--- :cmock: :enforce_strict_ordering: 1 :plugins: - :ignore - :cexception :systest: :types: | #define UINT32 unsigned int typedef signed int custom_type; :mockable: | #include "CException.h" UINT32 foo(custom_type a); UINT32 bar(custom_type b); void baz(custom_type c); :source: :header: | #include "CException.h" UINT32 function_a(int a, int b); void function_b(void); void function_c(void); void function_d(void); :code: | UINT32 function_a(int a, int b) { return foo((custom_type)a) + bar((custom_type)b); } void function_b(void) { baz((custom_type)1); foo((custom_type)2); bar((custom_type)3); baz((custom_type)4); foo((custom_type)5); bar((custom_type)6); baz((custom_type)7); } void function_c(void) { foo((custom_type)1); foo((custom_type)2); bar((custom_type)3); bar((custom_type)4); foo((custom_type)5); } void function_d(void) { CEXCEPTION_T e; Try { foo((custom_type)1); } Catch(e) {} Try { bar((custom_type)2); } Catch(e) {} Try { foo((custom_type)3); } Catch(e) {} } :tests: :common: | #include "CException.h" void setUp(void) {} void tearDown(void) {} :units: - :pass: TRUE :should: 'successfully exercise two simple ExpectAndReturn mock calls' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(30, function_a(1, 2)); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail because bar() is called but is not expected' :verify_error: 'Called more times than expected' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(30, function_a(1, 2)); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail because bar() is called twice but is expected once' :verify_error: 'Called fewer times than expected' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 30); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(30, function_a(1, 2)); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail because bar and foo called in reverse order' :verify_error: 'Called earlier than expected' :code: | test() { bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(30, function_a(1, 2)); } - :pass: TRUE :should: 'pass because bar and foo called in order with multiple params' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 20); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)4, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)5, 10); function_c(); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail because bar and foo called out of order at end' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 20); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)5, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)4, 10); function_c(); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail because bar and foo called out of order at start' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 20); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)4, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)5, 10); function_c(); } - :pass: TRUE :should: 'pass because we are properly ignoring baz' :code: | test() { baz_Ignore(); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 20); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)5, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)6, 10); function_b(); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail because bar and foo out of order, even though baz is ignored' :code: | test() { baz_Ignore(); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)5, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 20); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)6, 10); function_b(); } - :pass: TRUE :should: 'pass when using cexception, as long as the order is right' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndThrow((custom_type)1, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 10); function_d(); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'fail when an throw call is made out of order' :code: | test() { bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); foo_ExpectAndThrow((custom_type)1, 10); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 10); function_d(); } - :pass: TRUE :should: 'successfully handle back to back ExpectAndReturn setup and mock calls' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(30, function_a(1, 2)); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 30); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)4, 40); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(70, function_a(3, 4)); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 50); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)9, 60); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(110, function_a(1, 9)); } - :pass: FALSE :should: 'successfully catch errors during back to back ExpectAndReturn setup and mock calls' :verify_error: 'Called earlier than expected' :code: | test() { foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 10); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)2, 20); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(30, function_a(1, 2)); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)3, 30); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)4, 40); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(70, function_a(3, 4)); bar_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)9, 60); foo_ExpectAndReturn((custom_type)1, 50); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(110, function_a(1, 9)); } ...