//= require jquery.livequery //= require chosen.jquery // //initial state $(function() { $('#wrapper_activities_header form').hide(); $('#new_<%= SocialStream.activity_forms.first %>').show(); $('#select_<%= SocialStream.activity_forms.first %>').addClass('selected'); $('#security').chosen(); }); $(document).ready(function() { $('#new_post').submit(function() { $("#input_activities").blur(); $("#masterSubmitButton").val("<%= I18n.t('activity.sending') %>..."); $('#new_post').attr("disabled", true); $('#masterSubmitButton').attr("disabled", true); $('#input_activities').attr('readonly', true); return true; }); }); //clicks form selector $('.activity_form_selector').live('click',function(){ $('.activity_form_selector').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); $('#wrapper_activities_header form').hide(); $('#new_'+this.id.split("_")[1]).show(); }); //submit $('#masterSubmitButton').live('click',function(){ $('.liveAdded').remove(); $('#security option:selected').each(function() { $('#wrapper_activities_header form:visible').append( $('') .addClass('liveAdded') .attr('type', 'hidden') .attr('name', $('#wrapper_activities_header form:visible') .attr('id').split('_')[1]+'[_relation_ids][]') .val($(this).attr('value'))); }); $('#wrapper_activities_header form:visible').submit(); }); //javascript for main activities input $(function() { $("#input_activities").click(function(){ $("#masterSubmitButton").show(); }); }); //javascript for comments $(function() { //"write new comment..." text in every text field for comments $("#input_activities").Watermark("<%= I18n.t('activity.input') %>","#666"); $(".input_new_comments").Watermark("<%= I18n.t('comment.input') %>","#666"); //show only the text fields for new comment if there are any comment to the post $(".activity_new_comment").each(function(){ if ($.trim($(this).siblings(".activity_comments").text()) != ""){ $(this).show(); } }); $(".activities_comment_btn").hide(); //if there are 4 or more commments we only show the last 2 and a link to show the rest $(".activity_comments").each(function(){ var comments = $(this).children(".subactivity"); //check if there are more than 3 comments if (comments.size() > 3){ $(this).prepend("
<%= I18n.t('comment.view_all') %> (" + comments.size() + ")
"); comments.slice(0,comments.size()-2).hide(); //hide alto space_comments $(this).children(".space_comments").slice(0,comments.size()-2).hide(); } }); }); showAllComments = function(id){ $("#"+id).children().show(); //and hide the hide_show_comments $("#"+id).children(".hide_show_comments").hide(); }; //usa livequery para usar el javascript luego de una accion con AJAX $(".input_new_comments").live("click",function(){ $(".activities_comment_btn").hide(); $(this).parent(".new_comment").children(".activities_comment_btn").show(); }); //javascript for tocomment option $(".to_comment").live("click", function(){ $(this).parents(".activity_content").find(".activity_new_comment").show(); $(this).parents(".activity_content").find(".input_new_comments").click(); $(this).parents(".activity_content").find(".input_new_comments").focus(); return false; }); //move he last list item before the first item. The purpose of this is if the user clicks to slide left he will be able to see the last item. $('#carousel_ul li:first').before($('#carousel_ul li:last')); //when user clicks the image for sliding right $('#right_scroll img').livequery("click",function(){ //get the width of the items ( i like making the jquery part dynamic, so if you change the width in the css you won't have o change it here too ) ' var item_width = $('#carousel_ul li').outerWidth() + 10; //calculae the new left indent of the unordered list var left_indent = parseInt($('#carousel_ul').css('left')) - item_width; //make the sliding effect using jquery's anumate function ' $('#carousel_ul:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : left_indent},500,function(){ //get the first list item and put it after the last list item (that's how the infinite effects is made) ' $('#carousel_ul li:last').after($('#carousel_ul li:first')); //and get the left indent to the default -210px $('#carousel_ul').css({'left' : '-210px'}); }); }); //when user clicks the image for sliding left $('#left_scroll img').livequery("click",function(){ var item_width = $('#carousel_ul li').outerWidth() + 10; /* same as for sliding right except that it's current left indent + the item width (for the sliding right it's - item_width) */ var left_indent = parseInt($('#carousel_ul').css('left')) + item_width; $('#carousel_ul:not(:animated)').animate({'left' : left_indent},500,function(){ /* when sliding to left we are moving the last item before the first list item */ $('#carousel_ul li:first').before($('#carousel_ul li:last')); /* and again, when we make that change we are setting the left indent of our unordered list to the default -210px */ $('#carousel_ul').css({'left' : '-210px'}); }); });