module FunWith module Files class FilePath < Pathname def initialize( *args ) super( File.join( *args ) ) end # args implicitly joined to cwd def self.cwd( *args ) Dir.pwd.fwf_filepath.join( *args ) end def self.pwd( *args ) self.cwd( *args ) end def self.tmpdir( &block ) if block_given? Dir.mktmpdir do |d| yield d.fwf_filepath end else Dir.mktmpdir.fwf_filepath end end def self.home( *args ) Dir.home.fwf_filepath.join( *args ) end def join( *args, &block ) if block_given? yield super(*args) ) else super(*args) ) end end alias :exists? :exist? def up self.join("..") ).expand end alias :down :join # opts: # :flags => File::FNM_CASEFOLD # File::FNM_DOTMATCH # File::FNM_NOESCAPE # File::FNM_PATHNAME # File::FNM_SYSCASE # See Dir documentation for details. # Can be given as an integer: (File::FNM_DOTMATCH | File::FNM_NOESCAPE) # or as an array: [File::FNM_CASEFOLD, File::FNM_DOTMATCH] # # :class => [self.class] The class of objects you want returned (String, FilePath, ClassLoader, etc.) # Should probably be a subclass of FilePath or String. Class.initialize() must accept a string # [representing a file path] as the sole argument. # # :recurse => [false] # # :ext => [] A single symbol, or a list containing strings/symbols representing file name extensions. # No leading periods kthxbai. # :sensitive => true : do a case sensitive search. I guess the default is an insensitive search, so # the default behaves similarly on Windows and Unix. Not gonna fight it. # # :dots => true : include dotfiles. Does not include . and ..s unless you also # specify the option :parent_and_current => true. # # If opts[:recurse] / opts[:ext] not given, the user can get the same # results explicitly with arguments like .glob("**", "*.rb") # # :all : if :all is the only argument, this is the same as .glob("**", "*") def glob( *args ) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} flags = case opts[:flags] when NilClass 0 when Array # should be an array of integers opts[:flags].inject(0) do |memo, obj| memo | obj end when Integer opts[:flags] end flags |= File::FNM_DOTMATCH if opts[:dots] flags |= File::FNM_CASEFOLD if opts[:sensitive] if args.first == :all args = ["**", "*"] else recurser = opts[:recurse] ? "**" : nil extensions = case opts[:ext] when Symbol, String "*.#{opts[:ext]}" when Array extensions = opts[:ext].map(&:to_s).join(',') "*.{#{extensions}}" when NilClass nil end args += [recurser, extensions] args.compact! end opts[:class] ||= self.class files = Dir.glob( self.join(*args), flags ).map{ |f| opts[:class].new(f) } files.reject!{ |f| f.basename.to_s.match(/^\.{1,2}$/) } unless opts[:parent_and_current] files end def expand File.expand_path( self ) ) end # Raises error if self is a file and args present. # Raises error if the file is not accessible for writing, or cannot be created. # attempts to create a directory def touch( *args ) raise "Cannot create subdirectory to a file" if self.file? && args.length > 0 touched = self.join(*args) dir_for_touched_file = case args.length when 0 self.up when 1 self when 2..Infinity self.join( *(args[0..-2] ) ) end self.touch_dir( dir_for_touched_file ) unless FileUtils.touch( touched ) return touched end def touch_dir( *args, &block ) touched = self.join(*args) if FileUtils.touch( touched ) # update access time else FileUtils.mkdir_p( touched ) # create directory (and any needed parents) end yield touched if block_given? return touched end def write( content = nil, &block ) self, "w" ) do |f| f << content if content if block_given? yield f end end end def append( content = nil, &block ) self, "a" ) do |f| f << content if content if block_given? yield f end end end def grep( regex ) return [] unless self.file? matching = [] self.each_line do |line| matching.push( line ) if line.match( regex ) end matching end # Not the same as zero? def empty? raise Exceptions::FileDoesNotExist unless self.exist? if self.file? File.size( self ) == 0 elsif self.glob( "**", "*" ).length == 0 end end # Does not return a filepath def basename_no_ext self.basename.to_s.split(".")[0..-2].join(".") end def without_ext self.gsub(/\.#{self.ext}$/, '') end # Does not return a filepath. # Does not include leading period def ext split_basename = self.basename.to_s.split(".") split_basename.length > 1 ? split_basename.last : "" end # base, ext = @path.basename_and_ext def basename_and_ext [basename_no_ext, ext] end # Basically Pathname.relative_path_from, but you can pass in strings def relative_path_from( dir ) dir = super( dir ) ) dir ) end # gsub acts on the filepath, not the file contents def gsub( *args ) self.to_s.gsub(*args).fwf_filepath end def gsub!( *args ) new_path = self.to_s.gsub(*args) self.instance_variable_set(:@path, new_path) end def fwf_filepath self end # Gives a sequence of files. Examples: # file.dat --> file.000000.dat # file_without_ext --> file_without_ext.000000 # If it sees a six-digit number at or near the end of the # filename, it increments it. # # You can change the length of the sequence string by passing # in an argument, but it should always be the same value for # a given set of files. SUCC_DIGIT_COUNT = 6 def succ( opts = { digit_count: SUCC_DIGIT_COUNT, timestamp: false } ) if opts[:timestamp] timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S%L") digit_count = timestamp.length else timestamp = false digit_count = opts[:digit_count] end chunks = self.basename.to_s.split(".") # not yet sequence stamped, no file extension. if chunks.length == 1 if timestamp chunks.push( timestamp ) else chunks.push( "0" * digit_count ) end # sequence stamp before file extension elsif match_data = chunks[-2].match( /^(\d{#{digit_count}})$/ ) if timestamp chunks[-2] = timestamp else i = match_data[1].to_i + 1 chunks[-2] = sprintf("%0#{digit_count}i", i) end # try to match sequence stamp to end of filename elsif match_data = chunks[-1].match( /^(\d{#{digit_count}})$/ ) if timestamp chunks[-1] = timestamp else i = match_data[1].to_i + 1 chunks[-1] = sprintf("%0#{digit_count}i", i) end # not yet sequence_stamped, has file extension else chunks = [chunks[0..-2], (timestamp ? timestamp : "0" * digit_count), chunks[-1]].flatten end self.up.join( chunks.join(".") ) end # TODO: succession : enumerates a sequence of files that get passed # to a block in order. def succession( opts = { digit_count: SUCC_DIGIT_COUNT, timestamp: false } ) if opts[:timestamp] timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S%L") digit_count = timestamp.length else timestamp = false digit_count = opts[:digit_count] end chunks = self.basename.to_s.split(".") glob_stamp_matcher = '[0-9]' * digit_count # unstamped filename, no extension if chunks.length == 1 original = chunks.first stamped = [original, glob_stamp_matcher].join(".") # stamped filename, no extension elsif chunks[-1].match( /^\d{#{digit_count}}$/ ) original = chunks[0..-2].join(".") stamped = [original, glob_stamp_matcher].join(".") # stamped filename, has extension elsif chunks[-2].match( /^\d{#{digit_count}}$/ ) original = [chunks[0..-3], chunks.last].flatten.join(".") stamped = [chunks[0..-3], glob_stamp_matcher, chunks.last].join(".") # unstamped filename, has extension else original = chunks.join(".") stamped = [ chunks[0..-2], glob_stamp_matcher, chunks[-1] ].flatten.join(".") end [self.dirname.glob(original), self.dirname.glob(stamped)].flatten end # TODO: succ_last : find the last existing file of the given sequence. # TODO: succ_next : find the first free file of the given sequence # File manipulation def rename( filename ) end def rename_all( pattern, gsubbed ) end end end end