module Ey::Core::Associations def assoc_coverage(options) if defined? Cistern::Coverage call = Cistern::Coverage.find_caller_before("ey-core/associations.rb") if call and call.label.start_with?(" (object.size - 1) raise "No matching object found in #{object}" elsif object.is_a?(Array) && url url_pieces = URI.parse(url).path.split("/").map { |piece| piece.gsub(/-|_/,'') } # "/cluster-components/x" => ["clustercomponents", "x"] object.find do |model| normalized_model = model.to_s.gsub(/-|_/, '') # [:cluster_components, :addons] => ["clustercomponents", "addons"] url_pieces.find { |piece| piece.include?(normalized_model) } end elsif object.is_a?(Array) object[index] else object end end define_method(name) do url = self.send("#{name}_url") id = send(assoc_key) if id || url begin index ||= 0 this_resource = disambiguate[resource, url, index] this_assoc_name = disambiguate[assoc_name, url, index] this_collection = disambiguate[collection, url, index] fetched = self.connection.send("get_#{this_assoc_name}", {"id" => id, "url" => url}).body rescue RuntimeError => e if e.message.match(/url needed/i) index += 1 retry if index < 3 else raise e end rescue Ey::Core::Response::NotFound index += 1 index < 3 ? retry : raise end unless fetched[this_resource.to_s] raise "Expected a '#{this_resource.to_s}' in '#{fetched.inspect}'" end attributes = fetched[this_resource.to_s] if self.connection.respond_to?(this_collection) attributes = attributes.merge(collection: self.connection.send(this_collection)) end self.connection.send(this_assoc_name, attributes) end end end def assoc_writer(name, options={}) assoc_key = options[:key] || "#{name}_id" url_key = options[:key] || "#{name}_url" attr_accessor assoc_key define_method("#{name}=") do |assoc| if assoc.respond_to?(:identity) self.send("#{assoc_key}=", assoc.identity) elsif assoc.is_a?(String) && assoc.match(URI::regexp) self.send("#{url_key}=", assoc) else self.send("#{assoc_key}=", assoc) end end end def assoc_accessor(name, options={}) assoc_coverage(options) if self.associations[name] raise ArgumentError, "#{} association[#{name}] specified more than once" else self.associations[name] = options end aliases = Array(options[:aliases] || name.to_s) attribute(:"#{name}_url", aliases: aliases, parser: lambda { |v,_| v.is_a?(String) && v }) assoc_reader(name, options) assoc_writer(name, options) end alias has_one assoc_accessor def collection_reader(name, options={}) assoc_coverage(options) if self.associations[name] raise ArgumentError, "#{} association[#{name}] specified more than once" else self.associations[name] = options end attribute(:"#{name}_url", aliases: options[:aliases] || [name.to_s]) assoc_key = options[:key] || name collection_key = options[:model] || assoc_key define_method(name) do value = self.send("#{name}_url") if self.identity && !value raise "Cannot load #{name} association: #{name}_url is not set" end # @fixme this allows collections to be stored in a url variable on create before being replaced # by a url entry after create upon {#merge_attributes} if value.nil? [] elsif value.is_a?(String) && value.match(URI::regexp) self.connection.send(collection_key, {"url" => value}) elsif value.is_a?(Hash) [value] else Array(value) end end end alias has_many collection_reader end