// // Copyright 2022 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "absl/base/thread_annotations.h" #include "absl/meta/type_traits.h" #include "absl/random/random.h" #include "absl/status/status.h" #include "absl/status/statusor.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include "absl/types/variant.h" #include #include #include #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/metrics.h" #include "src/core/lib/config/core_configuration.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/stats.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/stats_data.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/experiments/experiments.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/ref_counted_ptr.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/sync.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/time.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/validation_errors.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/work_serializer.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/resolved_address.h" #include "src/core/lib/json/json.h" #include "src/core/lib/json/json_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/json/json_object_loader.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/connectivity_state.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/backend_metric_data.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/endpoint_list.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/lb_policy.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/lb_policy_factory.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/oob_backend_metric.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/subchannel_interface.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/weighted_round_robin/static_stride_scheduler.h" #include "src/core/load_balancing/weighted_target/weighted_target.h" #include "src/core/resolver/endpoint_addresses.h" namespace grpc_core { TraceFlag grpc_lb_wrr_trace(false, "weighted_round_robin_lb"); namespace { constexpr absl::string_view kWeightedRoundRobin = "weighted_round_robin"; constexpr absl::string_view kMetricLabelLocality = "grpc.lb.locality"; const auto kMetricRrFallback = GlobalInstrumentsRegistry::RegisterUInt64Counter( "grpc.lb.wrr.rr_fallback", "EXPERIMENTAL. Number of scheduler updates in which there were not " "enough endpoints with valid weight, which caused the WRR policy to " "fall back to RR behavior.", "{update}", {kMetricLabelTarget}, {kMetricLabelLocality}, false); const auto kMetricEndpointWeightNotYetUsable = GlobalInstrumentsRegistry::RegisterUInt64Counter( "grpc.lb.wrr.endpoint_weight_not_yet_usable", "EXPERIMENTAL. Number of endpoints from each scheduler update that " "don't yet have usable weight information (i.e., either the load " "report has not yet been received, or it is within the blackout " "period).", "{endpoint}", {kMetricLabelTarget}, {kMetricLabelLocality}, false); const auto kMetricEndpointWeightStale = GlobalInstrumentsRegistry::RegisterUInt64Counter( "grpc.lb.wrr.endpoint_weight_stale", "EXPERIMENTAL. Number of endpoints from each scheduler update whose " "latest weight is older than the expiration period.", "{endpoint}", {kMetricLabelTarget}, {kMetricLabelLocality}, false); const auto kMetricEndpointWeights = GlobalInstrumentsRegistry::RegisterDoubleHistogram( "grpc.lb.wrr.endpoint_weights", "EXPERIMENTAL. The histogram buckets will be endpoint weight ranges. " "Each bucket will be a counter that is incremented once for every " "endpoint whose weight is within that range. Note that endpoints " "without usable weights will have weight 0.", "{weight}", {kMetricLabelTarget}, {kMetricLabelLocality}, false); // Config for WRR policy. class WeightedRoundRobinConfig final : public LoadBalancingPolicy::Config { public: WeightedRoundRobinConfig() = default; WeightedRoundRobinConfig(const WeightedRoundRobinConfig&) = delete; WeightedRoundRobinConfig& operator=(const WeightedRoundRobinConfig&) = delete; WeightedRoundRobinConfig(WeightedRoundRobinConfig&&) = delete; WeightedRoundRobinConfig& operator=(WeightedRoundRobinConfig&&) = delete; absl::string_view name() const override { return kWeightedRoundRobin; } bool enable_oob_load_report() const { return enable_oob_load_report_; } Duration oob_reporting_period() const { return oob_reporting_period_; } Duration blackout_period() const { return blackout_period_; } Duration weight_update_period() const { return weight_update_period_; } Duration weight_expiration_period() const { return weight_expiration_period_; } float error_utilization_penalty() const { return error_utilization_penalty_; } static const JsonLoaderInterface* JsonLoader(const JsonArgs&) { static const auto* loader = JsonObjectLoader() .OptionalField("enableOobLoadReport", &WeightedRoundRobinConfig::enable_oob_load_report_) .OptionalField("oobReportingPeriod", &WeightedRoundRobinConfig::oob_reporting_period_) .OptionalField("blackoutPeriod", &WeightedRoundRobinConfig::blackout_period_) .OptionalField("weightUpdatePeriod", &WeightedRoundRobinConfig::weight_update_period_) .OptionalField("weightExpirationPeriod", &WeightedRoundRobinConfig::weight_expiration_period_) .OptionalField( "errorUtilizationPenalty", &WeightedRoundRobinConfig::error_utilization_penalty_) .Finish(); return loader; } void JsonPostLoad(const Json&, const JsonArgs&, ValidationErrors* errors) { // Impose lower bound of 100ms on weightUpdatePeriod. weight_update_period_ = std::max(weight_update_period_, Duration::Milliseconds(100)); if (error_utilization_penalty_ < 0) { ValidationErrors::ScopedField field(errors, ".errorUtilizationPenalty"); errors->AddError("must be non-negative"); } } private: bool enable_oob_load_report_ = false; Duration oob_reporting_period_ = Duration::Seconds(10); Duration blackout_period_ = Duration::Seconds(10); Duration weight_update_period_ = Duration::Seconds(1); Duration weight_expiration_period_ = Duration::Minutes(3); float error_utilization_penalty_ = 1.0; }; // WRR LB policy class WeightedRoundRobin final : public LoadBalancingPolicy { public: explicit WeightedRoundRobin(Args args); absl::string_view name() const override { return kWeightedRoundRobin; } absl::Status UpdateLocked(UpdateArgs args) override; void ResetBackoffLocked() override; private: // Represents the weight for a given address. class EndpointWeight final : public RefCounted { public: EndpointWeight(RefCountedPtr wrr, EndpointAddressSet key) : wrr_(std::move(wrr)), key_(std::move(key)) {} ~EndpointWeight() override; void MaybeUpdateWeight(double qps, double eps, double utilization, float error_utilization_penalty); float GetWeight(Timestamp now, Duration weight_expiration_period, Duration blackout_period, uint64_t* num_not_yet_usable, uint64_t* num_stale); void ResetNonEmptySince(); private: RefCountedPtr wrr_; const EndpointAddressSet key_; Mutex mu_; float weight_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = 0; Timestamp non_empty_since_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = Timestamp::InfFuture(); Timestamp last_update_time_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&mu_) = Timestamp::InfFuture(); }; class WrrEndpointList final : public EndpointList { public: class WrrEndpoint final : public Endpoint { public: WrrEndpoint(RefCountedPtr endpoint_list, const EndpointAddresses& addresses, const ChannelArgs& args, std::shared_ptr work_serializer) : Endpoint(std::move(endpoint_list)), weight_(policy()->GetOrCreateWeight( addresses.addresses())) { Init(addresses, args, std::move(work_serializer)); } RefCountedPtr weight() const { return weight_; } private: class OobWatcher final : public OobBackendMetricWatcher { public: OobWatcher(RefCountedPtr weight, float error_utilization_penalty) : weight_(std::move(weight)), error_utilization_penalty_(error_utilization_penalty) {} void OnBackendMetricReport( const BackendMetricData& backend_metric_data) override; private: RefCountedPtr weight_; const float error_utilization_penalty_; }; RefCountedPtr CreateSubchannel( const grpc_resolved_address& address, const ChannelArgs& per_address_args, const ChannelArgs& args) override; // Called when the child policy reports a connectivity state update. void OnStateUpdate(absl::optional old_state, grpc_connectivity_state new_state, const absl::Status& status) override; RefCountedPtr weight_; }; WrrEndpointList(RefCountedPtr wrr, EndpointAddressesIterator* endpoints, const ChannelArgs& args) : EndpointList(std::move(wrr), GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace) ? "WrrEndpointList" : nullptr) { Init(endpoints, args, [&](RefCountedPtr endpoint_list, const EndpointAddresses& addresses, const ChannelArgs& args) { return MakeOrphanable( std::move(endpoint_list), addresses, args, policy()->work_serializer()); }); } private: LoadBalancingPolicy::ChannelControlHelper* channel_control_helper() const override { return policy()->channel_control_helper(); } // Updates the counters of children in each state when a // child transitions from old_state to new_state. void UpdateStateCountersLocked( absl::optional old_state, grpc_connectivity_state new_state); // Ensures that the right child list is used and then updates // the WRR policy's connectivity state based on the child list's // state counters. void MaybeUpdateAggregatedConnectivityStateLocked( absl::Status status_for_tf); std::string CountersString() const { return absl::StrCat("num_children=", size(), " num_ready=", num_ready_, " num_connecting=", num_connecting_, " num_transient_failure=", num_transient_failure_); } size_t num_ready_ = 0; size_t num_connecting_ = 0; size_t num_transient_failure_ = 0; absl::Status last_failure_; }; // A picker that performs WRR picks with weights based on // endpoint-reported utilization and QPS. class Picker final : public SubchannelPicker { public: Picker(RefCountedPtr wrr, WrrEndpointList* endpoint_list); ~Picker() override; PickResult Pick(PickArgs args) override; private: // A call tracker that collects per-call endpoint utilization reports. class SubchannelCallTracker final : public SubchannelCallTrackerInterface { public: SubchannelCallTracker( RefCountedPtr weight, float error_utilization_penalty, std::unique_ptr child_tracker) : weight_(std::move(weight)), error_utilization_penalty_(error_utilization_penalty), child_tracker_(std::move(child_tracker)) {} void Start() override; void Finish(FinishArgs args) override; private: RefCountedPtr weight_; const float error_utilization_penalty_; std::unique_ptr child_tracker_; }; // Info stored about each endpoint. struct EndpointInfo { EndpointInfo(RefCountedPtr picker, RefCountedPtr weight) : picker(std::move(picker)), weight(std::move(weight)) {} RefCountedPtr picker; RefCountedPtr weight; }; void Orphaned() override; // Returns the index into endpoints_ to be picked. size_t PickIndex(); // Builds a new scheduler and swaps it into place, then starts a // timer for the next update. void BuildSchedulerAndStartTimerLocked() ABSL_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(&timer_mu_); RefCountedPtr wrr_; RefCountedPtr config_; std::vector endpoints_; Mutex scheduler_mu_; std::shared_ptr scheduler_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&scheduler_mu_); Mutex timer_mu_ ABSL_ACQUIRED_BEFORE(&scheduler_mu_); absl::optional timer_handle_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&timer_mu_); // Used when falling back to RR. std::atomic last_picked_index_; }; ~WeightedRoundRobin() override; void ShutdownLocked() override; RefCountedPtr GetOrCreateWeight( const std::vector& addresses); RefCountedPtr config_; // List of endpoints. OrphanablePtr endpoint_list_; // Latest pending endpoint list. // When we get an updated address list, we create a new endpoint list // for it here, and we wait to swap it into endpoint_list_ until the new // list becomes READY. OrphanablePtr latest_pending_endpoint_list_; Mutex endpoint_weight_map_mu_; std::map endpoint_weight_map_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(&endpoint_weight_map_mu_); const absl::string_view locality_name_; bool shutdown_ = false; absl::BitGen bit_gen_; // Accessed by picker. std::atomic scheduler_state_{absl::Uniform(bit_gen_)}; }; // // WeightedRoundRobin::EndpointWeight // WeightedRoundRobin::EndpointWeight::~EndpointWeight() { MutexLock lock(&wrr_->endpoint_weight_map_mu_); auto it = wrr_->endpoint_weight_map_.find(key_); if (it != wrr_->endpoint_weight_map_.end() && it->second == this) { wrr_->endpoint_weight_map_.erase(it); } } void WeightedRoundRobin::EndpointWeight::MaybeUpdateWeight( double qps, double eps, double utilization, float error_utilization_penalty) { // Compute weight. float weight = 0; if (qps > 0 && utilization > 0) { double penalty = 0.0; if (eps > 0 && error_utilization_penalty > 0) { penalty = eps / qps * error_utilization_penalty; } weight = qps / (utilization + penalty); } if (weight == 0) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] subchannel %s: qps=%f, eps=%f, utilization=%f: " "error_util_penalty=%f, weight=%f (not updating)", wrr_.get(), key_.ToString().c_str(), qps, eps, utilization, error_utilization_penalty, weight); } return; } Timestamp now = Timestamp::Now(); // Grab the lock and update the data. MutexLock lock(&mu_); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] subchannel %s: qps=%f, eps=%f, utilization=%f " "error_util_penalty=%f : setting weight=%f weight_=%f now=%s " "last_update_time_=%s non_empty_since_=%s", wrr_.get(), key_.ToString().c_str(), qps, eps, utilization, error_utilization_penalty, weight, weight_, now.ToString().c_str(), last_update_time_.ToString().c_str(), non_empty_since_.ToString().c_str()); } if (non_empty_since_ == Timestamp::InfFuture()) non_empty_since_ = now; weight_ = weight; last_update_time_ = now; } float WeightedRoundRobin::EndpointWeight::GetWeight( Timestamp now, Duration weight_expiration_period, Duration blackout_period, uint64_t* num_not_yet_usable, uint64_t* num_stale) { MutexLock lock(&mu_); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] subchannel %s: getting weight: now=%s " "weight_expiration_period=%s blackout_period=%s " "last_update_time_=%s non_empty_since_=%s weight_=%f", wrr_.get(), key_.ToString().c_str(), now.ToString().c_str(), weight_expiration_period.ToString().c_str(), blackout_period.ToString().c_str(), last_update_time_.ToString().c_str(), non_empty_since_.ToString().c_str(), weight_); } // If the most recent update was longer ago than the expiration // period, reset non_empty_since_ so that we apply the blackout period // again if we start getting data again in the future, and return 0. if (now - last_update_time_ >= weight_expiration_period) { ++*num_stale; non_empty_since_ = Timestamp::InfFuture(); return 0; } // If we don't have at least blackout_period worth of data, return 0. if (blackout_period > Duration::Zero() && now - non_empty_since_ < blackout_period) { ++*num_not_yet_usable; return 0; } // Otherwise, return the weight. return weight_; } void WeightedRoundRobin::EndpointWeight::ResetNonEmptySince() { MutexLock lock(&mu_); non_empty_since_ = Timestamp::InfFuture(); } // // WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::SubchannelCallTracker // void WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::SubchannelCallTracker::Start() { if (child_tracker_ != nullptr) child_tracker_->Start(); } void WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::SubchannelCallTracker::Finish( FinishArgs args) { if (child_tracker_ != nullptr) child_tracker_->Finish(args); auto* backend_metric_data = args.backend_metric_accessor->GetBackendMetricData(); double qps = 0; double eps = 0; double utilization = 0; if (backend_metric_data != nullptr) { qps = backend_metric_data->qps; eps = backend_metric_data->eps; utilization = backend_metric_data->application_utilization; if (utilization <= 0) { utilization = backend_metric_data->cpu_utilization; } } weight_->MaybeUpdateWeight(qps, eps, utilization, error_utilization_penalty_); } // // WeightedRoundRobin::Picker // WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::Picker(RefCountedPtr wrr, WrrEndpointList* endpoint_list) : wrr_(std::move(wrr)), config_(wrr_->config_), last_picked_index_(absl::Uniform(wrr_->bit_gen_)) { for (auto& endpoint : endpoint_list->endpoints()) { auto* ep = static_cast(endpoint.get()); if (ep->connectivity_state() == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { endpoints_.emplace_back(ep->picker(), ep->weight()); } } global_stats().IncrementWrrSubchannelListSize(endpoint_list->size()); global_stats().IncrementWrrSubchannelReadySize(endpoints_.size()); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] created picker from endpoint_list=%p " "with %" PRIuPTR " subchannels", wrr_.get(), this, endpoint_list, endpoints_.size()); } BuildSchedulerAndStartTimerLocked(); } WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::~Picker() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] destroying picker", wrr_.get(), this); } } void WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::Orphaned() { MutexLock lock(&timer_mu_); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] cancelling timer", wrr_.get(), this); } wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetEventEngine()->Cancel(*timer_handle_); timer_handle_.reset(); wrr_.reset(); } WeightedRoundRobin::PickResult WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::Pick(PickArgs args) { size_t index = PickIndex(); GPR_ASSERT(index < endpoints_.size()); auto& endpoint_info = endpoints_[index]; if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] returning index %" PRIuPTR ", picker=%p", wrr_.get(), this, index, endpoint_info.picker.get()); } auto result = endpoint_info.picker->Pick(args); // Collect per-call utilization data if needed. if (!config_->enable_oob_load_report()) { auto* complete = absl::get_if(&result.result); if (complete != nullptr) { complete->subchannel_call_tracker = std::make_unique( endpoint_info.weight, config_->error_utilization_penalty(), std::move(complete->subchannel_call_tracker)); } } return result; } size_t WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::PickIndex() { // Grab a ref to the scheduler. std::shared_ptr scheduler; { MutexLock lock(&scheduler_mu_); scheduler = scheduler_; } // If we have a scheduler, use it to do a WRR pick. if (scheduler != nullptr) return scheduler->Pick(); // We don't have a scheduler (i.e., either all of the weights are 0 or // there is only one subchannel), so fall back to RR. return last_picked_index_.fetch_add(1) % endpoints_.size(); } void WeightedRoundRobin::Picker::BuildSchedulerAndStartTimerLocked() { auto& stats_plugins = wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetStatsPluginGroup(); // Build scheduler, reporting metrics on endpoint weights. const Timestamp now = Timestamp::Now(); std::vector weights; weights.reserve(endpoints_.size()); uint64_t num_not_yet_usable = 0; uint64_t num_stale = 0; for (const auto& endpoint : endpoints_) { float weight = endpoint.weight->GetWeight( now, config_->weight_expiration_period(), config_->blackout_period(), &num_not_yet_usable, &num_stale); weights.push_back(weight); stats_plugins.RecordHistogram(kMetricEndpointWeights, weight, {wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetTarget()}, {wrr_->locality_name_}); } stats_plugins.AddCounter( kMetricEndpointWeightNotYetUsable, num_not_yet_usable, {wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetTarget()}, {wrr_->locality_name_}); stats_plugins.AddCounter(kMetricEndpointWeightStale, num_stale, {wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetTarget()}, {wrr_->locality_name_}); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] new weights: %s", wrr_.get(), this, absl::StrJoin(weights, " ").c_str()); } auto scheduler_or = StaticStrideScheduler::Make( weights, [this]() { return wrr_->scheduler_state_.fetch_add(1); }); std::shared_ptr scheduler; if (scheduler_or.has_value()) { scheduler = std::make_shared(std::move(*scheduler_or)); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] new scheduler: %p", wrr_.get(), this, scheduler.get()); } } else { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] no scheduler, falling back to RR", wrr_.get(), this); } stats_plugins.AddCounter(kMetricRrFallback, 1, {wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetTarget()}, {wrr_->locality_name_}); } { MutexLock lock(&scheduler_mu_); scheduler_ = std::move(scheduler); } // Start timer. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] scheduling timer for %s", wrr_.get(), this, config_->weight_update_period().ToString().c_str()); } timer_handle_ = wrr_->channel_control_helper()->GetEventEngine()->RunAfter( config_->weight_update_period(), [self = WeakRefAsSubclass(), work_serializer = wrr_->work_serializer()]() mutable { ApplicationCallbackExecCtx callback_exec_ctx; ExecCtx exec_ctx; { MutexLock lock(&self->timer_mu_); if (self->timer_handle_.has_value()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p picker %p] timer fired", self->wrr_.get(), self.get()); } self->BuildSchedulerAndStartTimerLocked(); } } if (!IsWorkSerializerDispatchEnabled()) { // Release the picker ref inside the WorkSerializer. work_serializer->Run([self = std::move(self)]() {}, DEBUG_LOCATION); return; } self.reset(); }); } // // WeightedRoundRobin // WeightedRoundRobin::WeightedRoundRobin(Args args) : LoadBalancingPolicy(std::move(args)), locality_name_(channel_args() .GetString(GRPC_ARG_LB_WEIGHTED_TARGET_CHILD) .value_or("")) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] Created -- locality_name=\"%s\"", this, std::string(locality_name_).c_str()); } } WeightedRoundRobin::~WeightedRoundRobin() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] Destroying Round Robin policy", this); } GPR_ASSERT(endpoint_list_ == nullptr); GPR_ASSERT(latest_pending_endpoint_list_ == nullptr); } void WeightedRoundRobin::ShutdownLocked() { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] Shutting down", this); } shutdown_ = true; endpoint_list_.reset(); latest_pending_endpoint_list_.reset(); } void WeightedRoundRobin::ResetBackoffLocked() { endpoint_list_->ResetBackoffLocked(); if (latest_pending_endpoint_list_ != nullptr) { latest_pending_endpoint_list_->ResetBackoffLocked(); } } absl::Status WeightedRoundRobin::UpdateLocked(UpdateArgs args) { global_stats().IncrementWrrUpdates(); config_ = args.config.TakeAsSubclass(); std::shared_ptr addresses; if (args.addresses.ok()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] received update", this); } // Weed out duplicate endpoints. Also sort the endpoints so that if // the set of endpoints doesn't change, their indexes in the endpoint // list don't change, since this avoids unnecessary churn in the // picker. Note that this does not ensure that if a given endpoint // remains present that it will have the same index; if, for example, // an endpoint at the end of the list is replaced with one that sorts // much earlier in the list, then all of the endpoints in between those // two positions will have changed indexes. struct EndpointAddressesLessThan { bool operator()(const EndpointAddresses& endpoint1, const EndpointAddresses& endpoint2) const { // Compare unordered addresses only, not channel args. EndpointAddressSet e1(endpoint1.addresses()); EndpointAddressSet e2(endpoint2.addresses()); return e1 < e2; } }; std::set ordered_addresses; (*args.addresses)->ForEach([&](const EndpointAddresses& endpoint) { ordered_addresses.insert(endpoint); }); addresses = std::make_shared(EndpointAddressesList( ordered_addresses.begin(), ordered_addresses.end())); } else { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] received update with address error: %s", this, args.addresses.status().ToString().c_str()); } // If we already have an endpoint list, then keep using the existing // list, but still report back that the update was not accepted. if (endpoint_list_ != nullptr) return args.addresses.status(); } // Create new endpoint list, replacing the previous pending list, if any. if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace) && latest_pending_endpoint_list_ != nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] replacing previous pending endpoint list %p", this, latest_pending_endpoint_list_.get()); } latest_pending_endpoint_list_ = MakeOrphanable( RefAsSubclass(), addresses.get(), args.args); // If the new list is empty, immediately promote it to // endpoint_list_ and report TRANSIENT_FAILURE. if (latest_pending_endpoint_list_->size() == 0) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace) && endpoint_list_ != nullptr) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] replacing previous endpoint list %p", this, endpoint_list_.get()); } endpoint_list_ = std::move(latest_pending_endpoint_list_); absl::Status status = args.addresses.ok() ? absl::UnavailableError(absl::StrCat( "empty address list: ", args.resolution_note)) : args.addresses.status(); channel_control_helper()->UpdateState( GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, status, MakeRefCounted(status)); return status; } // Otherwise, if this is the initial update, immediately promote it to // endpoint_list_. if (endpoint_list_.get() == nullptr) { endpoint_list_ = std::move(latest_pending_endpoint_list_); } return absl::OkStatus(); } RefCountedPtr WeightedRoundRobin::GetOrCreateWeight( const std::vector& addresses) { EndpointAddressSet key(addresses); MutexLock lock(&endpoint_weight_map_mu_); auto it = endpoint_weight_map_.find(key); if (it != endpoint_weight_map_.end()) { auto weight = it->second->RefIfNonZero(); if (weight != nullptr) return weight; } auto weight = MakeRefCounted( RefAsSubclass(DEBUG_LOCATION, "EndpointWeight"), key); endpoint_weight_map_.emplace(key, weight.get()); return weight; } // // WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList::WrrEndpoint::OobWatcher // void WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList::WrrEndpoint::OobWatcher:: OnBackendMetricReport(const BackendMetricData& backend_metric_data) { double utilization = backend_metric_data.application_utilization; if (utilization <= 0) { utilization = backend_metric_data.cpu_utilization; } weight_->MaybeUpdateWeight(backend_metric_data.qps, backend_metric_data.eps, utilization, error_utilization_penalty_); } // // WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList::WrrEndpoint // RefCountedPtr WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList::WrrEndpoint::CreateSubchannel( const grpc_resolved_address& address, const ChannelArgs& per_address_args, const ChannelArgs& args) { auto* wrr = policy(); auto subchannel = wrr->channel_control_helper()->CreateSubchannel( address, per_address_args, args); // Start OOB watch if configured. if (wrr->config_->enable_oob_load_report()) { subchannel->AddDataWatcher(MakeOobBackendMetricWatcher( wrr->config_->oob_reporting_period(), std::make_unique( weight_, wrr->config_->error_utilization_penalty()))); } return subchannel; } void WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList::WrrEndpoint::OnStateUpdate( absl::optional old_state, grpc_connectivity_state new_state, const absl::Status& status) { auto* wrr_endpoint_list = endpoint_list(); auto* wrr = policy(); if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] connectivity changed for child %p, endpoint_list %p " "(index %" PRIuPTR " of %" PRIuPTR "): prev_state=%s new_state=%s (%s)", wrr, this, wrr_endpoint_list, Index(), wrr_endpoint_list->size(), (old_state.has_value() ? ConnectivityStateName(*old_state) : "N/A"), ConnectivityStateName(new_state), status.ToString().c_str()); } if (new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] child %p reported IDLE; requesting connection", wrr, this); } ExitIdleLocked(); } else if (new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { // If we transition back to READY state, restart the blackout period. // Skip this if this is the initial notification for this // endpoint (which happens whenever we get updated addresses and // create a new endpoint list). Also skip it if the previous state // was READY (which should never happen in practice, but we've seen // at least one bug that caused this in the outlier_detection // policy, so let's be defensive here). // // Note that we cannot guarantee that we will never receive // lingering callbacks for backend metric reports from the previous // connection after the new connection has been established, but they // should be masked by new backend metric reports from the new // connection by the time the blackout period ends. if (old_state.has_value() && old_state != GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { weight_->ResetNonEmptySince(); } } // If state changed, update state counters. if (!old_state.has_value() || *old_state != new_state) { wrr_endpoint_list->UpdateStateCountersLocked(old_state, new_state); } // Update the policy state. wrr_endpoint_list->MaybeUpdateAggregatedConnectivityStateLocked(status); } // // WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList // void WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList::UpdateStateCountersLocked( absl::optional old_state, grpc_connectivity_state new_state) { // We treat IDLE the same as CONNECTING, since it will immediately // transition into that state anyway. if (old_state.has_value()) { GPR_ASSERT(*old_state != GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN); if (*old_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { GPR_ASSERT(num_ready_ > 0); --num_ready_; } else if (*old_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING || *old_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) { GPR_ASSERT(num_connecting_ > 0); --num_connecting_; } else if (*old_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE) { GPR_ASSERT(num_transient_failure_ > 0); --num_transient_failure_; } } GPR_ASSERT(new_state != GRPC_CHANNEL_SHUTDOWN); if (new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_READY) { ++num_ready_; } else if (new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING || new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE) { ++num_connecting_; } else if (new_state == GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE) { ++num_transient_failure_; } } void WeightedRoundRobin::WrrEndpointList:: MaybeUpdateAggregatedConnectivityStateLocked(absl::Status status_for_tf) { auto* wrr = policy(); // If this is latest_pending_endpoint_list_, then swap it into // endpoint_list_ in the following cases: // - endpoint_list_ has no READY children. // - This list has at least one READY child and we have seen the // initial connectivity state notification for all children. // - All of the children in this list are in TRANSIENT_FAILURE. // (This may cause the channel to go from READY to TRANSIENT_FAILURE, // but we're doing what the control plane told us to do.) if (wrr->latest_pending_endpoint_list_.get() == this && (wrr->endpoint_list_->num_ready_ == 0 || (num_ready_ > 0 && AllEndpointsSeenInitialState()) || num_transient_failure_ == size())) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { const std::string old_counters_string = wrr->endpoint_list_ != nullptr ? wrr->endpoint_list_->CountersString() : ""; gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] swapping out endpoint list %p (%s) in favor of %p (%s)", wrr, wrr->endpoint_list_.get(), old_counters_string.c_str(), this, CountersString().c_str()); } wrr->endpoint_list_ = std::move(wrr->latest_pending_endpoint_list_); } // Only set connectivity state if this is the current endpoint list. if (wrr->endpoint_list_.get() != this) return; // First matching rule wins: // 1) ANY child is READY => policy is READY. // 2) ANY child is CONNECTING => policy is CONNECTING. // 3) ALL children are TRANSIENT_FAILURE => policy is TRANSIENT_FAILURE. if (num_ready_ > 0) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] reporting READY with endpoint list %p", wrr, this); } wrr->channel_control_helper()->UpdateState( GRPC_CHANNEL_READY, absl::Status(), MakeRefCounted(wrr->RefAsSubclass(), this)); } else if (num_connecting_ > 0) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] reporting CONNECTING with endpoint list %p", wrr, this); } wrr->channel_control_helper()->UpdateState( GRPC_CHANNEL_CONNECTING, absl::Status(), MakeRefCounted(nullptr)); } else if (num_transient_failure_ == size()) { if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_lb_wrr_trace)) { gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "[WRR %p] reporting TRANSIENT_FAILURE with endpoint list %p: %s", wrr, this, status_for_tf.ToString().c_str()); } if (!status_for_tf.ok()) { last_failure_ = absl::UnavailableError( absl::StrCat("connections to all backends failing; last error: ", status_for_tf.ToString())); } wrr->channel_control_helper()->UpdateState( GRPC_CHANNEL_TRANSIENT_FAILURE, last_failure_, MakeRefCounted(last_failure_)); } } // // factory // class WeightedRoundRobinFactory final : public LoadBalancingPolicyFactory { public: OrphanablePtr CreateLoadBalancingPolicy( LoadBalancingPolicy::Args args) const override { return MakeOrphanable(std::move(args)); } absl::string_view name() const override { return kWeightedRoundRobin; } absl::StatusOr> ParseLoadBalancingConfig(const Json& json) const override { return LoadFromJson>( json, JsonArgs(), "errors validating weighted_round_robin LB policy config"); } }; } // namespace void RegisterWeightedRoundRobinLbPolicy(CoreConfiguration::Builder* builder) { builder->lb_policy_registry()->RegisterLoadBalancingPolicyFactory( std::make_unique()); } } // namespace grpc_core