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application (optional .)\n )\n (?:\n [\\.|~] # {Foo.bar} namespaced, {string|number} multiple, {Foo~bar} class-specific callback\n [a-zA-Z_$]+\n (?:\n [\\w$]* |\n \\.?<[\\w$]+(?:,\\s+[\\w$]+)*> # {Array} or {Object} type application (optional .)\n )\n )*\n )\n )\n # Check for suffix\n (?:\\[\\])? # {string[]} type application, an array of strings\n =? # {string=} optional parameter\n )\n)})\n\n\\s+\n\n(\n \\[ # [foo] optional parameter\n \\s*\n (?:\n [a-zA-Z_$][\\w$]*\n (?:\n (?:\\[\\])? # Foo[].bar properties within an array\n \\. # Foo.Bar namespaced parameter\n [a-zA-Z_$][\\w$]*\n )*\n (?:\n \\s*\n = # [foo=bar] Default parameter value\n \\s*\n [\\w$\\s]*\n )?\n )\n \\s*\n \\] |\n (?:\n [a-zA-Z_$][\\w$]*\n (?:\n (?:\\[\\])? # Foo[].bar properties within an array\n \\. # Foo.Bar namespaced parameter\n [a-zA-Z_$][\\w$]*\n )*\n )?\n)\n\n\\s+\n\n(?:-\\s+)? # optional hyphen before the description\n\n((?:(?!\\*\\/).)*) # The type description", "captures": { "0": { "name": 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[\\w$]* |\n \\.?<[\\w$]+(?:,\\s+[\\w$]+)*> # {Array} or {Object} type application (optional .)\n )\n )*\n \\) |\n [a-zA-Z_$]+\n (?:\n [\\w$]* |\n \\.?<[\\w$]+(?:,\\s+[\\w$]+)*> # {Array} or {Object} type application (optional .)\n )\n (?:\n [\\.|~] # {Foo.bar} namespaced, {string|number} multiple, {Foo~bar} class-specific callback\n [a-zA-Z_$]+\n (?:\n [\\w$]* |\n \\.?<[\\w$]+(?:,\\s+[\\w$]+)*> # {Array} or {Object} type application (optional .)\n )\n )*\n )\n )\n # Check for suffix\n (?:\\[\\])? # {string[]} type application, an array of strings\n =? # {string=} optional parameter\n )\n)})\n\n\\s+\n\n(?:-\\s+)? # optional hyphen before the description\n\n((?:(?!\\*\\/).)*) # The type description", "captures": { "0": { "name": "other.meta.jsdoc" }, "1": { "name": "entity.name.type.instance.jsdoc" }, "2": { "name": "other.description.jsdoc" } } } ] }, "jsx-tag-attributes": { "patterns": [ { "include": "#jsx-tag-attribute-name" }, { "include": "#jsx-tag-attribute-assignment" }, { 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