Feature: Adding the --with-mohawk flag Scenario: Adding the mohawk gems to Gemfile When I run `testgen project sample --with-mohawk` Then a file named "sample/Gemfile" should exist And the file "sample/Gemfile" should contain "gem 'mohawk', '~> 0.1'" And the file "sample/Gemfile" should contain "gem 'ffi', '1.9.0'" And the file "sample/Gemfile" should contain "gem 'win32screenshot'" And the file "sample/Gemfile" should contain "gem 'rake'" Scenario: Adding mohawk to env.rb When I run `testgen project sample --with-mohawk` Then a file named "sample/features/support/env.rb" should exist And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain "require 'mohawk'" And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain "require 'win32/screenshot'" And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain "World(Mohawk::Navigation)" Scenario: Creating the Driver and hooks When I run `testgen project sample --with-mohawk` Then a file named "sample/features/support/env.rb" should exist And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain "Mohawk.app_path = PATH_TO_EXECUTABLE" And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain "Mohawk.start" And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain: """ def capture_screenshot(name) Dir.mkdir('screenshots') unless Dir.exist? 'screenshots' now = Time.now.to_s.gsub(/\W+/, '.') Win32::Screenshot::Take.of(:desktop).write("screenshots/#{now}.#{name}.png") end """ And the file "sample/features/support/env.rb" should contain: """ After do |scenario| capture_screenshot(scenario.name.gsub(/\W+/,'_')) if scenario.failed? Mohawk.stop end """ Scenario: Should not create the hooks file When I run `testgen project sample --with-mohawk` Then a file named "sample/features/support/hooks.rb" should not exist Scenario: Creating the screens directory under support When I run `testgen project sample --with-mohawk` Then a directory named "sample/features/support/screens" should exist Scenario: Creating the screens directory under lib when using --wth-lib When I run `testgen project sample --with-mohawk --with-lib` Then a directory named "sample/lib/screens" should exist