5IKVX Z_ab9I *9 : +3QEL/home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@cmor/gems/pry-0.12.2/lib/pry/inspector.rbE
EEdefaultE} The default Pry inspector. It has paging and color support, and uses pretty_inspect when printing an object. EsimpleE A simple inspector that uses #puts and #inspect when printing an object. It has no pager, color, or pretty_inspect support. EclippedE The clipped inspector has the same features as the 'simple' inspector but prints large objects as a smaller string. EPryE InspectorE DEFAULT_PRINTE SIMPLE_PRINTE CLIPPED_PRINTEMAPE each_lineEmapEvalueE descriptionElstrip!Elstrip7\w ,F  ; R o