require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper') describe "Migration.descendants" do before do Sequel::Migration.descendants.clear end specify "should include Migration subclasses" do @class = Sequel::Migration.descendants.should == [@class] end specify "should include Migration subclasses in order of creation" do @c1 = @c2 = @c3 = Sequel::Migration.descendants.should == [@c1, @c2, @c3] end specify "should include SimpleMigration instances created by migration DSL" do i1 = Sequel.migration{} i2 = Sequel.migration{} i3 = Sequel.migration{} Sequel::Migration.descendants.should == [i1, i2, i3] end end describe "Migration.apply" do before do @c = do define_method(:one) {|x| [1111, x]} define_method(:two) {|x| [2222, x]} end @db = end specify "should raise for an invalid direction" do proc {Sequel::Migration.apply(@db, :hahaha)}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end specify "should apply the up and down directions correctly" do m = do define_method(:up) {one(3333)} define_method(:down) {two(4444)} end m.apply(@db, :up).should == [1111, 3333] m.apply(@db, :down).should == [2222, 4444] end specify "should have default up and down actions that do nothing" do m = m.apply(@db, :up).should == nil m.apply(@db, :down).should == nil end specify "should respond to the methods the database responds to" do m = m.respond_to?(:foo).should be_false m.respond_to?(:execute).should be_true end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' end describe "SimpleMigration#apply" do before do @c = do define_method(:one) {|x| [1111, x]} define_method(:two) {|x| [2222, x]} end @db = end specify "should raise for an invalid direction" do proc {Sequel.migration{}.apply(@db, :hahaha)}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end specify "should apply the up and down directions correctly" do m = Sequel.migration do up{one(3333)} down{two(4444)} end m.apply(@db, :up).should == [1111, 3333] m.apply(@db, :down).should == [2222, 4444] end specify "should have default up and down actions that do nothing" do m = Sequel.migration{} m.apply(@db, :up).should == nil m.apply(@db, :down).should == nil end end describe "Reversible Migrations with Sequel.migration{change{}}" do before do @c = do self::AT = do attr_reader :actions def initialize(&block) @actions = [] instance_eval(&block) end def method_missing(*args) @actions << args end self end attr_reader :actions def initialize @actions = [] end def method_missing(*args) @actions << args end def alter_table(*args, &block) @actions << [:alter_table,] end end @db = @p = do create_table(:a){Integer :a} add_column :a, :b, String add_index :a, :b rename_column :a, :b, :c rename_table :a, :b alter_table(:b) do add_column :d, String add_constraint :blah, 'd IS NOT NULL' add_foreign_key :e, :b add_primary_key :f, :b add_index :e, :name=>'e_n' add_full_text_index :e, :name=>'e_ft' add_spatial_index :e, :name=>'e_s' rename_column :e, :g end create_view(:c, 'SELECT * FROM b') create_join_table(:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs) end end specify "should apply up with normal actions in normal order" do p = @p Sequel.migration{change(&p)}.apply(@db, :up) @db.actions.should == [[:create_table, :a], [:add_column, :a, :b, String], [:add_index, :a, :b], [:rename_column, :a, :b, :c], [:rename_table, :a, :b], [:alter_table, [ [:add_column, :d, String], [:add_constraint, :blah, "d IS NOT NULL"], [:add_foreign_key, :e, :b], [:add_primary_key, :f, :b], [:add_index, :e, {:name=>"e_n"}], [:add_full_text_index, :e, {:name=>"e_ft"}], [:add_spatial_index, :e, {:name=>"e_s"}], [:rename_column, :e, :g]] ], [:create_view, :c, "SELECT * FROM b"], [:create_join_table, {:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}]] end specify "should execute down with reversing actions in reverse order" do p = @p Sequel.migration{change(&p)}.apply(@db, :down) @db.actions.should == [ [:drop_join_table, {:cat_id=>:cats, :dog_id=>:dogs}], [:drop_view, :c], [:alter_table, [ [:rename_column, :g, :e], [:drop_index, :e, {:name=>"e_s"}], [:drop_index, :e, {:name=>"e_ft"}], [:drop_index, :e, {:name=>"e_n"}], [:drop_column, :f], [:drop_column, :e], [:drop_constraint, :blah], [:drop_column, :d]] ], [:rename_table, :b, :a], [:rename_column, :a, :c, :b], [:drop_index, :a, :b], [:drop_column, :a, :b], [:drop_table, :a]] end specify "should raise in the down direction if migration uses unsupported method" do m = Sequel.migration{change{run 'SQL'}} proc{m.apply(@db, :up)}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{m.apply(@db, :down)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise in the down direction if migration uses add_primary_key with an array" do m = Sequel.migration{change{alter_table(:a){add_primary_key [:b]}}} proc{m.apply(@db, :up)}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{m.apply(@db, :down)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise in the down direction if migration uses add_foreign_key with an array" do m = Sequel.migration{change{alter_table(:a){add_foreign_key [:b]}}} proc{m.apply(@db, :up)}.should_not raise_error(Sequel::Error) proc{m.apply(@db, :down)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "Sequel::IntegerMigrator" do before do dbc = do attr_reader :drops, :tables_created, :columns_created, :versions def initialize(*args) super @drops = [] @tables_created = [] @columns_created = [] @versions ={|h,k| h[k.to_sym]} end def version; versions.values.first || 0; end def creates;{|x| y = x.to_s; y !~ /\Asm(\d+)/; $1.to_i if $1}.compact; end def drop_table(*a); super; @drops.concat({|x| y = x.to_s; y !~ /\Asm(\d+)/; $1.to_i if $1}.compact); end def create_table(name, opts={}, &block) super @columns_created << / \(?(\w+) integer.*\)?\z/.match(@sqls.last)[1].to_sym @tables_created << name.to_sym end def dataset(opts={}) ds = super ds.extend( do def count; 1; end def columns; db.columns_created end def insert(h); db.versions.merge!(h); insert_sql(h) end def update(h); db.versions.merge!(h); update_sql(h) end def fetch_rows(sql); db.execute(sql); yield(db.versions) unless db.versions.empty? end end) ds end def table_exists?(name) @tables_created.include?(name.to_sym) end end @db = @dirname = "spec/files/integer_migrations" end after do Object.send(:remove_const, "CreateSessions") if Object.const_defined?("CreateSessions") end specify "should raise and error if there is a missing integer migration version" do proc{Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/missing_integer_migrations")}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::Error) end specify "should raise and error if there is a duplicate integer migration version" do proc{Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/duplicate_integer_migrations")}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::Error) end specify "should add a column name if it doesn't already exist in the schema_info table" do @db.create_table(:schema_info){Integer :v} @db.should_receive(:alter_table).with('schema_info') Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname) end specify "should automatically create the schema_info table with the version column" do @db.table_exists?(:schema_info).should be_false, @dirname, :target=>0) @db.table_exists?(:schema_info).should be_true @db.dataset.columns.should == [:version] end specify "should allow specifying the table and columns" do @db.table_exists?(:si).should be_false, @dirname, :target=>0, :table=>:si, :column=>:sic) @db.table_exists?(:si).should be_true @db.dataset.columns.should == [:sic] end specify "should apply migrations correctly in the up direction if no target is given" do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname) @db.creates.should == [1111, 2222, 3333] @db.version.should == 3{|x| x =~ /\AUPDATE.*(\d+)/ ? $1.to_i : nil}.compact.should == [1, 2, 3] end specify "should be able to tell whether there are outstanding migrations" do Sequel::Migrator.is_current?(@db, @dirname).should be_false Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname) Sequel::Migrator.is_current?(@db, @dirname).should be_true end specify "should have #check_current raise an exception if the migrator is not current" do proc{Sequel::Migrator.check_current(@db, @dirname)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::NotCurrentError) Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname) proc{Sequel::Migrator.check_current(@db, @dirname)}.should_not raise_error end specify "should apply migrations correctly in the up direction with target" do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname, 2) @db.creates.should == [1111, 2222] @db.version.should == 2{|x| x =~ /\AUPDATE.*(\d+)/ ? $1.to_i : nil}.compact.should == [1, 2] end specify "should apply migrations correctly in the up direction with target and existing" do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname, 2, 1) @db.creates.should == [2222] @db.version.should == 2{|x| x =~ /\AUPDATE.*(\d+)/ ? $1.to_i : nil}.compact.should == [2] end specify "should apply migrations correctly in the down direction with target" do @db.create_table(:schema_info){Integer :version, :default=>0} @db[:schema_info].insert(:version=>3) @db.version.should == 3 Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname, 0) @db.drops.should == [3333, 2222, 1111] @db.version.should == 0{|x| x =~ /\AUPDATE.*(\d+)/ ? $1.to_i : nil}.compact.should == [2, 1, 0] end specify "should apply migrations correctly in the down direction with target and existing" do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname, 1, 2) @db.drops.should == [2222] @db.version.should == 1{|x| x =~ /\AUPDATE.*(\d+)/ ? $1.to_i : nil}.compact.should == [1] end specify "should return the target version" do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname, 3, 2).should == 3 Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname, 0).should == 0 Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, @dirname).should == 3 end specify "should use IntegerMigrator if IntegerMigrator.apply called, even for timestamped migration directory" do proc{Sequel::IntegerMigrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/timestamped_migrations")}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::Error) end specify "should not use transactions by default" do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/transaction_unspecified_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE schema_info (version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)", "SELECT 1 AS one FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "INSERT INTO schema_info (version) VALUES (0)", "SELECT version FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 1", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 2"] end specify "should use transactions by default if the database supports transactional ddl" do @db.meta_def(:supports_transactional_ddl?){true} Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/transaction_unspecified_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE schema_info (version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)", "SELECT 1 AS one FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "INSERT INTO schema_info (version) VALUES (0)", "SELECT version FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 1", "COMMIT", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 2", "COMMIT"] end specify "should respect transaction use on a per migration basis" do @db.meta_def(:supports_transactional_ddl?){true} Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/transaction_specified_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE schema_info (version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)", "SELECT 1 AS one FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "INSERT INTO schema_info (version) VALUES (0)", "SELECT version FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 1", "COMMIT", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 2"] end specify "should force transactions if enabled in the migrator" do, "spec/files/transaction_specified_migrations", :use_transactions=>true) @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE schema_info (version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)", "SELECT 1 AS one FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "INSERT INTO schema_info (version) VALUES (0)", "SELECT version FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 1", "COMMIT", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 2", "COMMIT"] end specify "should not use transactions if disabled in the migrator" do, "spec/files/transaction_unspecified_migrations", :use_transactions=>false) @db.sqls.should == ["CREATE TABLE schema_info (version integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)", "SELECT 1 AS one FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "INSERT INTO schema_info (version) VALUES (0)", "SELECT version FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 1", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "UPDATE schema_info SET version = 2"] end end describe "Sequel::TimestampMigrator" do before do sequel_migration_version = 0 @dsc = dsc = do self::FILES =[] define_method(:sequel_migration_version){sequel_migration_version} define_method(:sequel_migration_version=){|v| sequel_migration_version = v} def columns super case opts[:from].first when :schema_info, 'schema_info' [:version] when :schema_migrations, 'schema_migrations' [:filename] when :sm, 'sm' [:fn] end end def fetch_rows(sql) super case opts[:from].first when :schema_info, 'schema_info' yield({:version=>sequel_migration_version}) when :schema_migrations, 'schema_migrations' self.class::FILES.sort.each{|f| yield(:filename=>f)} when :sm, 'sm' self.class::FILES.sort.each{|f| yield(:fn=>f)} end end def insert(h={}) super case opts[:from].first when :schema_info, 'schema_info' self.sequel_migration_version = h.values.first when :schema_migrations, :sm, 'schema_migrations', 'sm' self.class::FILES << h.values.first end end def update(h={}) super case opts[:from].first when :schema_info, 'schema_info' self.sequel_migration_version = h.values.first end end def delete super case opts[:from].first when :schema_migrations, :sm, 'schema_migrations', 'sm' self.class::FILES.delete(opts[:where].args.last) end end end dbc = do self::Tables = tables= {} define_method(:dataset){|*a|, *a)} def create_table(name, *args, &block) super self.class::Tables[name.to_sym] = true end define_method(:drop_table){|*names| super(*names); names.each{|n| tables.delete(n.to_sym)}} define_method(:table_exists?){|name| super(name); tables.has_key?(name.to_sym)} end @db = @m = Sequel::Migrator end after do Object.send(:remove_const, "CreateSessions") if Object.const_defined?("CreateSessions") Object.send(:remove_const, "CreateArtists") if Object.const_defined?("CreateArtists") Object.send(:remove_const, "CreateAlbums") if Object.const_defined?("CreateAlbums") end specify "should handle migrating up or down all the way" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_3_create_users.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 0) [:sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == [] end specify "should handle migrating up or down to specific timestamps" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253851) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db.table_exists?(:sm3333).should be_false @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253849) [:sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db.table_exists?(:sm1111).should be_true @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb' end specify "should not be current when there are migrations to apply" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) @m.is_current?(@db, @dir).should be_true @dir = 'spec/files/interleaved_timestamped_migrations' @m.is_current?(@db, @dir).should be_false end specify "should raise an exception if the migrator is not current" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) proc{@m.check_current(@db, @dir)}.should_not raise_error @dir = 'spec/files/interleaved_timestamped_migrations' proc{@m.check_current(@db, @dir)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::NotCurrentError) end specify "should apply all missing files when migrating up" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) @dir = 'spec/files/interleaved_timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm1122, :sm2222, :sm2233, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253850_create_artists.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb 1273253852_create_albums.rb 1273253853_3_create_users.rb' end specify "should not apply down action to migrations where up action hasn't been applied" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) @dir = 'spec/files/interleaved_timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 0) [:sm1111, :sm1122, :sm2222, :sm2233, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == [] end specify "should handle updating to a specific timestamp when interleaving migrations" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) @dir = 'spec/files/interleaved_timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253851) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm1122, :sm2222].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:sm2233, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253850_create_artists.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb' end specify "should correctly update schema_migrations table when an error occurs when migrating up or down" do @dir = 'spec/files/bad_timestamped_migrations' proc{@m.apply(@db, @dir)}.should raise_error [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db.table_exists?(:sm3333).should be_false @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb' proc{@m.apply(@db, @dir, 0)}.should raise_error [:sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db.table_exists?(:sm1111).should be_true @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb' end specify "should handle multiple migrations with the same timestamp correctly" do @dir = 'spec/files/duplicate_timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253853_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_create_users.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253853) [:sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253853_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_create_users.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253849) [:sm1111].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253848) [:sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == [] end specify "should convert schema_info table to schema_migrations table" do @dir = 'spec/files/integer_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:schema_migrations, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @dir = 'spec/files/convert_to_timestamp_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333, :schema_migrations, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'001_create_sessions.rb 002_create_nodes.rb 003_3_create_users.rb 1273253850_create_artists.rb 1273253852_create_albums.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 4) [:schema_info, :schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'001_create_sessions.rb 002_create_nodes.rb 003_3_create_users.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 0) [:schema_info, :schema_migrations].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == [] end specify "should handle unapplied migrations when migrating schema_info table to schema_migrations table" do @dir = 'spec/files/integer_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 2) [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:schema_migrations, :sm3333, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @dir = 'spec/files/convert_to_timestamp_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253850) [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333, :schema_migrations, :sm1122].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'001_create_sessions.rb 002_create_nodes.rb 003_3_create_users.rb 1273253850_create_artists.rb' end specify "should handle unapplied migrations when migrating schema_info table to schema_migrations table and target is less than last integer migration version" do @dir = 'spec/files/integer_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1) [:schema_info, :sm1111].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:schema_migrations, :sm2222, :sm3333, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @dir = 'spec/files/convert_to_timestamp_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 2) [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222, :schema_migrations].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} [:sm3333, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'001_create_sessions.rb 002_create_nodes.rb' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_info, :sm1111, :sm2222, :schema_migrations, :sm3333, :sm1122, :sm2233].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'001_create_sessions.rb 002_create_nodes.rb 003_3_create_users.rb 1273253850_create_artists.rb 1273253852_create_albums.rb' end specify "should raise error for applied migrations not in file system" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_3_create_users.rb' @dir = 'spec/files/missing_timestamped_migrations' proc{@m.apply(@db, @dir, 0)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::Error) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_3_create_users.rb' end specify "should raise error missing column name in existing schema_migrations table" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) proc{, @dir, :column=>:fn)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Migrator::Error) end specify "should handle migration filenames in a case insensitive manner" do @dir = 'spec/files/uppercase_timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir) [:schema_migrations, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_3_create_users.rb' @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 0) [:sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:schema_migrations].select_order_map(:filename).should == [] end specify "should :table and :column options" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations', @dir, :table=>:sm, :column=>:fn) [:sm, :sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_true} @db[:sm].select_order_map(:filename).should == %w'1273253849_create_sessions.rb 1273253851_create_nodes.rb 1273253853_3_create_users.rb', @dir, :target=>0, :table=>:sm, :column=>:fn) [:sm1111, :sm2222, :sm3333].each{|n| @db.table_exists?(n).should be_false} @db[:sm].select_order_map(:fn).should == [] end specify "should return nil" do @dir = 'spec/files/timestamped_migrations' @m.apply(@db, @dir, 1273253850).should == nil @m.apply(@db, @dir, 0).should == nil @m.apply(@db, @dir).should == nil end specify "should use TimestampMigrator if TimestampMigrator.apply is called even for integer migrations directory" do Sequel::TimestampMigrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/integer_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT NULL FROM schema_migrations LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE schema_migrations (filename varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)", "SELECT NULL FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "SELECT filename FROM schema_migrations ORDER BY filename", "CREATE TABLE sm1111 (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('001_create_sessions.rb')", "CREATE TABLE sm2222 (smc2 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('002_create_nodes.rb')", "CREATE TABLE sm3333 (smc3 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('003_3_create_users.rb')"] end specify "should not use transactions by default" do Sequel::TimestampMigrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/transaction_unspecified_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT NULL FROM schema_migrations LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE schema_migrations (filename varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)", "SELECT NULL FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "SELECT filename FROM schema_migrations ORDER BY filename", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('001_create_alt_basic.rb')", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('002_create_basic.rb')"] end specify "should use transactions by default if database supports transactional ddl" do @db.meta_def(:supports_transactional_ddl?){true} Sequel::TimestampMigrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/transaction_unspecified_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT NULL FROM schema_migrations LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE schema_migrations (filename varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)", "SELECT NULL FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "SELECT filename FROM schema_migrations ORDER BY filename", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('001_create_alt_basic.rb')", "COMMIT", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('002_create_basic.rb')", "COMMIT"] end specify "should support transaction use on a per migration basis" do Sequel::TimestampMigrator.apply(@db, "spec/files/transaction_specified_migrations") @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT NULL FROM schema_migrations LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE schema_migrations (filename varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)", "SELECT NULL FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "SELECT filename FROM schema_migrations ORDER BY filename", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('001_create_alt_basic.rb')", "COMMIT", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('002_create_basic.rb')"] end specify "should force transactions if enabled by the migrator" do, "spec/files/transaction_specified_migrations", :use_transactions=>true) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT NULL FROM schema_migrations LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE schema_migrations (filename varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)", "SELECT NULL FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "SELECT filename FROM schema_migrations ORDER BY filename", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('001_create_alt_basic.rb')", "COMMIT", "BEGIN", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('002_create_basic.rb')", "COMMIT"] end specify "should not use transactions if disabled in the migrator" do, "spec/files/transaction_unspecified_migrations", :use_transactions=>false) @db.sqls.should == ["SELECT NULL FROM schema_migrations LIMIT 1", "CREATE TABLE schema_migrations (filename varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)", "SELECT NULL FROM schema_info LIMIT 1", "SELECT filename FROM schema_migrations ORDER BY filename", "CREATE TABLE sm11111 (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('001_create_alt_basic.rb')", "CREATE TABLE sm (smc1 integer)", "INSERT INTO schema_migrations (filename) VALUES ('002_create_basic.rb')"] end end