require 'thread' class Nuri::Master include Nuri::Helper include Nuri::Orchestrator include Nuri::Choreographer SfpUnknown = SfpUndefined = AgentSchema = '$.Node' CloudSchema = '$.Cloud' VMSchema = '$.VM' InstallModule = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../bin/nuri-install-module' attr_reader :model def initialize(p={}) @mutex_vm_updater = @cloudfinder = @local_agent = nil # set modules directory if p[:modules_dir] and[:modules_dir]) @modules_dir = File.expand_path(p[:modules_dir]) elsif ENV['NURI_HOME'].is_a?(String) and ENV['NURI_HOME'].strip.length > 0 @modules_dir = File.join(ENV['NURI_HOME'], 'modules') elsif + '/../../modules')) @modules_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../modules') elsif'./modules')) @modules_dir = File.expand_path('./modules') else @modules_dir = '/var/nuri/modules' end fail "Invalid modules directory #{@modules_dir}!" if ! @sas_post_processor = SASPostProcessor set_model(p) end def set_model(p={}) if p[:model_file] home_dir = File.expand_path File.dirname(p[:model_file]) @parser ={:home_dir => home_dir}) @parser.parse[:model_file]) p[:model] = @parser.root end @model = (p.is_a?(Hash) and p[:model].is_a?(Hash) ? p[:model] : {}) push_agents_list if @model.length > 0 # find a list of cloud proxy @model.accept(@cloudfinder.reset) # create a set of not-exist VMs' state @map = generate_not_exist_vm_state(false) SASPostProcessor.set_map(@map) end def get_plan(p={}) # set parameters value to be given to the planner p[:sfp] = create_plan_task(p) p[:sas_post_processor] = SASPostProcessor print "Planning " plan = nil planning_time = Benchmark.measure do planner = plan = planner.solve(p) end print (p[:color] ? "[Finish] ".green : "[Finish] ") puts format_benchmark(planning_time) plan end def get_state(p={}) state = {} vms = get_vms agents = get_agents # push agents list to each agent push_agents_list mutex = # get state of non-VM nodes (agents.keys - vms.keys).each do |name| { node_name = name node_state = get_node_state(node_name, !!p[:push_modules]) mutex.synchronize { state[node_name] = node_state } } end total = agents.keys.length - vms.keys.length # wait until all threads have finish wait? { (state.length >= total) } # assign VMs' address exist_vms, not_exist_vms = update_vms_address(state) # get state of existing VM nodes exist_vms.each_key { |name| { node_name = name node_state = get_node_state(node_name, !!p[:push_modules]) mutex.synchronize { state[node_name] = node_state } } } # get state of non-existing VM nodes not_exist_vms.each { |name,model| state[name] = get_not_exist_vm_state(model) } # wait until all threads have finish wait? { (state.length >= agents.length) } # update .in_cloud value update_cloud_vm_relations(state, vms) state end protected def format_benchmark(benchmark) "cpu-time: user=#{benchmark.cutime.round(2)} sys=#{benchmark.cstime.round(2)} total=#{}" end def create_plan_task(p={}) task = get_schemata print "Getting current state " puts (p[:color] ? "[Wait]".yellow : "[Wait]") b = Benchmark.measure do task['initial'] = to_state('initial', get_state(p)) end print "Getting current state " print (p[:color] ? "[OK]".green : "[OK]") puts " " + format_benchmark(b) task['initial'].accept( f1 = task['initial'].accept(f1) # modify condition of procedures of each VM's component # modification: add constraint "$.vm.created = true" task['initial'].accept(['initial'])) # construct goal state goalgen = goal = Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(get_agents) goal.accept(FinalAttributeRemover) goal.accept(goalgen) task['goal'] = goalgen.results # find dead-node, remove from the task, print WARNING to the console dead_nodes = task['initial'].select { |k,v| v.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) } dead_nodes.each_key { |name| task['initial'].delete(name) task['goal'].keep_if { |k,v| !(k =~ /(\$\.#{name}\.|\$\.#{name}$)/) } print (p[:color] ? "[Warn]".red : "[Warn]") puts " Removing node #{name} from the task." } # print the status of goal state puts "Goal state:" goalgen.results.each { |k,v| next if k[0,1] == '_' print " #{k}: " value = Sfp::Helper::Sfp2Ruby.val(v['_value']).to_s print (p[:color] ? : value) + " " if f1.results.has_key?(k) and f1.results[k] != v['_value'] value = Sfp::Helper::Sfp2Ruby.val(f1.results[k]).to_s print (p[:color] ? : value) end puts "" } # add global constraint (if exist) task['global'] = @model['global'] if @model.has_key?('global') # add sometime constraint (if exist) task['sometime'] = @model['sometime'] if @model.has_key?('sometime') # remove old parent links, and then reconstruct SFP parent links task.accept(ParentEliminator) # rebuild SFP data-structure task.accept( task end def wait? until yield do sleep 1 end end def get_dead_vm_state(model, cloud) s = {'state' => Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(model)} s.accept(VisitorDeadAgentNodeState) s.accept(ParentEliminator) s['state']['created'] = true s['state']['in_cloud'] = cloud s['state'] end def generate_not_exist_vm_state(with_final_attribute=true) map = {} get_vms.each do |name,model| state = {name => get_not_exist_vm_state(model)} state.accept(FinalAttributeRemover) if not with_final_attribute state.accept(ParentGenerator) flatten = state.accept(flatten) map[name] = {} flatten.results.each { |k,v| map[name][k] = v } end map end def get_not_exist_vm_state(model) s = {'state' => Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(model)} s.accept(VisitorNotExistNodeState) s.accept(ParentEliminator) s['state']['created'] = false s['state']['in_cloud'] = {'_context' => 'null', '_value' => CloudSchema} s['state'] end def update_cloud_vm_relations(state, vms) @cloudfinder.clouds.each do |cloud| proxy = next if not proxy.is_a?(Hash) or not proxy['vms'].is_a?(Hash) # for each VMs list of a cloud proxy, assign "in_cloud" attribute # to associated VM proxy['vms'].each do |name,data| next if not vms.has_key?(name) if state[name].is_a?(Hash) state[name]['in_cloud'] = cloud elsif state[name].is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) state[name] = get_dead_vm_state(vms[name], cloud) end end end end def update_vms_address(state) exist_vms = not_exist_vms = nil @mutex_vm_updater.synchronize { vms = get_vms # Reset sfpAddress, sfpPort, in_cloud of a VM if it's not found in # previously assigned cloud vms.each do |name,model| next if !model['in_cloud'].is_a?(String) or !model['in_cloud'].isref cloud, _ = { |cloud| model['in_cloud'] == cloud } if !cloud.nil? and !"#{cloud}.vms").has_key?(name) vms[name]['sfpAddress'] = {'_context'=>'any_value','_isa'=>'$.String'} vms[name]['sfpPort'] = {'_context'=>'any_value','_isa'=>'$.Number'} end end @cloudfinder.clouds.each do |cloud| proxy = next if not proxy.is_a?(Hash) or not proxy['vms'].is_a?(Hash) # for each VMs list of a cloud proxy, assign the available # ip address proxy['vms'].each do |name,data| if vms.has_key?(name) and data['running'] vms[name]['sfpAddress'] = data['ip'] vms[name]['sfpPort'] = 1314 end end end exist_vms = { |k,v| v['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) and v['sfpAddress'] != '' } not_exist_vms = { |k,v| !exist_vms.has_key?(k) } } [exist_vms, not_exist_vms] end def clear_agents_list get_agents.each do |name,model| begin next if not model['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) address = model['sfpAddress'].to_s.strip port = model['sfpPort'].to_i next if address == '' or port <= 0 code, _ = delete_data(address, port, '/agents') fail "Bad response: #{code}" if code != '200' rescue Exception => exp $stderr.puts "Cannot delete agents data on #{name} - #{model['sfpAddress']}:#{model['sfpPort']} - #{exp}\n#{exp.backtrace.join("\n")}" return false end end true end def push_agents_list begin agents = {} # generate agents list get_agents.each do |name, model| next if not model['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) address = model['sfpAddress'].to_s.strip port = model['sfpPort'].to_s.strip.to_i next if address == '' or port <= 0 agents[name] = {:sfpAddress => address, :sfpPort => port} end data = {'agents' => JSON.generate(agents)} # send the list to all agents agents.each do |name, agent| code, _ = put_data(agent[:sfpAddress], agent[:sfpPort], '/agents', data, 5, 20) raise Exception, "Push agents list to #{agent[:sfpAddress]}:#{agent[:sfpPort]} [Failed]" if code.to_i != 200 end return true rescue Exception => exp end false end ############### # # Push required modules to agent based on schemata available in agent's model # # @param agent_model agent's model # @param address agent's address (IP or DNS address) # @param port agent's port # ############### def push_modules(agent_model, address=nil, port=nil) if address.nil? or port.nil? return false if !agent_model.is_a?(Hash) or !agent_model['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) address = agent_model['sfpAddress'].to_s.strip port = agent_model['sfpPort'].to_s.strip end return false if address == '' or port == '' name = agent_model['_self'] finder = {:agent => agent_model}.accept(finder) schemata = { |x| x.sub(/^\$\./, '').downcase } begin # get modules list code, body = get_data(address, port, '/modules') raise Exception, "Unable to get modules list from #{name}" if code.to_i != 200 modules = JSON[body] tobe_installed_modules = [] schemata.each do |name| module_dir = "#{@modules_dir}/#{name}" if File.exist?(module_dir) and ( not modules.has_key?(name) or modules[name] != get_local_module_hash(name).to_s ) tobe_installed_modules << name end end return true if tobe_installed_modules.length <= 0 ### install new modules and replace old ones list = tobe_installed_modules.join(" ") output = JSON.parse(`cd #{@modules_dir}; #{InstallModule} #{address}:#{port} #{list}`) if output['installed_modules'].length > 0 puts ("Push modules: " + output['installed_modules'].join(" ") + " to agent #{name} [OK]").green end if output['missing_modules'].length > 0 puts ("Missing modules: " + output['missing_modules'].join(" ") + ".").red end return true rescue Exception => e puts "[WARN] Cannot push module to #{name} - #{e}".red end false end # return the list of Hash value of all modules # def get_local_module_hash(name) module_dir = "#{@modules_dir}/#{name}" if module_dir if `which md5sum`.strip.length > 0 return `find #{module_dir} -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`.strip elsif `which md5`.strip.length > 0 return `find #{module_dir} -type f -exec md5 {} + | awk '{print $4}' | sort | md5`.strip end end nil end def get_node_state(name, do_push_modules=false) push_modules(@model[name]) if do_push_modules model = get_schemata model[name] = @model[name] begin if http_send_agent_model(name, model) agent_state = http_get_agent_state(name, model) raise Exception, "Cannot get the current state of #{name}" if agent_state.nil? return agent_state[name] end rescue Exception => e puts "[WARN] Cannot get the current state of #{name} : #{e}".red end SfpUnknown end # send HTTP PUT request to push agent's model # def http_send_agent_model(name, model) return false if !model[name].is_a?(Hash) or !model[name]['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) address = model[name]['sfpAddress'].to_s.strip port = model[name]['sfpPort'].to_s.strip if address != '' and port != '' model = Sfp::Helper.deep_clone(model) model.accept(ParentEliminator) data = {'model' => JSON.generate(model)} code, _ = put_data(address, port, '/model', data) return (code.to_i == 200) end false end # send HTTP GET requst to get agent's state # def http_get_agent_state(name, model) return nil if !model[name].is_a?(Hash) or !model[name]['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) address = model[name]['sfpAddress'].to_s.strip port = model[name]['sfpPort'].to_s.strip if address != '' and port != '' code, body = get_data(address, port, '/sfpstate') if code.to_i == 200 and body.length >= 2 state = JSON[body] return state['state'] if state.is_a?(Hash) return state end end nil end def get_schemata { |k,v| k[0,1] != '_' and v.is_a?(Hash) and v['_context'] == 'class' } end def get_agents Nuri::Master.agents(@model) end def self.agents(sfp) { |k,v| !(k[0] == '_' or not v.is_a?(Hash) or v['_context'] != 'object' or v['_classes'].index(AgentSchema).nil?) } end def get_vms { |k,v| not v['_classes'].index(VMSchema).nil? } end def to_state(name, value) raise Exception, 'Given value should be a Hash!' if not value.is_a?(Hash) value['_self'] = name value['_context'] = 'state' value end def get_exist_vms { |name,model| model['sfpAddress'].is_a?(String) and model['sfpAddress'] != '' } end SfpUndefinedString = Sfp::Undefined.create('$.String') SfpUndefinedNumber = Sfp::Undefined.create('$.Number') SfpUndefinedBoolean = Sfp::Undefined.create('$.Boolean') VisitorNotExistNodeState = def VisitorNotExistNodeState.visit(name, value, parent) return false if name[0,1] == '_' if not value.is_a?(Hash) if value.is_a?(String) if value.isref ref_value = # TODO - need to handle a reference to a primitive value if ref_value.is_a?(Hash) and (ref_value.isobject or ref_value.isnull) parent[name] = Sfp::Undefined.create(ref_value['_isa']) elsif ref_value.is_a?(Sfp::Undefined) or ref_value.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) parent[name] = ref_value else puts "[WARN] Sfp::Undefined => #{parent.ref.push(name)}: #{}" parent[name] = SfpUndefined end else parent[name] = SfpUndefinedString end elsif value.is_a?(Fixnum) or value.is_a?(Float) parent[name] = SfpUndefinedNumber elsif value.is_a?(TrueClass) or value.is_a?(FalseClass) parent[name] = SfpUndefinedBoolean else puts "[WARN] Sfp::Undefined => " + parent.ref.push(name) + ": " + parent[name] = SfpUndefined end elsif value['_context'] == 'null' or value['_context'] == 'any_value' parent[name] = Sfp::Undefined.create(value['_isa']) elsif value['_context'] != 'object' parent.delete(name) end true end VisitorDeadAgentNodeState = def VisitorDeadAgentNodeState.visit(name, value, parent) return false if name[0,1] == '_' if not value.is_a?(Hash) if value.is_a?(String) if value.isref ref_value = # TODO - need to handle a reference to a primitive value if ref_value.is_a?(Hash) and (ref_value.isobject or ref_value.isnull) parent[name] = Sfp::Unknown.create(ref_value['_isa']) elsif ref_value.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) or ref_value.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) parent[name] = ref_value else puts "[WARN] Sfp::Unknown => #{parent.ref.push(name)}: #{}" parent[name] = SfpUnknown end else parent[name] = Sfp::Unknown.create('$.String') end elsif value.is_a?(Fixnum) or value.is_a?(Float) parent[name] = Sfp::Unknown.create('$.Number') elsif value.is_a?(TrueClass) or value.is_a?(FalseClass) parent[name] = Sfp::Unknown.create('$.Boolean') else puts "[WARN] Sfp::Unknown => " + parent.ref.push(name) + ": " + parent[name] = SfpUnknown end elsif value['_context'] == 'null' or value['_context'] == 'any_value' parent[name] = Sfp::Unknown.create(value['_isa']) elsif value['_context'] != 'object' parent.delete(name) end true end class VMProcedureModifier def initialize(root) @root = root end def visit(name, value, parent) return false if name[0,1] == '_' if value.is_a?(Hash) and value['_context'] == 'procedure' _, agent, _ = parent.ref.split('.', 3) if not @root[agent]['_classes'].index(VMSchema).nil? value['_condition']["$.#{agent}.created"] = Sfp::Helper::Constraint.equals(true) end end true end end ParentEliminator = ParentGenerator = def ParentGenerator.visit(name, value, parent) value['_parent'] = parent if value.is_a?(Hash) true end FinalAttributeRemover = def FinalAttributeRemover.visit(name, value, parent) if value.is_a?(Hash) and value.has_key?('_finals') value['_finals'].each { |attr| value.delete(attr) } end true end SfpUnknownRemover = def SfpUnknownRemover.visit(name, value, parent) parent.delete(name) if value.is_a?(Sfp::Unknown) true end SASPostProcessor = # set a map of VM-name => VM-model def SASPostProcessor.set_map(map) @map = map end # post processing SAS after compilation # goal: to add additional effects whenever a VM is deleted def SASPostProcessor.sas_post_processor(parser) return if parser.operators.nil? parser.operators.each do |name, operator| # skip if it's not "delete_vm" next if !(name =~ /\.delete_vm$/) or !operator.params.has_key?('$.vm') vm = operator.params['$.vm'].sub(/^\$\./, '') next if !@map.has_key?(vm) # for each not-exist state VM, add an effect @map[vm].each { |k,v| next if operator.has_key?(k) # skip if variable is exist (avoid overwrite) next if k =~ /\.sfpAddress/ or k =~ /\.sfpPort/ # skip "sfpAddress" and "sfpPort" # because these will be assigned dynamically var = parser.variables[k] next if var.nil? # the variable is not found if v.is_a?(Hash) val = parser.types[v['_value']][0] if v['_context'] == 'null' raise Exception, "Not implemented yet." # this may arise on Set values else val = v end # add the value to variable's values var << val var.uniq! # create new parameter, and then add to the operator parameter =, nil, val) operator[] = parameter } end end end ### Helper classes/modules class Nuri::Master::GoalGenerator attr_reader :results def initialize @results = Sfp::Helper::Constraint.and('goal') end def visit(name, value, parent) return false if name[0,1] == '_' if value.is_a?(Hash) return true if value['_context'] == 'object' if parent.has_key?('_finals') and parent['_finals'].index(name).nil? if value['_context'] == 'set' @results[parent.ref.push(name)] = Sfp::Helper::Constraint.equals(value['_values']) elsif value['_context'] == 'null' # HACK! This should not be commented => null value should not be ignored. #@results[parent.ref.push(name)] = Sfp::Helper::Constraint.equals(value) end end return false end if parent.has_key?('_finals') and parent['_finals'].index(name).nil? @results[ parent.ref.push(name) ] = Sfp::Helper::Constraint.equals(value) end false end end class Sfp::Helper::SfpFlatten attr_reader :results def initialize @results = {} end def visit(name, value, parent) return false if name[0,1] == '_' if value.is_a?(Hash) return true if value['_context'] == 'object' @results[parent.ref.push(name)] = value if value['_context'] == 'null' @results[parent.ref.push(name)] = value if value['_context'] == 'set' return false end @results[parent.ref.push(name)] = value false end end module Sfp::Helper def self.sfp_to_s(v) if v.is_a?(Hash) return "null" if v['_context'] == 'null' return v['_values'].inspect if v['_context'] == 'set' return "" elsif v.is_a?(String) and v =~ /^\$\./ return v end v.inspect end end class Sfp::Helper::SchemaCollector attr_reader :schemata def initialize @schemata = [] end def visit(name, value, parent) if value.is_a?(Hash) and value.has_key?('_classes') value['_classes'].each { |s| @schemata << s } end true end end class Sfp::Helper::CloudFinder CloudSchema = '$.Cloud' attr_accessor :clouds def reset @clouds = [] self end def visit(name, value, parent) if value.is_a?(Hash) if value['_context'] == 'object' @clouds << parent.ref.push(name) if value.has_key?('_classes') and value['_classes'].index(CloudSchema) return true end end false end end