# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # -*- frozen_string_literal: true -*- # -*- warn_indent: true -*- { en: { activerecord: { attributes: { country: { name: "Name", }, fruit: { name: "Name", }, skill: { name: "Name", }, user: { name: "Name", email: "Email address", password: "Password", password_confirmation: "Confirm password", mobile_number: "Mobile number", blog_url: "Blog URL", birth_date: "Birth date", fruit_id: "Favorite fruit", terms: "I accept terms and conditions", excellence: "Excellence", skill_ids: "Skills", username: "Username", remember_me: "Keep me signed in", }, user_skill: { user_id: "User", skill_id: "Skill" }, address: { street: "Street", state: "State", city: "City", postal_code: "Postal code", country_id: "Country" }, }, help_texts: { user: { email: "Please use official email address", terms: "You must first accept terms and conditions in order to continue", skill_ids: "Select your strong skills", fruit_id: "Select your favorite fruit", } }, } } }