# Base Ruboto stuff and dependencies require 'ruboto' # Command-specific dependencies require 'ruboto/sdk_versions' require 'ruboto/util/asset_copier' require 'ruboto/util/log_action' require 'ruboto/util/xml_element' require 'ruboto/util/code_formatting' require 'ruboto/util/build' require 'ruboto/util/verify' require 'ruboto/util/scan_in_api' require 'ruboto/core_ext/array' require 'ruboto/core_ext/object' module Ruboto module Commands module Base include Ruboto::SdkVersions include Ruboto::Util::Verify def self.main Main do mode 'gen' do require 'ruboto/util/update' mode 'app' do include Ruboto::Util::LogAction include Ruboto::Util::Build include Ruboto::Util::Update option('package') { required argument :required description 'Name of package. Must be unique for every app. A common pattern is yourtld.yourdomain.appname (Ex. org.ruboto.irb)' } option('name') { argument :required description 'Name of your app. Defaults to the last part of the package name capitalized.' } option('activity') { argument :required description 'Name of your primary Activity. Defaults to the name of the application with "Activity" appended.' } option('path') { argument :required description 'Path to where you want your app. Defaults to the last part of the package name.' } # FIXME(uwe): Change to cast to integer for better comparison option('target', 't') { argument :required defaults DEFAULT_TARGET_SDK description "Android version to target (e.g., 'android-19' or '19' for kitkat)" cast { |t| t =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "android-#$1" : t } validate { |t| t =~ /^android-\d+$/ } } option('min-sdk') { argument :required description "Minimum android version supported. (e.g., 'android-19' or '19' for kitkat)" cast { |t| t =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "android-#$1" : t } validate { |t| t =~ /^android-\d+$/ } } option('with-jruby') { description 'Install the JRuby jars in your libs directory. Optionally set the JRuby version to install. Otherwise the latest available version is installed.' argument :optional cast { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) } validate { |v| Gem::Version.correct?(v) } } option('ruby-version') { description 'Using what version of Ruby? (e.g., 1.8, 1.9, 2.0)' argument :required cast :float validate { |rv| [1.8, 1.9, 2.0].include?(rv) } } option('force') { description 'Force creation of project even if the path exists' cast :boolean } def run package = params['package'].value name = params['name'].value || package.split('.').last.split('_').map { |s| s.capitalize }.join name[0..0] = name[0..0].upcase activity = params['activity'].value || "#{name}Activity" path = params['path'].value || package.split('.').last target = params['target'].value min_sdk = params['min-sdk'].value || target with_jruby = params['with-jruby'].value ruby_version = params['ruby-version'].value force = params['force'].value abort "Path (#{path}) must be to a directory that does not yet exist. It will be created." if !force && File.exists?(path) abort "Target must match android-: got #{target}" unless target =~ /^android-(\d+)$/ abort "Minimum Android api level is #{MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SDK}: got #{target}" unless $1.to_i >= MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SDK_LEVEL root = File.expand_path(path) puts "\nGenerating Android app #{name} in #{root}..." system "android create project -n #{name} -t #{target} -p #{path} -k #{package} -a #{activity}" exit $?.to_i unless $? == 0 unless File.exists? path puts 'Android project was not created' exit_failure! end Dir.chdir path do FileUtils.rm_f "src/#{package.gsub '.', '/'}/#{activity}.java" puts "Removed file #{"src/#{package.gsub '.', '/'}/#{activity}"}.java" FileUtils.rm_f 'res/layout/main.xml' puts 'Removed file res/layout/main.xml' verify_strings.root.elements['string'].text = name.gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1 \2').gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/, '\1 \2') File.open('res/values/strings.xml', 'w') { |f| verify_strings.document.write(f, 4) } end puts 'Done' Dir.chdir root do update_manifest min_sdk[/\d+/], target[/\d+/], true update_test true, target[/\d+/].to_i update_assets if ruby_version source = File.read('ruboto.yml') pattern = %r{^#? ?ruby_version: 1.9$} File.open('ruboto.yml', 'w') { |f| f << source.sub(pattern, "ruby_version: #{ruby_version}") } end update_ruboto true update_icons true update_classes nil, 'exclude' if with_jruby update_jruby true, with_jruby update_dx_jar true end update_core_classes 'exclude' log_action('Generating the default Activity and script') do generate_inheriting_file 'Activity', activity, package end end puts "\nHello, #{name}\n" end end mode 'jruby' do include Ruboto::Util::LogAction include Ruboto::Util::Build include Ruboto::Util::Update argument('version') { required false description 'The JRuby version to install.' cast { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) } validate { |v| Gem::Version.correct?(v) } } def run update_jruby true, params['version'].value end end mode 'class' do include Ruboto::Util::Build argument('class') { required alternatives = Dir[File.join(Ruboto::ASSETS, 'src/Inheriting*.java')].map { |f| File.basename(f)[10..-6] } - %w(Class) description "the Android Class that you want: #{alternatives[0..-2].map { |c| "#{c}, " }}or #{alternatives[-1]}" validate { |v| alternatives.include? v } } option('script_name') { argument :required description 'name of the ruby script that this class will execute. Should end in .rb. Optional.' } option('name') { required argument :required description 'name of the class (and file). Should be CamelCase' } def run name = params['name'].value name[0..0] = name[0..0].upcase script_name = params['script_name'].value || "#{underscore(name)}.rb" klass = params['class'].value generate_inheriting_file klass, name, verify_package, script_name app_element = verify_manifest.elements['application'] if klass == 'Activity' || klass == 'Service' tag = klass.downcase if app_element.elements["#{tag}[@android:name='#{name}']"] puts "#{klass} already present in manifest." else app_element.add_element tag, {'android:name' => "#{"#{verify_package}." if klass == 'Service'}#{name}"} save_manifest puts "Added #{tag} to manifest." end end end end mode 'subclass' do include Ruboto::Util::Build argument('class') { required description 'the Android Class that you want to subclass (e.g., package.Class).' } option('name') { required argument :required description 'name of the class (and file). Should be CamelCase' } option('package') { argument :required description 'package for the new class (if not specified, uses project package)' } option('method_base') { required validate { |i| %w(all on none abstract).include?(i) } argument :required description 'the base set of methods to generate (adjusted with method_include and method_exclude): all, none, abstract, on (e.g., onClick)' } option('method_include') { argument :required defaults '' description 'additional methods to add to the base list' } option('method_exclude') { argument :required defaults '' description 'methods to remove from the base list' } option('implements') { required argument :required defaults '' description 'comma separated list interfaces to implement' } option('force') { argument :required validate { |i| %w(include exclude).include?(i) } description "force handling of added and deprecated methods (values: 'include' or 'exclude') unless individually included or excluded" } def run generate_inheriting_file 'Class', params['name'].value generate_subclass_or_interface( %w(class name package method_base method_include method_exclude implements force).inject({}) { |h, i| h[i.to_sym] = params[i].value; h }) end end mode 'interface' do include Ruboto::Util::Build argument('interface') { required description 'the Android Interface that you want to implement (e.g., package.Interface).' } option('name') { required argument :required description 'name of the class (and file) that will implement the interface. Should be CamelCase' } option('package') { argument :required description 'package for the new class (if not specified, uses project package)' } option('force') { argument :required validate { |i| %w(include exclude).include?(i) } description "force added and deprecated interfaces (values: 'include' or 'exclude')" } def run # FIXME(uwe): DEPRECATED! Remove before Ruboto version 1.0.0. puts "\nThe use of \"ruboto gen interface\" has been deprecated. Please use\n\n ruboto gen subclass\n\ninstead.\n\n" generate_inheriting_file 'Class', params['name'].value generate_subclass_or_interface %w(interface name package force).inject({}) { |h, i| h[i.to_sym] = params[i].value; h } end end mode 'core' do include Ruboto::Util::Build argument('class') { required validate { |i| %w(Activity Service BroadcastReceiver View PreferenceActivity TabActivity OnClickListener OnItemClickListener OnItemSelectedListener all).include?(i) } description "Activity, Service, BroadcastReceiver, View, OnClickListener, OnItemClickListener, OnItemSelectedListener, or all (default = all); Other activities not included in 'all': PreferenceActivity, TabActivity" } option('method_base') { required argument :required validate { |i| %w(all on none).include?(i) } defaults 'on' description 'the base set of methods to generate (adjusted with method_include and method_exclude): all, none, on (e.g., onClick)' } option('method_include') { required argument :required defaults '' description 'additional methods to add to the base list' } option('method_exclude') { required argument :required defaults '' description 'methods to remove from the base list' } option('implements') { required argument :required defaults '' description "for classes only, interfaces to implement (cannot be used with 'gen core all')" } option('force') { argument :required validate { |i| %w(include exclude).include?(i) } description "force handling of added and deprecated methods (values: 'include' or 'exclude') unless individually included or excluded" } def run abort("specify 'implements' only for Activity, Service, BroadcastReceiver, PreferenceActivity, or TabActivity") unless %w(Activity Service BroadcastReceiver PreferenceActivity TabActivity).include?(params['class'].value) or params['implements'].value == '' generate_core_classes [:class, :method_base, :method_include, :method_exclude, :implements, :force].inject({}) { |h, i| h[i] = params[i.to_s].value; h } end end end mode 'update' do require 'ruboto/util/update' include Ruboto::Util::LogAction include Ruboto::Util::Update mode 'app' do # FIXME(uwe): Change to cast to integer for better comparison option('target', 't') { argument :required description "Android version to target (e.g., 'android-19' or '19' for kitkat)" cast { |t| t =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "android-#$1" : t } validate { |t| t =~ /^android-\d+$/ } } option('with-jruby') { description 'Install the JRuby jars in your libs directory. Optionally set the JRuby version to install. Otherwise the latest available version is installed. If the JRuby jars are already present in your project, this option is implied.' argument :optional cast { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) } validate { |v| Gem::Version.correct?(v) } } option('force') { description "force an update even if the version hasn't changed" } def run force = params['force'].value old_version = read_ruboto_version if old_version && Gem::Version.new(old_version) < Gem::Version.new(Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT) puts "Detected old Ruboto version: #{old_version}" puts "Will use Ruboto #{Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT} to update it first." `gem query -i -n ruboto -v #{Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT}` system "gem install ruboto -v #{Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT}" unless $? == 0 raise "Install of Ruboto #{Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT} failed!" unless $? == 0 system "ruboto _#{Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT}_ update app" raise "Ruboto update app to #{Ruboto::UPDATE_VERSION_LIMIT} failed!" unless $? == 0 end if (target = params['target'].value) abort "Target must match android-: got #{target}" unless target =~ /^android-(\d+)$/ abort "Minimum Android api level is #{MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SDK}: got #{target}" unless $1.to_i >= MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_SDK_LEVEL target_level = target[/\d+/].to_i update_android(target_level) update_test force, target_level else update_android update_test force end update_assets old_version update_ruboto force update_classes old_version, force update_dx_jar force update_jruby force, params['with-jruby'].value update_manifest nil, nil, force update_icons force update_core_classes 'exclude' update_bundle end end mode 'jruby' do argument('version') { required false description 'The JRuby version to install. The jruby-jars gem of the same version should be installed on your system already.' cast { |v| Gem::Version.new(v) } validate { |v| Gem::Version.correct?(v) } } option('force') { description "force an update even if the version hasn't changed" } def run update_jruby(params['force'].value, params['version'].value, true) || abort end end end mode 'setup' do require 'ruboto/util/setup' include Ruboto::Util::Setup option('target', 't') { description 'sets the target Android API level to set up for (example: -t android-16)' argument :required default DEFAULT_TARGET_SDK arity -1 cast { |t| t =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "android-#$1" : t } validate { |t| t =~ /^android-\d+$/ } } option('yes', 'y') { description 'answer "yes" to all interactive questions. Will automatically install needed components.' } def run setup_ruboto(params['yes'].value, params['target'].values) end end mode 'emulator' do require 'ruboto/util/emulator' include Ruboto::Util::Emulator extend Ruboto::Util::Verify api_level = project_api_level option('target', 't') { extend Ruboto::Util::Emulator description 'sets the target Android API level for the emulator' examples Ruboto::SdkVersions::API_LEVEL_TO_VERSION.keys.join(', ') required unless api_level argument :required default(api_level) if api_level cast { |t| t =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? "android-#$1" : t } validate { |t| t =~ /^android-(\d+)$/ && sdk_level_name($1.to_i) } } option('no-snapshot', 's') { extend Ruboto::Util::Emulator description 'do not use a snapshot when starting the emulator' } def run start_emulator(params['target'].value, params['no-snapshot'].value) end end option 'version' do description 'display ruboto version' end # just running `ruboto` def run # FIXME(uwe): Simplify when we stop supporting rubygems < 1.8.0 if Gem::Version.new(Gem::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('1.8.0') gem_spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_path 'ruboto' else gem_spec = Gem.searcher.find('ruboto') end # EMXIF version = gem_spec.version.version if params['version'].value puts version else puts %Q{ Ruboto -- Ruby for Android #{version} Execute `ruboto gen app --help` for instructions on how to generate a fresh Ruby-enabled Android app Execute `ruboto --help` for other options } end end end end end end end