module Alchemy # ActiveRecord scopes for Alchemy::Page # module Page::Scopes extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # All language root pages # scope :language_roots, where(language_root: true) # All layout pages # scope :layoutpages, where(layoutpage: true) # All locked pages # scope :all_locked, where(locked: true) # All pages locked by given +Alchemy::User+ # scope :all_locked_by, ->(user) { all_locked.where(locked_by: } # All not locked pages # scope :not_locked, where(locked: false) # All visible pages # scope :visible, where(visible: true) # All public pages # scope :published, where(public: true) # All not restricted pages # scope :not_restricted, where(restricted: false) # All restricted pages # scope :restricted, where(restricted: true) # All pages that are a published language root # scope :public_language_roots, -> { published.language_roots.where( language_code: Language.all_codes_for_published ) } # Last 5 pages that where recently edited by given +Alchemy::User+ # scope :all_last_edited_from, ->(user) { where(updater_id:'updated_at DESC').limit(5) } # Returns all pages that have the given +language_id+ # scope :with_language, ->(language_id) { where(language_id: language_id) } # Returns all content pages. # scope :contentpages, where(layoutpage: [false, nil]).where(Page.arel_table[:parent_id].not_eq(nil)) # Returns all public contentpages that are not locked. # # Used for flushing all pages caches at once. # scope :flushables, not_locked.published.contentpages # All searchable pages # scope :searchables, not_restricted.published.contentpages # All pages from +Alchemy::Site.current+ # scope :from_current_site, -> { where(alchemy_languages: {site_id: Site.current || Site.default}).joins(:language) } # All pages for xml sitemap # scope :sitemap, from_current_site.published.contentpages.where(sitemap: true) end end end