== 0.5.4 / 2009-08-23 * Bug Fixes * Do not allow symlinks (security vulnerability) == 0.5.3 / 2009-07-14 * Bug Fixes * Solving the permalink bug where non-html files wouldn't work [github.com/jeffrydegrande] == 0.5.2 / 2009-06-24 * Enhancements * Added --paginate option to the executable along with a paginator object for the payload [github.com/calavera] * Upgraded RedCloth to 4.2.1, which makes <notextile> tags work once again. * Configuration options set in config.yml are now available through the site payload [github.com/vilcans] * Posts can now have an empty YAML front matter or none at all [github.com/bahuvrihi] * Bug Fixes * Fixing Ruby 1.9 issue that requires to_s on the err object [github.com/Chrononaut] * Fixes for pagination and ordering posts on the same day [github.com/ujh] * Made pages respect permalinks style and permalinks in yml front matter [github.com/eugenebolshakov] * Index.html file should always have index.html permalink [github.com/eugenebolshakov] * Added trailing slash to pretty permalink style so Apache is happy [github.com/eugenebolshakov] * Bad markdown processor in config fails sooner and with better message [github.com/gcnovus] * Allow CRLFs in yaml frontmatter [github.com/juretta] * Added Date#xmlschema for Ruby versions < 1.9 == 0.5.1 / 2009-05-06 * Major Enhancements * Next/previous posts in site payload [github.com/pantulis, github.com/tomo] * Permalink templating system * Moved most of the README out to the GitHub wiki * Exclude option in configuration so specified files won't be brought over with generated site [github.com/duritong] * Bug Fixes * Making sure config.yaml references are all gone, using only config.yml * Fixed syntax highlighting breaking for UTF-8 code [github.com/henrik] * Worked around RDiscount bug that prevents Markdown from getting parsed after highlight [github.com/henrik] * CGI escaped post titles [github.com/Chrononaut] == 0.5.0 / 2009-04-07 * Minor Enhancements * Ability to set post categories via YAML [github.com/qrush] * Ability to set prevent a post from publishing via YAML [github.com/qrush] * Add textilize filter [github.com/willcodeforfoo] * Add 'pretty' permalink style for wordpress-like urls [github.com/dysinger] * Made it possible to enter categories from YAML as an array [github.com/Chrononaut] * Ignore Emacs autosave files [github.com/Chrononaut] * Bug Fixes * Use block syntax of popen4 to ensure that subprocesses are properly disposed [github.com/jqr] * Close open4 streams to prevent zombies [github.com/rtomayko] * Only query required fields from the WP Database [github.com/ariejan] * Prevent _posts from being copied to the destination directory [github.com/bdimcheff] * Refactors * Factored the filtering code into a method [github.com/Chrononaut] * Fix tests and convert to Shoulda [github.com/qrush, github.com/technicalpickles] * Add Cucumber acceptance test suite [github.com/qrush, github.com/technicalpickles] == 0.4.1 * Minor Enhancements * Changed date format on wordpress converter (zeropadding) [github.com/dysinger] * Bug Fixes * Add jekyll binary as executable to gemspec [github.com/dysinger] == 0.4.0 / 2009-02-03 * Major Enhancements * Switch to Jeweler for packaging tasks * Minor Enhancements * Type importer [github.com/codeslinger] * site.topics accessor [github.com/baz] * Add array_to_sentence_string filter [github.com/mchung] * Add a converter for textpattern [github.com/PerfectlyNormal] * Add a working Mephisto / MySQL converter [github.com/ivey] * Allowing .htaccess files to be copied over into the generated site [github.com/briandoll] * Add option to not put file date in permalink URL [github.com/mreid] * Add line number capabilities to highlight blocks [github.com/jcon] * Bug Fixes * Fix permalink behavior [github.com/cavalle] * Fixed an issue with pygments, markdown, and newlines [github.com/zpinter] * Ampersands need to be escaped [github.com/pufuwozu, github.com/ap] * Test and fix the site.categories hash [github.com/zzot] * Fix site payload available to files [github.com/matrix9180] == 0.3.0 / 2008-12-24 * Major Enhancements * Added --server option to start a simple WEBrick server on destination directory [github.com/johnreilly and github.com/mchung] * Minor Enhancements * Added post categories based on directories containing _posts [github.com/mreid] * Added post topics based on directories underneath _posts * Added new date filter that shows the full month name [github.com/mreid] * Merge Post's YAML front matter into its to_liquid payload [github.com/remi] * Restrict includes to regular files underneath _includes * Bug Fixes * Change YAML delimiter matcher so as to not chew up 2nd level markdown headers [github.com/mreid] * Fix bug that meant page data (such as the date) was not available in templates [github.com/mreid] * Properly reject directories in _layouts == 0.2.1 / 2008-12-15 * Major Changes * Use Maruku (pure Ruby) for Markdown by default [github.com/mreid] * Allow use of RDiscount with --rdiscount flag * Minor Enhancements * Don't load directory_watcher unless it's needed [github.com/pjhyett] == 0.2.0 / 2008-12-14 * Major Changes * related_posts is now found in site.related_posts == 0.1.6 / 2008-12-13 * Major Features * Include files in _includes with {% include x.textile %} == 0.1.5 / 2008-12-12 * Major Features * Code highlighting with Pygments if --pygments is specified * Disable true LSI by default, enable with --lsi * Minor Enhancements * Output informative message if RDiscount is not available [github.com/JackDanger] * Bug Fixes * Prevent Jekyll from picking up the output directory as a source [github.com/JackDanger] * Skip related_posts when there is only one post [github.com/JackDanger] == 0.1.4 / 2008-12-08 * Bug Fixes * DATA does not work properly with rubygems == 0.1.3 / 2008-12-06 * Major Features * Markdown support [github.com/vanpelt] * Mephisto and CSV converters [github.com/vanpelt] * Code hilighting [github.com/vanpelt] * Autobuild * Bug Fixes * Accept both \r\n and \n in YAML header [github.com/vanpelt] == 0.1.2 / 2008-11-22 * Major Features * Add a real "related posts" implementation using Classifier * Command Line Changes * Allow cli to be called with 0, 1, or 2 args intuiting dir paths if they are omitted == 0.1.1 / 2008-11-22 * Minor Additions * Posts now support introspectional data e.g. {{ page.url }} == 0.1.0 / 2008-11-05 * First release * Converts posts written in Textile * Converts regular site pages * Simple copy of binary files == 0.0.0 / 2008-10-19 * Birthday!