Module SeleniumOnRails::Paths
In: lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb


Public Instance methods


    # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 25
25:     def fixtures_path
26:       File.expand_path File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'test/fixtures')
27:     end

Returns the path to the layout template. The path is relative in relation to the app/views/ directory since Rails doesn‘t support absolute paths to layout templates.


    # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 19
19:     def layout_path
20:       rails_root = File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'app/views'))
21:       view_path = view_path('layout')
22:       view_path.relative_path_from(rails_root).to_s
23:     end


    # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 29
29:     def log_path log_file
30:       File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../log/' + File.basename(log_file))
31:     end


   # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 3
3:     def selenium_path
4:       @@selenium_path ||= find_selenium_path
5:       @@selenium_path
6:     end


    # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 8
 8:     def selenium_tests_path
 9:       File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'test/selenium'))
10:     end


    # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 33
33:     def skip_file? file
34:       file.split('/').each do |f|
35:         return true if f.upcase == 'CVS' or f.starts_with?('.') or f.ends_with?('~') or f.starts_with?('_')
36:       end
37:       false
38:     end


    # File lib/selenium_on_rails/paths.rb, line 12
12:     def view_path view
13:       File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../views/' + view)
14:     end
