function WiceGridProcessor(name, base_request_for_filter, base_link_for_show_all_records, link_for_export, parameter_name_for_query_loading, parameter_name_for_focus, environment){ this.checkIfJsFrameworkIsLoaded = function(){ if (! jQuery){ alert("jQuery not loaded, WiceGrid cannot proceed!") } } this.checkIfJsFrameworkIsLoaded(); = name; this.parameter_name_for_query_loading = parameter_name_for_query_loading; this.parameter_name_for_focus = parameter_name_for_focus; this.base_request_for_filter = base_request_for_filter; this.base_link_for_show_all_records = base_link_for_show_all_records; this.link_for_export = link_for_export; this.filter_declarations = new Array(); this.environment = environment; this.toString = function(){ return ""; } this.process = function(dom_id_to_focus){ loc = this.build_url_with_params(dom_id_to_focus); window.location = loc; } this.reload_page_for_given_grid_state = function(grid_state){ var request_path = this.grid_state_to_request(grid_state); window.location = this.append_to_url(this.base_link_for_show_all_records, request_path); } this.load_query = function(query_id){ var request = this.append_to_url(this.build_url_with_params(), (this.parameter_name_for_query_loading + encodeURIComponent(query_id))); window.location = request; } this.save_query = function(query_name, base_path_to_query_controller, grid_state, input_ids){ if (input_ids instanceof Array) { input_ids.each(function(dom_id){ grid_state.push(['extra[' + dom_id + ']', $('#'+ dom_id)[0].value]) }); } var request_path = this.grid_state_to_request(grid_state); jQuery.ajax({ url: base_path_to_query_controller, async: true, data: request_path + '&query_name=' + encodeURIComponent(query_name), dataType: 'script', type: 'POST' }); } this.grid_state_to_request = function(grid_state){ return, function(pair){ return encodeURIComponent(pair[0]) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(pair[1]); }).join('&'); } this.append_to_url = function(url, str){ var sep; if (url.indexOf('?') != -1){ if (/[&\?]$/.exec(url)){ sep = ''; }else{ sep = '&'; } }else{ sep = '?'; } return url + sep + str; } this.build_url_with_params = function(dom_id_to_focus){ var results = new Array(); var _this = this; jQuery.each(this.filter_declarations, function(i, filter_declaration){ param = _this.read_values_and_form_query_string( filter_declaration.filter_name, filter_declaration.detached, filter_declaration.templates, filter_declaration.ids); if (param && param != ''){ results.push(param); } }); var res = this.base_request_for_filter; if ( results.length != 0){ all_filter_params = results.join('&'); res = this.append_to_url(res, all_filter_params); } if (dom_id_to_focus){ res = this.append_to_url(res, this.parameter_name_for_focus + dom_id_to_focus); } return res; } this.reset = function(){ console.log(this.base_request_for_filter); window.location = this.base_request_for_filter; } this.export_to_csv = function(){ window.location = this.link_for_export; } this.register = function(func){ this.filter_declarations.push(func); } this.read_values_and_form_query_string = function(filter_name, detached, templates, ids){ var res = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < templates.length; i++){ if($(ids[i]) == null){ if (this.environment == "development"){ message = 'WiceGrid: Error reading state of filter "' + filter_name + '". No DOM element with id "' + ids[i] + '" found.' if (detached){ message += 'You have declared "' + filter_name + '" as a detached filter but have not output it anywhere in the template. Read documentation about detached filters.' } alert(message); } return ''; } var el = $('#' + ids[i]); var val; if (el[0] && el[0].type == 'checkbox'){ if (el[0].checked) val = 1; } else { val = el.val(); } if (val instanceof Array) { for(j = 0; j < val.length; j++){ if (val[j] && val[j] != "") res.push(templates[i] + encodeURIComponent(val[j])); } } else if (val && val != ''){ res.push(templates[i] + encodeURIComponent(val)); } } return res.join('&'); } }; function toggle_multi_select(select_id, link_obj, expand_label, collapse_label) { var select = $('#' + select_id)[0]; if (select.multiple == true) { select.multiple = false; link_obj.title = expand_label; } else { select.multiple = true; link_obj.title = collapse_label; } } WiceGridProcessor._version = '0.4.3';