# File: formatting-service.rb # Purpose: Implementation of the FormattingService class. require_relative 'exceptions' require_relative 'coll-walker-factory' require_relative './formatter/all-notifications' module Macros4Cuke # Module used as a namespace # A worker class that drives the rendering of macro-steps in # any registered format. class FormattingService # The list of registered formatters attr_reader(:formatters) # Link to a factory of walker objects that visit macro collections attr_reader(:walker_factory) # Constructor. def initialize() @formatters = [] @walker_factory = CollWalkerFactory.new end # Register a formatter. # Raises an exception when the formatter implements # an unknown formatting event. def register(aFormatter) # Get the list of formatted events supported by the formatter supported_events = aFormatter.implements # Complain if list is empty or nil if supported_events.nil? || supported_events.empty? raise(NoFormattingEventForFormatter.new(aFormatter)) end # Check that each event from the event list the formatter is known. supported_events.each do |event| next if Formatter::AllNotifications.include? event raise(UnknownFormattingEvent.new(aFormatter, event)) end formatters << aFormatter end # Launch the rendering(s) of the given macro collection. def start!(aMacroCollection) # Create a walker (that will visit the collection) walker = walker_factory.build_walker(aMacroCollection) walker.each do |visit_event| (msg, nesting_level) = visit_event[0..1] # Notify each formatter of the visit event. formatters.each do |fmt| accepted_notifications = fmt.implements next unless accepted_notifications.include? msg # Assumption: all nil argument(s) are at the end arg_vector = visit_event[2..-1].reject(&:nil?) fmt.send(msg, nesting_level, *arg_vector) end end end end # class end # module # End of file