Given /^the config file "(.+?)"$/ do |path, content| Fast.file.write path, content end When /^I start the runner$/ do @arguments ||= [] stdout: fake_stdout, config_file: 'config/main.yaml', log_file: 'log/main.log', arguments: @arguments ) end Then /^I should have '(.+?)' with value (\d+) in Configuration$/ do |key, value| Configuration.send(key.to_sym).should == value.to_i end When /^I info "(.+?)" in the Log$/ do |text| text end Then /^I should see "(.+?)" in blue in command line$/ do |text| fake_stdout.last.should == end And /^I should see "(.+?)" in the "(.+?)" file$/ do |text, file| include text end Given /^the command line arguments$/ do |argument_line| @arguments = argument_line.split " " end Then /^I should have (\d+) in '(.+?)' in '(.+?)'$/ do |value, subkey, key| Configuration.send(key.to_sym).send(subkey.to_sym) .should == value.to_i end Then /^I should have "(.+?)" in '(.+?)' in '(.+?)'$/ do |value, subkey, key| Configuration.send(key.to_sym).send(subkey.to_sym) .should == value end