module JqmobileHelpers # = JqmobileHelpers List View Helpers # Provides a set of methods for making toolbars views # for jquery-mobile markup module ToolbarsHelper # Header Bar Title # # === Examples # # => <%= header_toolbar_title('Put Title Here') %> # =>

Page Title

# def header_toolbar_title(title) content_tag(:h1, title) end # Header Bar Link # # ---Options --- # => '- data-direction = "reverse" ## reverse transition without actually going back in history # => - data-icon [delete,check,home,gear] # => - data-iconpos [text,notext] ## if use notext, link only show icon # => - class # => - data-theme ## default 'a' # # === Examples # # => # Home def header_toolbar_link(link_name,path,options = {}) html_options = options.stringify_keys! default_options = {'href' => "#{path}", 'data-direction' => "reverse"} if html_options.has_key?('data-iconpos') default_options = default_options.merge({'data-iconpos' => html_options['data-iconpos']}) end if html_options.has_key?('data-icon') default_options = default_options.merge({'data-icon' => html_options['data-icon']}) end if html_options.has_key?('data-theme') default_options = default_options.merge({'data-theme' => html_options['data-theme']}) end content_tag(:a, "#{link_name}",default_options) end # navigation bar container # # A navbar is coded as an unordered list of links wrapped in a container element that has # the data-role="navbar" attribute # To set one of links to the active (selected) state, add class="ui-btn-active" to the anchor # The navbar maxes out with 5 items, each 1/5 the width of the browser window # Navbar can be in the header/footer.just add the navbar container inside header/footer container # # *** Options *** # => data-role = 'navbar' (to specify the contanier as navbar) # # Example : #
# #
# Usage : # navbar_link(collection) ** this method is to create the link inside the navbar container # <%= navbar_bar([navbar_link('saya',root_path,{'data-icon' => 'gear'}),navbar_link('saya',root_path, # {'data-icon' => 'gear'}),navbar_link('dia',toolbars_path,{'data-icon' => 'home'}), # navbar_link('kami',toolbars_path,{'data-icon' => 'plus'})]) %> def navbar_bar(collection) listing = {|item| content_tag("li",item)} content_tag("div",content_tag(:ul, listing.join.html_safe), {'data-role' => 'navbar'}) end # link inside the navbar # *** Options *** # => data-icon (to add icon to navbar items) # => data-iconpos="top" (to stack icon above the navbar items label) # => data-theme (set theming for navbar) # Example # # => One # Usage : # => navbar_link('saya',root_path,{'data-icon' => 'gear'}) # # to set active navbar link when user click # => page = request.fullpath **** (will get the current active page fullpath : localhost/posts will generate /posts # => page_url = page.split(/[0-9]/)[0].gsub('/',"") # **** (will ignore the number in the url and remove '/' from the path : localhots/posts/1 will generate 'posts' # => link_path = link.gsub('/',"") (will remove '/' symbol from the string : /posts will become posts # # if link_path == page_url (compare the link pass by user in navbar_link() with current active page path # content_tag('a',name, {'href' => "#{link}", 'class' => 'ui-btn-active'}.merge(default_options)) # ***** (if true, will append class=ui-btn-active to the navbar link)) # Bug for setting active link for navbar : # => remove this part: # c.delegate("a","click",function(){f.removeClass("ui-btn-active");a(this).addClass("ui-btn-active")}) # => from line 120 def navbar_link(name,link, options ={}) html_options = options.stringify_keys! default_options = {} if html_options.has_key?('data-icon') default_options = default_options.merge({'data-icon' => html_options['data-icon']}) end if html_options.has_key?('data-iconpos') default_options = default_options.merge({'data-iconpos' => html_options['data-iconpos']}) end if html_options.has_key?('data-theme') default_options = default_options.merge({'data-theme' => html_options['data-theme']}) end page = request.fullpath page_url = page.split(/[0-9]/)[0].gsub('/',"") link_path = link.gsub('/',"") if link_path == page_url content_tag('a',name, {'href' => "#{link}", 'class' => 'ui-btn-active'}.merge(default_options)) else content_tag('a',name, {'href' => "#{link}"}.merge(default_options)) end end end end