ruby-plsql-spec =============== PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby ----------------------------- Unit testing of PL/SQL procedures with Ruby libraries: * [ruby-plsql]( - Ruby API for calling PL/SQL procedures * [RSpec]( - Ruby testing (or behavior driven development) framework Examples -------- PL/SQL procedure examples are in `examples/source` subdirectory, test examples are in `examples/spec` subdirectory. * `BETWNSTR` - example from [utPLSQL project]( * `AWARD_BONUS` - example from [SQL Developer 2.1 tutorial]( * `REMOVE_ROOMS_BY_NAME` - example from [Quest Code Tester for Oracle tutorial]( Installing ---------- See [Installing on Windows](INSTALL-Windows.markdown) in separate file. * Install [Ruby 1.8.7 or Ruby 1.9.2]( * Install Oracle client, e.g. [Oracle Instant Client]( * Install ruby-oci8 and ruby-plsql-spec (prefix with sudo if necessary) gem install ruby-oci8 gem install ruby-plsql-spec Another alternative is to use [JRuby]( if for example it is necessary also to test Java classes / methods using Ruby. * Install [JRuby]( * Copy Oracle JDBC driver (e.g. ojdbc14.jar) to JRUBY_HOME/lib directory * Install ruby-plsql-spec (prefix with sudo if necessary) jruby -S gem install ruby-plsql-spec Initializing project directory ------------------------------ In your project directory execute plsql-spec init which will create `spec` directory where test files will be located. Modify `spec/database.yml` file and specify database connection which should be used when running tests. In `database:` parameter specify either TNS connection name or use "servername/databasename" or "servername:port/databasename" to specify host, port and database name. Start creating tests in files with `_spec.rb` at the end of file name. If there will be not so many files then you can place them directly in `spec` directory. If there will be many tests files then create separate directories per module / functionality group and place tests files in subdirectories. You can also create `factories` and `helpers` subdirectories per each module / functionality group. Executing tests --------------- All tests can be run from command line using plsql-spec run or if you want to run tests just from one file then use, e.g. plsql-spec run spec/example_spec.rb You can get additional help about `plsql-spec` command line utility with plsql-spec help Code coverage reporting ----------------------- If you would like to see PL/SQL code coverage report (which lines of code were executed during tests run) then run tests with --coverage option: plsql-spec run --coverage Coverage reports will be created as HTML files in coverage/ directory. Open with your browser coverage/index.html file. Code coverage is gathered using DBMS_PROFILER package. Please take into account that only those packages will be analyzed to which current database session user has CREATE privilege. How to start? ------------- Read blog post about [Oracle PL/SQL unit testing with Ruby]( If you are not familiar with Ruby I recommend to start with [Ruby in Twenty Minutes]( tutorial. Then you can take a look on some [RSpec examples]( how to write and structure tests. And then you can take a look at [ruby-plsql own tests]( to see how to pass parameters and verify results for different PL/SQL data types. How to customize ruby-plsql-spec for my project? -------------------------------------------- * Review spec/spec_helper.rb file and modify if needed directories where you will store additional required files (helper files, factory files, source files). * Review and or create new helper files in `spec\helpers` directory. * Create new factory methods for test data creation in `factories` directory (see example in `examples/spec/factories`).