doc = {}) super.tap do |doc| [:discover, :read, :edit].each do |access| vals = send("#{access}_groups") doc[Hydra.config.permissions[access].group] = vals unless vals.empty? vals = send("#{access}_users") doc[Hydra.config.permissions[access].individual] = vals unless vals.empty? end end end # When chaging a permission for an object/user, ensure an update is done, not a duplicate def permissions_attributes_with_uniqueness=(attributes_collection) if attributes_collection.is_a? Hash keys = attributes_collection.keys attributes_collection = if keys.include?('id') || keys.include?(:id) Array(attributes_collection) else attributes_collection.sort_by { |i, _| i.to_i }.map { |_, attributes| attributes } end end attributes_collection.each do |prop| existing = case prop[:type] when 'group' search_by_type(:group) when 'person' search_by_type(:person) end next unless existing selected = existing.find { |perm| perm.agent_name == prop[:name] } prop['id'] = if selected end self.permissions_attributes_without_uniqueness=attributes_collection end # Return a list of groups that have discover permission def discover_groups search_by_type_and_mode(:group, Hydra::ACL.Discover).map { |p| p.agent_name } end # Grant discover permissions to the groups specified. Revokes discover permission for all other groups. # @param[Array] groups a list of group names # @example # r.discover_groups= ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.discover_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def discover_groups=(groups) set_discover_groups(groups, discover_groups) end # Grant discover permissions to the groups specified. Revokes discover permission for all other groups. # @param[String] groups a list of group names # @example # r.discover_groups_string= 'one, two, three' # r.discover_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def discover_groups_string=(groups) self.discover_groups=groups.split(/[\s,]+/) end # Display the groups a comma delimeted string def discover_groups_string self.discover_groups.join(', ') end # Grant discover permissions to the groups specified. Revokes discover permission for # any of the eligible_groups that are not in groups. # This may be used when different users are responsible for setting different # groups. Supply the groups the current user is responsible for as the # 'eligible_groups' # @param[Array] groups a list of groups # @param[Array] eligible_groups the groups that are eligible to have their discover permssion revoked. # @example # r.discover_groups = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.discover_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.set_discover_groups(['one'], ['three']) # r.discover_groups # => ['one', 'two'] ## 'two' was not eligible to be removed # def set_discover_groups(groups, eligible_groups) set_entities(:discover, :group, groups, eligible_groups) end def discover_users search_by_type_and_mode(:person, Hydra::ACL.Discover).map { |p| p.agent_name } end # Grant discover permissions to the users specified. Revokes discover permission for all other users. # @param[Array] users a list of usernames # @example # r.discover_users= ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.discover_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def discover_users=(users) set_discover_users(users, discover_users) end # Grant discover permissions to the groups specified. Revokes discover permission for all other users. # @param[String] users a list of usernames # @example # r.discover_users_string= 'one, two, three' # r.discover_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def discover_users_string=(users) self.discover_users=users.split(/[\s,]+/) end # Display the users as a comma delimeted string def discover_users_string self.discover_users.join(', ') end # Grant discover permissions to the users specified. Revokes discover permission for # any of the eligible_users that are not in users. # This may be used when different users are responsible for setting different # users. Supply the users the current user is responsible for as the # 'eligible_users' # @param[Array] users a list of users # @param[Array] eligible_users the users that are eligible to have their discover permssion revoked. # @example # r.discover_users = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.discover_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.set_discover_users(['one'], ['three']) # r.discover_users # => ['one', 'two'] ## 'two' was not eligible to be removed # def set_discover_users(users, eligible_users) set_entities(:discover, :person, users, eligible_users) end # Return a list of groups that have discover permission def read_groups search_by_type_and_mode(:group, ::ACL.Read).map { |p| p.agent_name } end # Grant read permissions to the groups specified. Revokes read permission for all other groups. # @param[Array] groups a list of group names # @example # r.read_groups= ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.read_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def read_groups=(groups) set_read_groups(groups, read_groups) end # Grant read permissions to the groups specified. Revokes read permission for all other groups. # @param[String] groups a list of group names # @example # r.read_groups_string= 'one, two, three' # r.read_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def read_groups_string=(groups) self.read_groups=groups.split(/[\s,]+/) end # Display the groups a comma delimeted string def read_groups_string self.read_groups.join(', ') end # Grant read permissions to the groups specified. Revokes read permission for # any of the eligible_groups that are not in groups. # This may be used when different users are responsible for setting different # groups. Supply the groups the current user is responsible for as the # 'eligible_groups' # @param[Array] groups a list of groups # @param[Array] eligible_groups the groups that are eligible to have their read permssion revoked. # @example # r.read_groups = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.read_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.set_read_groups(['one'], ['three']) # r.read_groups # => ['one', 'two'] ## 'two' was not eligible to be removed # def set_read_groups(groups, eligible_groups) set_entities(:read, :group, groups, eligible_groups) end def read_users search_by_type_and_mode(:person, ::ACL.Read).map { |p| p.agent_name } end # Grant read permissions to the users specified. Revokes read permission for all other users. # @param[Array] users a list of usernames # @example # r.read_users= ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.read_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def read_users=(users) set_read_users(users, read_users) end # Grant read permissions to the groups specified. Revokes read permission for all other users. # @param[String] users a list of usernames # @example # r.read_users_string= 'one, two, three' # r.read_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def read_users_string=(users) self.read_users=users.split(/[\s,]+/) end # Display the users as a comma delimeted string def read_users_string self.read_users.join(', ') end # Grant read permissions to the users specified. Revokes read permission for # any of the eligible_users that are not in users. # This may be used when different users are responsible for setting different # users. Supply the users the current user is responsible for as the # 'eligible_users' # @param[Array] users a list of users # @param[Array] eligible_users the users that are eligible to have their read permssion revoked. # @example # r.read_users = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.read_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.set_read_users(['one'], ['three']) # r.read_users # => ['one', 'two'] ## 'two' was not eligible to be removed # def set_read_users(users, eligible_users) set_entities(:read, :person, users, eligible_users) end # Return a list of groups that have edit permission def edit_groups search_by_type_and_mode(:group, ::ACL.Write).map { |p| p.agent_name } end # Grant edit permissions to the groups specified. Revokes edit permission for all other groups. # @param[Array] groups a list of group names # @example # r.edit_groups= ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.edit_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def edit_groups=(groups) set_edit_groups(groups, edit_groups) end # Grant edit permissions to the groups specified. Revokes edit permission for all other groups. # @param[String] groups a list of group names # @example # r.edit_groups_string= 'one, two, three' # r.edit_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def edit_groups_string=(groups) self.edit_groups=groups.split(/[\s,]+/) end # Display the groups a comma delimeted string def edit_groups_string self.edit_groups.join(', ') end # Grant edit permissions to the groups specified. Revokes edit permission for # any of the eligible_groups that are not in groups. # This may be used when different users are responsible for setting different # groups. Supply the groups the current user is responsible for as the # 'eligible_groups' # @param[Array] groups a list of groups # @param[Array] eligible_groups the groups that are eligible to have their edit permssion revoked. # @example # r.edit_groups = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.edit_groups # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.set_edit_groups(['one'], ['three']) # r.edit_groups # => ['one', 'two'] ## 'two' was not eligible to be removed # def set_edit_groups(groups, eligible_groups) set_entities(:edit, :group, groups, eligible_groups) end def edit_users search_by_type_and_mode(:person, ::ACL.Write).map { |p| p.agent_name } end # Grant edit permissions to the groups specified. Revokes edit permission for all other groups. # @param[Array] users a list of usernames # @example # r.edit_users= ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.edit_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # def edit_users=(users) set_edit_users(users, edit_users) end # Grant edit permissions to the users specified. Revokes edit permission for # any of the eligible_users that are not in users. # This may be used when different users are responsible for setting different # users. Supply the users the current user is responsible for as the # 'eligible_users' # @param[Array] users a list of users # @param[Array] eligible_users the users that are eligible to have their edit permssion revoked. # @example # r.edit_users = ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.edit_users # => ['one', 'two', 'three'] # r.set_edit_users(['one'], ['three']) # r.edit_users # => ['one', 'two'] ## 'two' was not eligible to be removed # def set_edit_users(users, eligible_users) set_entities(:edit, :person, users, eligible_users) end protected def has_destroy_flag?(hash) ["1", "true"].include?(hash['_destroy'].to_s) end private # @param [Symbol] permission either :discover, :read or :edit # @param [Symbol] type either :person or :group # @param [Array] values Values to set # @param [Array] changeable Values we are allowed to change def set_entities(permission, type, values, changeable) (changeable - values).each do |entity| for_destroy = search_by_type_and_mode(type, permission_to_uri(permission)).select { |p| p.agent_name == entity } permissions.delete(for_destroy) end values.each do |agent_name| exists = search_by_type_and_mode(type, permission_to_uri(permission)).select { |p| p.agent_name == agent_name } agent_name, access: permission.to_s, type: type ) unless exists.present? end end def permission_to_uri(permission) case permission.to_s when 'read' ::ACL.Read when 'edit' ::ACL.Write when 'discover' Hydra::ACL.Discover else raise "Invalid permission #{permission.inspect}" end end # @param [Symbol] type (either :group or :person) # @return [Array] def search_by_type(type) case type when :group { |p| group_agent?(p.agent) } when :person { |p| person_agent?(p.agent) } end end # @param [Symbol] type either :group or :person # @param [::RDF::URI] mode One of the permissions modes, e.g. ACL.Write, ACL.Read, etc. # @return [Array] def search_by_type_and_mode(type, mode) case type when :group search_by_mode(mode) { |agent| group_agent?(agent) } when :person search_by_mode(mode) { |agent| person_agent?(agent) } end end # @param [RDF::URI] mode One of the permissions modes, e.g. ACL.Write, ACL.Read, etc. # @yieldparam [Array] agent the agent type assertions # @return [Array] list of permissions where the mode is as selected, the block evaluates to true and the target is not marked for delete def search_by_mode(mode, &block) do |p| yield(p.agent) && !p.marked_for_destruction? && p.mode.first.rdf_subject == mode end end def person_permissions search_by_type(:person) end def group_permissions search_by_type(:group) end def group_agent?(agent) raise "no agent" unless agent.present? agent.first.rdf_subject.to_s.start_with?(GROUP_AGENT_URL_PREFIX) end def person_agent?(agent) raise "no agent" unless agent.present? agent.first.rdf_subject.to_s.start_with?(PERSON_AGENT_URL_PREFIX) end end end end