# frozen_string_literal: true require "securerandom" require "graphql/subscriptions/event" require "graphql/subscriptions/instrumentation" require "graphql/subscriptions/serialize" if defined?(ActionCable) require "graphql/subscriptions/action_cable_subscriptions" end require "graphql/subscriptions/subscription_root" module GraphQL class Subscriptions # Raised when either: # - the triggered `event_name` doesn't match a field in the schema; or # - one or more arguments don't match the field arguments class InvalidTriggerError < GraphQL::Error end # @see {Subscriptions#initialize} for options, concrete implementations may add options. def self.use(defn, options = {}) schema = defn.target options[:schema] = schema schema.subscriptions = self.new(options) instrumentation = Subscriptions::Instrumentation.new(schema: schema) defn.instrument(:field, instrumentation) defn.instrument(:query, instrumentation) nil end # @param schema [Class] the GraphQL schema this manager belongs to def initialize(schema:, **rest) @schema = schema end # Fetch subscriptions matching this field + arguments pair # And pass them off to the queue. # @param event_name [String] # @param args [Hash Object] # @param object [Object] # @param scope [Symbol, String] # @return [void] def trigger(event_name, args, object, scope: nil) event_name = event_name.to_s # Try with the verbatim input first: field = @schema.get_field(@schema.subscription, event_name) if field.nil? # And if it wasn't found, normalize it: normalized_event_name = normalize_name(event_name) field = @schema.get_field(@schema.subscription, normalized_event_name) if field.nil? raise InvalidTriggerError, "No subscription matching trigger: #{event_name} (looked for #{@schema.subscription.graphql_name}.#{normalized_event_name})" end else # Since we found a field, the original input was already normalized normalized_event_name = event_name end # Normalize symbol-keyed args to strings, try camelizing them normalized_args = normalize_arguments(normalized_event_name, field, args) event = Subscriptions::Event.new( name: normalized_event_name, arguments: normalized_args, field: field, scope: scope, ) execute_all(event, object) end # `event` was triggered on `object`, and `subscription_id` was subscribed, # so it should be updated. # # Load `subscription_id`'s GraphQL data, re-evaluate the query, and deliver the result. # # This is where a queue may be inserted to push updates in the background. # # @param subscription_id [String] # @param event [GraphQL::Subscriptions::Event] The event which was triggered # @param object [Object] The value for the subscription field # @return [void] def execute(subscription_id, event, object) # Lookup the saved data for this subscription query_data = read_subscription(subscription_id) # Fetch the required keys from the saved data query_string = query_data.fetch(:query_string) variables = query_data.fetch(:variables) context = query_data.fetch(:context) operation_name = query_data.fetch(:operation_name) # Re-evaluate the saved query result = @schema.execute( { query: query_string, context: context, subscription_topic: event.topic, operation_name: operation_name, variables: variables, root_value: object, } ) deliver(subscription_id, result) rescue GraphQL::Schema::Subscription::NoUpdateError # This update was skipped in user code; do nothing. rescue GraphQL::Schema::Subscription::UnsubscribedError # `unsubscribe` was called, clean up on our side # TODO also send `{more: false}` to client? delete_subscription(subscription_id) end # Event `event` occurred on `object`, # Update all subscribers. # @param event [Subscriptions::Event] # @param object [Object] # @return [void] def execute_all(event, object) each_subscription_id(event) do |subscription_id| execute(subscription_id, event, object) end end # Get each `subscription_id` subscribed to `event.topic` and yield them # @param event [GraphQL::Subscriptions::Event] # @yieldparam subscription_id [String] # @return [void] def each_subscription_id(event) raise NotImplementedError end # The system wants to send an update to this subscription. # Read its data and return it. # @param subscription_id [String] # @return [Hash] Containing required keys def read_subscription(subscription_id) raise NotImplementedError end # A subscription query was re-evaluated, returning `result`. # The result should be send to `subscription_id`. # @param subscription_id [String] # @param result [Hash] # @return [void] def deliver(subscription_id, result) raise NotImplementedError end # `query` was executed and found subscriptions to `events`. # Update the database to reflect this new state. # @param query [GraphQL::Query] # @param events [Array] # @return [void] def write_subscription(query, events) raise NotImplementedError end # A subscription was terminated server-side. # Clean up the database. # @param subscription_id [String] # @return void. def delete_subscription(subscription_id) raise NotImplementedError end # @return [String] A new unique identifier for a subscription def build_id SecureRandom.uuid end # Convert a user-provided event name or argument # to the equivalent in GraphQL. # # By default, it converts the identifier to camelcase. # Override this in a subclass to change the transformation. # # @param event_or_arg_name [String, Symbol] # @return [String] def normalize_name(event_or_arg_name) Schema::Member::BuildType.camelize(event_or_arg_name.to_s) end private # Recursively normalize `args` as belonging to `arg_owner`: # - convert symbols to strings, # - if needed, camelize the string (using {#normalize_name}) # @param arg_owner [GraphQL::Field, GraphQL::BaseType] # @param args [Hash, Array, Any] some GraphQL input value to coerce as `arg_owner` # @return [Any] normalized arguments value def normalize_arguments(event_name, arg_owner, args) case arg_owner when GraphQL::Field, GraphQL::InputObjectType normalized_args = {} missing_arg_names = [] args.each do |k, v| arg_name = k.to_s arg_defn = arg_owner.arguments[arg_name] if arg_defn normalized_arg_name = arg_name else normalized_arg_name = normalize_name(arg_name) arg_defn = arg_owner.arguments[normalized_arg_name] end if arg_defn normalized_args[normalized_arg_name] = normalize_arguments(event_name, arg_defn.type, v) else # Couldn't find a matching argument definition missing_arg_names << arg_name end end if missing_arg_names.any? arg_owner_name = if arg_owner.is_a?(GraphQL::Field) "Subscription.#{arg_owner.name}" else arg_owner.to_s end raise InvalidTriggerError, "Can't trigger Subscription.#{event_name}, received undefined arguments: #{missing_arg_names.join(", ")}. (Should match arguments of #{arg_owner_name}.)" end normalized_args when GraphQL::ListType args.map { |a| normalize_arguments(event_name, arg_owner.of_type, a) } when GraphQL::NonNullType normalize_arguments(event_name, arg_owner.of_type, args) else args end end end end