require 'twilio-ruby/rest/base_client'
module Twilio
module REST
# The Twilio::REST::Client class caches authentication parameters and
# exposes methods to make HTTP requests to Twilio's REST API. However, you
# should never really need to call these methods yourself since you can
# work with the more pleasant wrapper objects like Twilio::REST::Call.
# Instantiate a client like so:
# @client = account_sid, auth_token
# There are a few options you can use to configure the way your client will
# communicate with Twilio. See #new for a list and descriptions.
# Once you have a client object you can use it to do fun things. Every
# client object exposes two wrapper objects which you can use as entry
# points into Twilio: +account+ and +accounts+.
# ==== @client.account
# Most of the time you'll want to start with the +account+ attribute. This
# object is an instance of Twilio::REST::Account that wraps the account
# referenced by the +account_sid+ you used when instantiating the client.
# An instance of Twilio::REST::Account exposes objects wrapping all of the
# account-level Twilio resources as properties. So
# @client.account.calls
# For convenience, the resources of the default account are also available
# on the client object. So the following call is equivalent to the example
# above
# @client.calls
# represents an account's call list.
# ==== @client.accounts
# If you are doing anything related to subaccounts you'll want to start
# here. This object is an instance of Twilio::REST::Accounts that wraps
# the list of accounts belonging to the master account referenced by
# the +account_sid+ used to instantiate the client.
# This class inherits from Twilio::REST::ListResource, so you can use
# methods like ListResource#list to return a (possibly filtered) list of
# accounts and ListResource#create to create a new account. Use
# ListResource#get to grab a particular account once you know its sid.
class Client < BaseClient
API_VERSION = '2010-04-01'
attr_reader :account, :accounts
# Instantiate a new HTTP client to talk to Twilio. The parameters
# +account_sid+ and +auth_token+ are required, unless you have configured
# them already using the block configure syntax, and used to generate the
# HTTP basic auth header in each request. The +options+ parameter is a
# hash of connection configuration options. the following keys are
# supported:
# === host: ''
# The domain to which you'd like the client to make HTTP requests. Useful
# for testing. Defaults to ''.
# === port: 443
# The port on which to connect to the above domain. Defaults to 443 and
# should be left that way except in testing environments.
# === use_ssl: true
# Declare whether ssl should be used for connections to the above domain.
# Defaults to true and should be left alone except when testing.
# === ssl_verify_peer: true
# Declare whether to verify the host's ssl cert when setting up the
# connection to the above domain. Defaults to true, but can be turned off
# to avoid ssl certificate verification failures in environments without
# the necessary ca certificates.
# === ssl_ca_file: '/path/to/ca/file'
# Specify the path to the certificate authority bundle you'd like to use
# to verify Twilio's SSL certificate on each request. If not specified, a
# certificate bundle extraced from Firefox is packaged with the gem and
# used by default.
# === timeout: 30
# Set the time in seconds to wait before timing out the HTTP request.
# Defaults to 30 seconds. If you aren't fetching giant pages of call or
# SMS logs you can safely decrease this to something like 3 seconds or
# lower. In paricular if you are sending SMS you can set this to 1 second
# or less and swallow the exception if you don't care about the response.
# === proxy_addr: ''
# The domain of a proxy through which you'd like the client to make HTTP
# requests. Defaults to nil.
# === proxy_port: 3128
# The port on which to connect to the above proxy. Defaults to nil.
# === proxy_user: 'username'
# The user name to use for authentication with the proxy. Defaults to nil.
# === proxy_pass: 'password'
# The password to use for authentication with the proxy. Defaults to nil.
# === retry_limit: 1
# The number of times to retry a request that has failed before throwing
# an exception. Defaults to one.
def initialize(*args)
def inspect # :nodoc:
# Delegate account methods from the client. This saves having to call
# client.account every time for resources on the default
# account.
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
if account.respond_to?(method_name)
account.send(method_name, *args, &block)
def respond_to?(method_name, include_private=false)
if account.respond_to?(method_name, include_private)
# Set up +account+ and +accounts+ attributes.
def set_up_subresources # :doc:
@accounts = "/#{API_VERSION}/Accounts", self
@account = @accounts.get @account_sid
# Builds up full request path
def build_full_path(path, params, method)
path = "#{path}.json"
path << "?#{url_encode(params)}" if method == :get && !params.empty?