#ifndef BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_DATABASE_H #define BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_DATABASE_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2000-2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include "nsDatabase.h" namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { class database; class table; class dbdef; #if (defined(__BORLANDC__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__clang__)) typedef bool __stdcall (*deleteRecordFn)(database* db, table* tb, bool inkey); typedef short __stdcall (*schemaMgrFn)(database* db); typedef void __stdcall (*copyDataFn)(database* db, table* tb, int recordCount, int count, bool& cancel); #else /** @cond INTERNAL */ /** Callback function on a record was deleted. */ typedef bool(__STDCALL* deleteRecordFn)(database* db, table* tb, bool inkey); /** @endcond */ /** Callback function on a database is opening by database::open operation. This is use for change a table schema and table data at before database */ typedef short(__STDCALL* schemaMgrFn)(database* db); /** Callback function on a record was copied by convert table operation. */ typedef void(__STDCALL* copyDataFn)(database* db, table* tb, int recordCount, int count, bool& cancel); #endif class DLLLIB database : public nsdatabase { friend struct openTablePrams; struct dbimple* m_impl; void setDir(const _TCHAR* directory); virtual table* createTableObject(); bool defaultImageCopy(const void* data, short& tableIndex); short checkOpened(); table* doOpenTable(struct openTablePrams* pm, const _TCHAR* ownerName); void* getExtendBufferForOpen(uint_td& size); // orverride _TCHAR* getTableUri(_TCHAR* buf, short fileNum); _TCHAR* getTableUri(_TCHAR* buf, const _TCHAR* filename); inline void copyEachFieldData(table* dest, table* src, struct fieldChnageInfo* fci); protected: database& operator=(const database&); database(); virtual ~database(); void setLockReadOnly(bool v); virtual void doClose(); virtual void doOpen(const _TCHAR* uri, short type, short mode, const _TCHAR* username); virtual bool onOpenAfter() { return true; }; virtual bool onTableOpened(table* tb, short fileNum, short mode, bool isCreated) {return true;} virtual char* getContinuousList(int option); virtual void onCopyDataInternal(table* tb, int recordCount, int count, bool& cancel); virtual void doConvertTable(short tableIndex, bool turbo, const _TCHAR* ownerName); virtual bool doReopenDatabaseSchema(); public: virtual void release(); dbdef* dbDef() const; const _TCHAR* rootDir() const; void setRootDir(const _TCHAR* directory); void* optionalData() const; void setOptionalData(void* v); bool tableReadOnly() const; void setTableReadOnly(bool value); const deleteRecordFn onDeleteRecord() const; void setOnDeleteRecord(const deleteRecordFn v); const copyDataFn onCopyData() const; void setOnCopyData(const copyDataFn v); bool open(const _TCHAR* uri, short schemaType = 0, short mode = -2, const _TCHAR* dir = NULL, const _TCHAR* ownerName = NULL); table* openTable(short fileNum, short mode = TD_OPEN_NORMAL, bool autoCreate = true, const _TCHAR* ownerName = NULL, const _TCHAR* uri = NULL); table* openTable(const _TCHAR* tableName, short mode = 0, bool autoCreate = true, const _TCHAR* ownerName = NULL, const _TCHAR* uri = NULL); database* clone(); bool createTable(const char* utf8Sql); bool createTable(short fileNum, const _TCHAR* uri = NULL); char* getSqlStringForCreateTable(const _TCHAR* tableName, char* retbuf, uint_td* size); void create(const _TCHAR* uri, short type = TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF); void drop(const _TCHAR* uri=NULL); void dropTable(const _TCHAR* tableName); void close(bool withDropDefaultSchema = false); short aclReload(); short continuous(char_td op = TD_BACKUP_START, bool inclideRepfile = false); short assignSchemaData(const dbdef* src); short copyTableData(table* dest, table* src, bool turbo, short keyNum = -1, int maxSkip = -1); void convertTable(short tableIndex, bool turbo, const _TCHAR* ownerName = NULL); bool existsTableFile(short tableIndex, const _TCHAR* ownerName = NULL); void getBtrVersion(btrVersions* versions); bool isOpened() const; // orverride char_td mode() const; bool autoSchemaUseNullkey() const; void setAutoSchemaUseNullkey(bool v); database* createAssociate(); virtual int defaultAutoIncSpace() const { return 0; }; inline bool execSql(const char* utf8Sql){return createTable(utf8Sql);} static database* create(); /* For C++ direct only. don't use by wrapper class for COM or SWIG This method is ignore refarence count of nsdatabse. */ static void destroy(database* db); static void setCompatibleMode(int mode); static int compatibleMode(); static const int CMP_MODE_MYSQL_NULL = 1; //default static const int CMP_MODE_OLD_NULL = 0; }; class overrideCompatibleMode { int mode; public: inline overrideCompatibleMode(int v) { mode = database::compatibleMode(); database::setCompatibleMode(v); } inline ~overrideCompatibleMode() { database::setCompatibleMode(mode); } }; } // namespace client } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs #endif // BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_DATABASE_H