Puppet::Type.type(:postgresql_psql).provide(:ruby) do def command() if ((! resource[:unless]) or (resource[:unless].empty?)) if (resource.refreshonly?) # So, if there's no 'unless', and we're in "refreshonly" mode, # we need to return the target command here. If we don't, # then Puppet will generate an event indicating that this # property has changed. return resource[:command] end # if we're not in refreshonly mode, then we return nil, # which will cause Puppet to sync this property. This # is what we want if there is no 'unless' value specified. return nil end output, status = run_unless_sql_command(resource[:unless]) if status != 0 self.fail("Error evaluating 'unless' clause: '#{output}'") end result_count = output.strip.to_i if result_count > 0 # If the 'unless' query returned rows, then we don't want to execute # the 'command'. Returning the target 'command' here will cause # Puppet to treat this property as already being 'insync?', so it # won't call the setter to run the 'command' later. return resource[:command] end # Returning 'nil' here will cause Puppet to see this property # as out-of-sync, so it will call the setter later. nil end def command=(val) output, status = run_sql_command(val) if status != 0 self.fail("Error executing SQL; psql returned #{status}: '#{output}'") end end def run_unless_sql_command(sql) # for the 'unless' queries, we wrap the user's query in a 'SELECT COUNT', # which makes it easier to parse and process the output. run_sql_command('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (' << sql << ') count') end def run_sql_command(sql) if resource[:search_path] sql = "set search_path to #{Array(resource[:search_path]).join(',')}; #{sql}" end command = [resource[:psql_path]] command.push("-d", resource[:db]) if resource[:db] command.push("-t", "-c", sql) if resource[:cwd] Dir.chdir resource[:cwd] do Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture(command, resource[:psql_user], resource[:psql_group]) end else Puppet::Util::SUIDManager.run_and_capture(command, resource[:psql_user], resource[:psql_group]) end end end