# encoding: utf-8 module I18n module Tests module Localization module Date def setup super setup_date_translations @date = ::Date.new(2008, 3, 1) end test "localize Date: given the short format it uses it" do assert_equal '01. Mär', I18n.l(@date, :format => :short, :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given the long format it uses it" do assert_equal '01. März 2008', I18n.l(@date, :format => :long, :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given the default format it uses it" do assert_equal '01.03.2008', I18n.l(@date, :format => :default, :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given a day name format it returns the correct day name" do assert_equal 'Samstag', I18n.l(@date, :format => '%A', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given a uppercased day name format it returns the correct day name in upcase" do assert_equal 'samstag'.upcase, I18n.l(@date, :format => '%^A', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given an abbreviated day name format it returns the correct abbreviated day name" do assert_equal 'Sa', I18n.l(@date, :format => '%a', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given an abbreviated and uppercased day name format it returns the correct abbreviated day name in upcase" do assert_equal 'sa'.upcase, I18n.l(@date, :format => '%^a', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given a month name format it returns the correct month name" do assert_equal 'März', I18n.l(@date, :format => '%B', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given a uppercased month name format it returns the correct month name in upcase" do assert_equal 'märz'.upcase, I18n.l(@date, :format => '%^B', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given an abbreviated month name format it returns the correct abbreviated month name" do assert_equal 'Mär', I18n.l(@date, :format => '%b', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given an abbreviated and uppercased month name format it returns the correct abbreviated month name in upcase" do assert_equal 'mär'.upcase, I18n.l(@date, :format => '%^b', :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given a date format with the month name upcased it returns the correct value" do assert_equal '1. FEBRUAR 2008', I18n.l(::Date.new(2008, 2, 1), :format => "%-d. %^B %Y", :locale => :de) end test "localize Date: given missing translations it returns the correct error message" do assert_equal 'translation missing: fr.date.abbr_month_names', I18n.l(@date, :format => '%b', :locale => :fr) end test "localize Date: given an unknown format it does not fail" do assert_nothing_raised { I18n.l(@date, :format => '%x') } end test "localize Date: does not modify the options hash" do options = { :format => '%b', :locale => :de } assert_equal 'Mär', I18n.l(@date, **options) assert_equal({ :format => '%b', :locale => :de }, options) assert_nothing_raised { I18n.l(@date, **options.freeze) } end test "localize Date: given nil with default value it returns default" do assert_equal 'default', I18n.l(nil, :default => 'default') end test "localize Date: given nil it raises I18n::ArgumentError" do assert_raise(I18n::ArgumentError) { I18n.l(nil) } end test "localize Date: given a plain Object it raises I18n::ArgumentError" do assert_raise(I18n::ArgumentError) { I18n.l(Object.new) } end test "localize Date: given a format is missing it raises I18n::MissingTranslationData" do assert_raise(I18n::MissingTranslationData) { I18n.l(@date, :format => :missing) } end test "localize Date: it does not alter the format string" do assert_equal '01. Februar 2009', I18n.l(::Date.parse('2009-02-01'), :format => :long, :locale => :de) assert_equal '01. Oktober 2009', I18n.l(::Date.parse('2009-10-01'), :format => :long, :locale => :de) end protected def setup_date_translations I18n.backend.store_translations :de, { :date => { :formats => { :default => "%d.%m.%Y", :short => "%d. %b", :long => "%d. %B %Y", }, :day_names => %w(Sonntag Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag), :abbr_day_names => %w(So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa), :month_names => %w(Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember).unshift(nil), :abbr_month_names => %w(Jan Feb Mär Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Okt Nov Dez).unshift(nil) } } end end end end end