module ReviewAndApprove module ModelAdditions def review_and_approve(*args) # Extracting options: # 1. methods to cache - option :by, default value [:as_json] # 2. attribute to track as published - option :field, default value :publish methods = [:as_json] field = :publish args.each do |arg| if arg.is_a? Hash if !arg[:by].nil? methods = arg[:by] end if !arg[:field].nil? field = arg[:field] end end end # define the field as an attribute on the model attr_accessor field after_save do published = self.send(field) #If we are publishing the record if published and (published==true or published=="true" or self.send(field).to_i>0 rescue false) #in case the field gets set to "0" and "1" methods.each do |method| # Refresh all caches Rails.cache.write("ReviewAndApprove_#{}_#{}_#{method}", self.send(method)) end end true end send(:define_method, :published_version) do |method_name|"ReviewAndApprove_#{}_#{}_#{method_name}") end send(:define_method, :mass_assignment_authorizer) do |role = :default| # force add the :publish attribute into attr_accessible super(role) + [field] end validates_each field do |record, attr, value| able = Thread.current[:reviewAndApprove_current_ability].try(:can?, :publish, record) # if user can not publish the record, create an error. if !able and value and (value==true or value=="true" or value.to_i>0 rescue false) record.errors[attr] << "can not be marked as true by this user" end end end end end