module Defile module Attachment IMAGE_TYPES = %w[jpg jpeg gif png] class Attachment attr_reader :record, :name, :cache, :store, :cache_id, :options def initialize(record, name, **options) @record = record @name = name @options = options @cache = Defile.backends.fetch(@options[:cache].to_s) @store = Defile.backends.fetch(@options[:store].to_s) @errors = [] end def id record.send(:"#{name}_id") end def id=(id) record.send(:"#{name}_id=", id) end def file if cache_id and not cache_id == "" cache.get(cache_id) elsif id and not id == "" store.get(id) end end def file=(uploadable) @cache_file = cache.upload(uploadable) @cache_id = @errors = [] rescue Defile::Invalid @errors = [:too_large] raise if @options[:raise_errors] end def cache_id=(id) @cache_id = id unless @cache_file end def store! if cache_id and not cache_id == "" file = store.upload(cache.get(cache_id)) cache.delete(cache_id) store.delete(id) if id = @cache_id = nil @cache_file = nil end end def errors @errors end end def attachment(name, cache: :cache, store: :store, raise_errors: true) attachment = :"#{name}_attachment" define_method attachment do ivar = :"@#{attachment}" instance_variable_get(ivar) or begin instance_variable_set(ivar,, name, cache: cache, store: store, raise_errors: raise_errors)) end end define_method "#{name}=" do |uploadable| send(attachment).file = uploadable end define_method name do send(attachment).file end define_method "#{name}_cache_id=" do |cache_id| send(attachment).cache_id = cache_id end define_method "#{name}_cache_id" do send(attachment).cache_id end end end end