language: ruby rvm: - 2.1.9 - 2.2.5 - 2.3.1 - ruby-head env: - global: - machine_user=travis - machine_pass=travis - machine_port=22 dist: trusty sudo: required before_install: - sudo usermod -p `openssl passwd -1 'travis'` travis - gem --version bundler_args: --without guard integration script: - bundle exec rake - bundle exec codeclimate-test-reporter - bundle install --with integration - export - bundle exec kitchen verify ubuntu branches: only: - master matrix: include: - rvm: 2.2.5 # To run the proxy tests we need additional gems than what Test Kitchen normally uses # for testing gemfile: Gemfile.proxy_tests before_install: - sudo usermod -p `openssl passwd -1 'travis'` travis - gem install bundler - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get -y install squid3 git curl env: - global: - machine_user=travis - machine_pass=travis - machine_port=22 - PROXY_TESTS_DIR=proxy_tests/files/default/scripts - PROXY_TESTS_REPO=$PROXY_TESTS_DIR/repo - KITCHEN_YAML=/home/travis/build/test-kitchen/test-kitchen/.kitchen.proxy.yml script: - bundle exec kitchen --version - git clone - rvmsudo -E bundle exec bash $PROXY_TESTS_DIR/ kitchen \* \* /tmp/out.txt after_script: - cat /tmp/out.txt - sudo cat /var/log/squid3/cache.log - sudo cat /var/log/squid3/access.log allow_failures: - rvm: ruby-head notifications: irc: "" addons: code_climate: repo_token: secure: "lcqi3hbalLTinxwsl+um1aN1dgijBrODSMseGEJMJGkofz3VZ+Ofuuwp9x9VjvewuiUFHsiPD5SQ6hx8N+L3wXB6qA+HTmIrXecL7VjehbImEyOuu4/++vcTdpTINAd2Qt/KuJ1eY0okSwVmvtX1VD8gYD8yrlMKdj6uexf8Bgs="