module RMMSeg module Dictionary @dictionaries = [ [:chars, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "data", "chars.dic")], [:words, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "data", "words.dic")] ] class << self # # An array of dictionaries used by RMMSeg. Each entry is of the # following form: # # [type, path] # # where +type+ can either :chars or :words. +path+ is the path # to the dictionary file. # # The format of :chars dictionary is a collection of lines of the # following form: # # freq char # # Where +frequency+ is a number less than 65535. +char+ is the # character. They are spearated by exactly one space. # # The format of :words dictionary is similar: # # length word # # except the first number is not the frequency, but the number of # characters (not number of bytes) in the word. # # There's a script (convert.rb) in the tools directory that can be used # to convert and normalize dictionaries. attr_accessor :dictionaries # Add a user defined dictionary, +type+ can be # +:chars+ or :words. See doc of dictionaries. def add_dictionary(path, type) @dictionaries << [type, path] end def load_dictionaries @dictionaries.each do |type, path| if type == :chars load_chars(path) elsif type == :words load_words(path) end end end end end end