require "uri" module TerraspaceCiCodebuild class Vars # Interface method. Hash of properties to be stored # Usually available from env vars. # Provide as many CI system as possible. def data { build_system: "codebuild", host: host, full_repo: full_repo, branch_name: ENV['CODEBUILD_SOURCE_VERSION'], # urls build_url: ENV['CODEBUILD_BUILD_URL'], build_id: ENV['CODEBUILD_BUILD_ID'], build_number: ENV['CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER'], build_type: "push", # not available from env var. hard coded and really only type supported sha: ENV['CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION'], # commit_message: ENV['REPLACE_ME'], # pr_url: ENV['REPLACE_ME'], # pr_number: ENV['REPLACE_ME'], } end def host uri = URI(ENV['CODEBUILD_SOURCE_REPO_URL']) # "#{uri.scheme}://#{}" end # ORG/REPO def full_repo uri = URI(repo_url) uri.path.sub(/^\//,'') end # def repo_url # ENV['CODEBUILD_SOURCE_REPO_URL'].sub('.git','') end end end