== 0.3.4 / 2011-03-30 * removed dependency on narray until its better supported on windows (for 1.9) == 0.3.3 / 2011-01-27 * bug fixes on plms1 == 0.3.1 / 2011-01-26 * (since 0.1.1): added support for mzML and parsing zlib compressed spectra * added read/write for the .plms1 filetype, an ad hoc binary filetype for ms1 data == 0.1.1 / 2009-11-19 * using unified mspire template * using spec-more (bacon) rather than minitest-spec == 0.1.0 * switched to nokogiri as the xml parser * using mzxml indices to read scans (lazy reading of scans) * semi-lazy reading of spectrum (lazy string) * the string is not converted into a spectrum until an mz value is asked for * lots of interface changes == 0.0.1 * initial release as gem * some differences from mspire: * all spectra are read in lazy * cleaned up code a lot * uses Struct instead of Arrayclass to minimize dependencies * bumps task of providing indices for peak data onto AXML