Annotations allows you to annontate objects, including methods with arbitrary "metadata". These annotations don’t do anything in themselves. They are merely comments. But you can put them to use. For instance an attribute validator might check for an annotation called :valid and test against it.
Annotation is an OpenObject, and is used across the board for keeping annotations.
Annotation class serves for both simple and inherited cases depending on whether a base class is given.
class X attr :a ann :@a, :valid => lambda{ |x| x.is_a?(Integer) } def validate instance_variables.each { |iv| if validator = self.class.ann(iv)[:valid] value = instance_variable_get(iv) unless raise "Invalid value #{value} for #{iv}" end end } end end
Public Class methods
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/annotation.rb, line 62 def initialize( set={} ) super( set ) end
Public Instance methods
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# File lib/facets/more/annotation.rb, line 105 def [](x) @base ? inheritance[x] : super end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/annotation.rb, line 109 def inheritance return self unless @base inh = @base.ancestors.collect{ |anc| }.compact if inh a = #( inh.pop.to_h ) #inh.push( a ) #.dup ) inh.reverse.inject(a){ |memo, i| memo.__merge__( i ) } end end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/annotation.rb, line 66 def inherits( base, &heritage ) @base = base @heritage = heritage self end
[ show source ]
# File lib/facets/more/annotation.rb, line 72 def method_missing( sym, *args, &blk ) name = sym.to_s.gsub(/([=!?])$/, '').to_sym type = sym.to_s[-1,1] unless @base r = super return Kernel.null if r.nil? and type != '?' return r else if type == '!' unless __key__?( name ) parent = nil @base.ancestors.each do |anc| if ans = #anc.method_annotation[@key] if parent = ans[name] break end end end if parent return __table__[name] = parent.dup #vs. end end return super( name ) end iob = dup super return inheritance if iob != self return inheritance.__send__( sym, *args, &blk ) end end